Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1403: Beyond

Confucius and Luo Qing’s heart was a glimpse. They only saw the piano double and defeated Jiang Xiang. However, I thought that the two of them were not the waste of Jiang Xiang. The two of them were on the top ten, one eighth and one ninth. Two people joined forces, but also afraid of the piano double a heavenly fairy?

"Kong, let go!" The two men just wanted to make a threat, and they heard the sound coming from the top. Kong Tong looked back, but it was Kong Tian of his family. I saw an anxious color on Kong Tian’s face and shouted again:

"Step aside!"

Kong Tong’s heart is a glimpse. He knows what kind of temper is Kong Tian. Before that, he still wants to kick the piano to the top ten, but in the two buildings, he said that the human race does not beat the human race. This is definitely not in conformity with Kong Tian. Character.

"Don't you... Kong Tian has already handed over the piano and was defeated?"

At the thought of this, Kong Han's cold sweat came out, and at this time the piano double was less than three meters away from her, and there was no pause in the footsteps, and she came directly to him. Kong Tong hurried to take a step toward the side and let the road open. Luo Qing also instinctively took a step toward the side, two people watched the doubles from the middle of the two of them.

Qin Double quickly went to Kong Tian's side and nodded to Kong Tian. Kong Tian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he did not say anything at the end. At this time, Qin Double took the initiative to open:

"I didn't find the secret of the human peak."

Kong Tian nodded and said: "I believe!"

Qin double nodded and went on. At this time she has stood at around 2,200 meters, and there are four people in front of her, Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan, Lu Tingfang and Xiang Lie.

Ouyang Yin has already reached about 2,700 meters at this time. Wang Dan is chasing after him. It is only a hundred meters away from Ouyang Yin. Lu Tingfang is about 2,400 meters away, and about 30 meters from Lu Tingfang. .

The forefront of Ouyang Yin’s progress has become difficult. Wang Dan, Lu Tingfang and Xiang Lie are even more uncomfortable, and their postures have begun to become somewhat shaken.

Qin double catches up with the fierce, whispered: "Predecessors, if you can't go up, stay here."

Xiang Lie immediately understood the meaning of Qin double, but still sighed a sigh:

"It's really old!"

Then he sat on the mountain with his knees, resisting the pressure, while looking at Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan, Lu Tingfang and Qin Shuang.

"She she she she... she actually surpassed the fierce?" Confucius and other big Luo Jinxian behind him looked at the back of the piano double.

"It seems like she has more strength!"

When Qin double climbed to a height of 2,500 meters, Lu Tingfang was only about 60 meters away from her. Ouyang Yin has already reached 2,800 meters.

The piano double felt the pressure that was hard to resist and the footsteps became heavy. Looked up and looked at the front of Ouyang Yin.

"It's so strong! Her repair is probably only a half-step nine-day Xuan Xian is only a line, and the realm of Yuanshen may have reached nine days of Xuan Xian."

Qin double sighs the strength of Ouyang Yin here, but I don't know that the big Luo Jinxian is also lamenting her power. A ninth floor of Luo Tianshangxian, even surpassed the glory of the late tenth layer of Da Luo Jinxian, the fourth-ranked Xiang Lie, did her strength have surpassed the enthusiasm?

Do not!

The high climb in the human peak does not mean that the real strength is strong!

In the heart of the piano, he sighed and said in his heart: "The phoenix **** god made me climb a thousand and eight hundred meters, and opened the white tiger god, but only walked seven hundred meters. The more the upward, the stronger the pressure."

The piano doubled the seal of the Xuanwu Yuanshen, and the three gods stood in the sea and became a three-team, resisting the pressure of the tide.

But even so, the two-step footsteps of the piano are no longer as easy as before, but become difficult. Qin double knows that this is because his own Xianyuan is not enough.

Nowadays, she relies on the power of the gods and the fairy power to resist the pressure of the human peak, and the strength of the ninth layer of her nine-day Xuanxian is of no use.

If it is resisting gravity, her body strength will play a big role, but this kind of non-gravity pressure is more directed at the Yuanshen, and it is a piggyback to Xianyuan. The Qinshen's realm of the Yuanshen is only the first layer of the Great Luo Jinxian. Even if the three yuan gods are formed into three talents, the Qinshuang feels the pressure of Tianwei.

Seeing that the pace of the piano pair has become difficult, those big Luo Jinxian are relieved. If they have come to this step, the piano pair is still so easy, are they these big Luo Jinxian 岂 not cultivated to the dog?

Ouyang Yin finally stood for three kilometers to tell, sweating like a pulp, legs such as filling lead, legs began to tremble, she sat on the mountain with her knees, silently mobilized. At this time, Wang Dan is swaying to approach the height of three kilometers, and Lu Tingfang is less than fifty meters away from three kilometers.

The piano stepped on the 2,900-meter step, and the figure began to shake. The whole person's clothes were soaked, just like they had just been fished out of the water.

"It’s the limit again, this time it’s only four hundred meters.”

Qinqin once again opened the Qinglong Yuanshen, and the four Yuanshen stood in the sea and became a four-image array. Qinqin felt that the pressure was slightly relaxed. Step up again and climb up.


Behind the Xiang Lie and Kong Tian and other people have widened their eyes and looked at the back of the piano pair with shock.

"Can you climb?"

Two people, Kong Wei and Luo Qing, opened their mouths and looked scared. The two men looked at each other and expressed the same meaning:

Fortunately, I just didn't block the piano!

Kong’s gaze fell on the back of Kong Tian, ​​and his eyes were smiling. It seems that Kong Tianzhen was suffering in the hands of the piano.

Qin double went to the 3,000-kilometer line. At this time, Wang Dan and Lu Tingfang also walked to the 3,000-kilometer line. Only Wang Dan and Lu Tingfang were sweaty at this time. They sat on the mountain like Ouyang Yin to restore interest. Qin double stood on the 3,000-kilometer line and frowned. She still could not find the secret of Renjiefeng. She was able to climb up, looked up and looked up, and said in her heart:

"I still don't believe it."

Stepping over three kilometers, just this step, the three people who were adjusting their interest opened their eyes and looked at the piano pair with shock. That is, Ouyang Yin is no exception.

"She...a Luo Tianshangxian...can actually cross three kilometers?"

"Qin double!"

Qin doubled his foot and looked back at Ouyang Yin. Ouyang Yinmu is now a colorful road:

"You... found the secret of the human peak?"

“No!” Qin double shook his head: “Ouyang Yin, what do you know about Renjiefeng?”

"No!" Ouyang Yin shook his head: "This kind of pressure is not gravity, nor is it completely aimed at Xianyuan, nor is it completely aimed at the Yuanshen. It is a very strange pressure to say that it is not clear. I think we Just figure out what this is, and you can find its secret."


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