Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1332: Meteor falling

"I only have the third floor of Luo Tianshang."

"Take it down!" Wang looked at the piano and looked at the piano. "You don't know your strength. I suspect that Da Luo Jinxian may not be your opponent in the early days."

"Don't say this!" Qin double changed the topic: "When are you going to go?"

"After forty-five days, I will pick you up at the time, and the two of us will go together. We have a lot of people going to the house, and my older brother will go, and we will take the flying boat."

"it is good!"

The two men stopped talking about the matter, drinking a drink, and exchanged their thoughts on Xuan. Finally, they left the king and the monkeys of the millennium.

Qin double sent away to the king, returned to the back garden, stood in front of the flowers, indulged for a moment, looked up at the starry sky, shoulders vibrate, physique rushed to the endless starry sky.

This is a meteorite with a radius of more than 200 miles. The piano sits on the knees and is immersed in comprehension.


The reflection of the double eyes of the piano doubles is a flash of fire. It is the reflection of a meteor. Qin Shuang Huoran stood up from the meteorite and looked out over the sky. He saw thousands of meteors swooping toward her. Although they were very far apart, the deadly threat came from the heart of Qin Double.

"Meteor shower!"

"It seems like a sword pierces a 10,000-point star!"

Qin Shuang’s heart raised a hint of enlightenment, his eyes shrouded the meteor shower, and the backhand took out a December fruit, a few mouthfuls to eat, the soul blended with the stars, and the meteor shower continually hit the heart of the piano.

The meteor shower went straight to the piano, getting closer and closer, and the deadly danger was looming over the piano. However, the piano doubles are on the rock, not moving, and the eyes are shining.

She didn't know when she had already held the next product that she had made, and the next product was screaming gently.

The meteor in the void is closer to the piano. The more the sword in her hand vibrates, the louder the humming sound is, the more the comprehension of the body is filled, the more gaze in the eye.


The double pair of eyes of the piano suddenly slammed, and the fine mans shot, like two Changhong used to emptiness, and the sword in the hand stabbed the meteor.


As the sword doubled out, a light group was quickly formed in the sword's tip, like a star. The star suddenly exploded, split into countless pieces, lasing toward the opposite side, like a meteor shower, welcoming The meteor shower that rushed across from the opposite side.


There is a roar in the void, like a blooming fireworks, like two meteors and rivers constantly colliding in the void, constantly annihilating.


The real meteor shower is within the three interest rates, and there are only a few dozen left, but the sword that Qin Qin has stabbed is completely annihilated, and a meteor rushing to the front has already reached the front of the piano pair. The piano double can't dodge, and stabbed the sword in the hand.


Qin's next product fairy broke instantly.


The piano bleeds in the nose, but through the force of the sword in the oblique thorn, it flies away from the left oblique rear.

Dozens of meteors along the original trajectory, crossed in the field of the piano double, then turned into stars, and finally disappeared.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, floating in the void, closing his eyes. She was too late to heal, and she was immersed in the insights of her talents.

I don't know how long it took, and the jade jade hanging between the strings of the piano was shaken. The piano opened his eyes and his eyes showed excitement.

"I finally realized this style. This style is definitely the strongest one among all my current swords. The meteor sword method I created before is only a quick understanding of the meteor, but this style has a meteor. Impact and destruction. Just call it a meteor."

Qin double checked his body. After comprehending this period of time, his injury has healed. He explored the gods into the jade, and learned that he was waiting for himself at the gate of the city.

The piano doubled down to the Tianlin Star, and at the same time explored the gods and entered the town demon tower to see the Fengyu swords that they were warming.

Seeing those phoenix swords, the piano can't help but shake his head. The piano double has been in the spirit world for almost three years. So the town demon tower is almost three thousand years old, but this phoenix sword is in the town demon tower. It is better than the outside world to raise the celestial power, but it is only promoted to the fairyware in the master class. Moreover, I don’t know how many millions of years I need to look at these Fengyu swords and I want to upgrade them to the fairy realm.

The piano double minded a move, and the six-handed Feng Yu Dajian came out from the town demon tower, circled around the piano, and then merged into a big sword. The piano double took out a scabbard and inserted the big feather sword into the scabbard and backed it on the back.


Outside the gate of the home city, a flying boat stopped on the ground. Toward Wang and Xiangyang stand side by side. Suddenly looked up at the king, looking into the air, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the air, a little red quickly zoomed in, that is the piano double.

The red dress flutters, the skin is like snow, and it falls lightly in front of two people, with a smile:

"To the patriarch, to the brother!"

Looking at the eyes of Wang and Xiangyang, the eyes of the double figure are connected again and again. Xiangyang surprised:

"You have already been on the third floor of the heavens?"

To the king also surprised: "Your realm is so stable."

Qin binoculars swept through the two brothers, and the heart not only sighed the foundation of the big family. Today's sun is already the tenth peak of Luo Tianshang, and the king is already the eighth peak of the Tianxian period. However, the realm of the two people is not very stable. It seems that they have just broken through, and they have not realized in the void like Qinqin. They collided with the meteors and stabilized the realm.

"You two are also amazing!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The three people couldn’t help but laugh at the same time, Xiangyang Su said: “Please!”


Three people boarded the flying boat. When the piano eyes swept away, they saw hundreds of monks in the flying boat. Although the realm was different, everyone’s body exudes a strong atmosphere. At first glance, these people are all The elite of the family. However, in Qinshuang’s view, the strength is not enough to win the strongest. They just took the opportunity to smash the space tower, which is definitely a chance for them. Once they can comprehend a little space attribute, it is a big chance.

Xiang Rui and Xiang Lie also came with the team and were responsible for protecting the people inside the boat. At the same time, I also want to participate in the space tower ratio.

"Qin Shuang has seen two seniors."

I have to smile and say: "You are making rapid progress. I am afraid that it will not take long for you to catch up with their two old guys."


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