Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1404: Ouyang Yin comprehension

Qin doubled his brow and nodded. "Yes, for the Yuanshen, it is only a slap in the face, but the feeling is not completely aimed at the gods. That is to say, this secret does not seem to be about the strength of the body, Xianyuan. And the **** of the gods."

"Not bad!" Ouyang Yin nodded.

"What will it be?" Lu Tingfang said.

"I don't know." Qin and Ouyang Yinqi shook their heads.

"Qin double, how can you go so far?" Wang Dan looked at the piano with a burning gaze.

"The practice of my cultivation is different."

Qin double said faintly, then no longer speak, see Qin double do not want to say, Wang Dan no longer ask. Ouyang Yin opens:

"Can you go up?"


"Then let's go first, I hope you can find the secret. I will keep up with it later."

Qin nodded, took a step, stepped forward, and turned back: "If I find the secret, I will not hide it."

Ouyang Yin’s face showed a happy color: “If I find a secret, I will not hide it.”

"So are we!"

Wang Dan and Lu Tingfang also spoke. At this moment, four people reached an agreement. Qin double step forward toward the front, Lu Tingfang looked at the back of the piano pair and said:

"What kind of exercises did she practice? Is it true that the realm of Yuanshen has reached nine days?"

"It shouldn't be." Ouyang Yin shook his head and said: "Her Yuan's realm should be no better than us, not as good as us..."

"Then she..."

"I understand!" Ouyang Yin's eyes flashed a wise light: "Her gods should be more solid, she must have the practice of concise the gods."

Wang Dan and Lu Tingfang jumped in the heart. They naturally understood why everyone is the peak of the tenth layer of Da Luo Jinxian, but the real strength is not different.

If the realm is regarded as the volume, the difference between the gods and the gods is the quality. Can the same volume of cotton and the same volume of iron be the same weight?

This is the difference.

That is to say, the monks of the same realm will be different because of the different degrees of condensed spirits of the gods.

At this time, Ouyang Yin, Wang Dan and Lu Tingfang all believed that Qinshuang’s Yuanshen condensed should be very strong, far surpassing them, so they would take a three-kilometer height with the first layer of Da Luo Jinxian.

not to mention……

Fang Caiqin also said that her cultivation is different.

In this way, Ouyang Yin also believes that Qin Double has not yet realized the secret of Renjiefeng, and is not too interested in Qin Double's practice.

Because of the condensed god, even if there is no practice, it can be concise, but it takes time. Just like the piano double, although there is a royal thunder, but there is no time to consolidate, it is a truth.

Qinshuang climbed to a height of 3,300 meters and stopped. She couldn’t stand it anymore. The pressure was getting stronger and stronger. She looked up at the peak of the human world and felt like a Ants.

"What is this pressure for? What needs to be able to crack the pressure here?

The four gods have already tried it, and Yuan Li has tried it, and the strength of the body has also been tried. What exactly is it?

Is it the **** of yang? ”

Qin double minded a move, unsealed the seal of the Yangshen, and transferred the Yangshen directly to the sea of ​​knowledge. A Yangshen and the four great gods constructed a five-line array to jointly resist the pressure.

The pressure on the body feels loose, but the piano is not happy. She can feel that the pressure of the human peak has an impact on the sun, but it still feels that it is not completely aimed at the sun.

"Let's go up and see, maybe you can find the reason!"

Qinqin once again stepped forward, letting the chin of the eighteen Luo Jinxian behind him almost fell.

"Can she still go?"

Under the peak of the human world, countless monks also looked up and made a burst of exclamation. The exclamation, even reached the opposite demon peak.

On the peak of the demon world.

At a height of three kilometers, the Taishui could not help but look at the human peak. The brow was a pick. He saw a monk climbing up, which was more than 3,400 meters. The monk did not know. Although it is a female repair, it is definitely not Ouyang Yin.

"Who is she?" The brow furrowed slightly, and then stretched out, and the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted: "The Terran has such a shocking and glamorous generation, and it is more and more interesting."

Three thousand five hundred meters.

I personally stopped, then sat down on the mountain and closed my eyes. She did not find the secret of the human peak, but found the benefits of the human peak can bring her benefits.

There are several advantages to the benefits.

On the one hand, she found that the pressure of the human boundary peak can make the Yuanshen and the Yangshen continue to consolidate. Qinqin is found at this height, and its effect is not weaker than Yu Leiqiu.

Of course, this is because Qinshuang’s Yangshen and Yuanshen are still unable to enter the thunder layer. They can only absorb the thunder attribute particles of space. If Yuanshen and Yangshen cultivate to a certain level, they can enter the thunder layer to cultivate the thunder. Quenching the articles, it is not the comparison of the pressure of this human peak.

"But..." Qin double looked up and looked at the human peak: "The more the pressure of this person's peak is the upward, the stronger the pressure, the greater the quenching effect on the gods and the gods. Even this trip. I can't find the real secret of the human world, and it is worthwhile to be able to temper the gods and the gods here."

"And, the pressure here has a very good effect on the compression and consolidation of Yuanli. It is of no use to the strength of the body, and some regrets."

Qinqin double knees sitting on the mountain, began to use the power of the human peak to the Yuanshen, Yangshen and Yuanli began to compress and concise.

At three kilometers.

Ouyang Yin and other monks are also thinking about the secrets of the human peak. Ouyang Yin is the same as Qinshuang. He is thinking about what other aspects he has not tried. Unlike the Qinshuang, Qinshuang suddenly discovered the pressure of the human peak. It has a very large effect on the compression and consolidation of Yuanshen, Yangshen and Yuanli. It temporarily puts down the secret of exploring the peaks of the human world and begins to consolidate and compress the Yuanshen, Yangshen and Yuanli. Ouyang Yin is constantly trying his own aspects.

She has used the space attribute and still has no effect.

"What is the potential and intention?"

Ouyang Yin slightly frowned, and now only the potential and intention have not been tried, and she feels that the potential and intention should not have any effect. However, she is still able to release the situation to try.


Ouyang Yin's look is a change, that is, Wang Dan and others who are sitting in a line with her knees are also changed, because the human peaks under them have changed in the moment when Ouyang Yin released the momentum.


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