Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1442: What about the idiot?


At this time, the whirlpool of the fairy swells in the sky dispersed, and the piano double broke through. The flesh of the body turned into a streamer and returned to the Dantian of Qinshuang, sitting cross-legged and began to repair his broken body.

The body shape of the piano double appeared, and his eyes looked out a thousand miles away.

At this time, the Yao and the Terran monks also saw the breakthrough of the Qin double, but the Terran did not have much joy, the Qin double is more powerful, and it is only a person, and it is just the first layer of the Da Luo Jinxian that has just broken through. Submerged among the 20 million demon monks, it is like a wave, and will be submerged in an instant, and there will be no help for the ending of the Terran.

At this time, the hearts of the Terran monks are full of despair.

These more than 30 million monks, but the last elite of the Terran. Once the more than three thousand people of the monks fell here, the Terran no longer resisted the power of the Yaozu.

Kill the family!

These two words hit the hearts of every human monk, and the atmosphere of despair spread. I went to the king and took a **** look. I looked up a thousand miles away and shouted in my heart.

"Piano double, escape, hurry!"

a long distance away.

The piano double regained his gaze and then looked up into the air.


Suddenly it was dark, the thick black clouds quickly merged, the sky seemed to be lowered, and the power of Tianwei shrouded the earth, making the Qin double seem so small.

"This time it should be the ninety-nine yellow thunder, but it is the emperor's robbery! I don't know if my water thunder beads can block it. However, my mine beadball battle has consumed a lot of thunder, it is going to take advantage of the sky. Add some to the robbery."

The piano doubled and thought, and fifteen water mines became an umbrella. The piano double reached out and gently grasped the handle.


A large thunder descended from the sky, full of bucket-like thickness, but yellow, and the emperor was majestic, making the four fields surrender.

That Huang Lei has not yet fallen, so that the majesty of the Qin double surrender comes to the body of Qin double, want to force the piano to kneel down, the five bodies cast.

The piano eyes are burning, and after one hand is carrying the back, one hand holds the water thunder umbrella, and the waist is quite straight.


The first yellow thunder bombarded the water curtain cover, blasted on time, spread on the umbrella cover as the lake rippled, and then fell from the edge of the umbrella, like a waterfall.

a long distance away.

Both the Terran and the Demon monks looked at the double robbery in vain. Most of the monks did not know why the robbery of Qin Shuangdu was a yellow thunder.

Is this mine still yellow?

I don't even know that this is the emperor! These monks have never seen the king of Xian, where do you know what the emperor is?

However, this does not prevent them from perceiving the power of the ninety-nine Huang Lei, and each of them has a cold sweat.

"She, she...she...what is this robbery?"

Under the umbrella cover, the double eyebrows of the piano are light, and the heart floats with joy.

"This water mine can really stop the emperor's robbery, then let the thunder robbery come even more fierce."

a long distance away.

Qin double suddenly looked at the big demon.

The piano stepped out in one step.

It’s a long way to go.

The next moment, it appeared in the big demon.


One of the demon monks issued a scream of horror. They all know that when a monk is robbed, it is impossible for other monks to enter the scope of the robbery. Once inside, it will be seen as a robbery in the help of the robbery, will lock the person, and then increase the intensity of the robbery as the number of monks within the scope of the robbery.

And the piano double rushed into the big demon!

Does she want to live?

Sure enough, the robbery clouds in the sky boiled up. In the squad of the demon, countless demon monks felt that they were locked by the thunderbolt, and they remembered the yellow ray that had just slammed the piano pair. Their faces were green.

I haven't waited for them to understand why the piano double did this, and saw countless yellow thunders falling from the sky, as a thunder pool landed, and bombarded all the demon monks locked by the thunder.

The piano is also very nervous. She can perceive that the Thunder is almost twice as powerful as the Thunder. Although it is still yellow, the color is deeper.

The Terran monks in the central gossip lock array, staring at the demon monks who each sacrificed their own demon, greeted the thunder.


The demon soldiers were under the yellow thunder, and they were so vulnerable that they immediately smashed and thundered and bombarded them without stopping.

Emperor robbing!

Where are these monks able to resist? If the piano does not have fifteen water thunder beads, she has already vanished at this time.

Qin double in the Wan Yao big battle rampage, she did not cause much casualties to the Wan Yao big array, but the emperor robbery gave the Wan Yao big ruin-like blow. Where the Qin double rushed to the battle, how many demon monks locked in the robbery, those demon monks no matter where they fly, they will be smothered by the emperor's robbery, and the body will die.


"A little farther away from the piano!"

"Don't be locked up by the sky!"


Which are far from the piano, and the demon who has not been locked by the smugglers screamed and fled, but only in less than ten years, only the Qinshuang and the distant gossip locks were left.


A burst of the dragon screams, I saw a red dragon coming from a distance, and standing on the faucet with one hand, the clothes fluttering.

Dragon God Jun!

People are heroic!

"Too fight!"

The demon who fled to the distance exclaimed, and at this time the Terran monks also saw the one dragon, but it was the demon emperor who had been hidden.

The Taiyue War stopped at a distance of two hundred miles away from the piano, standing on the faucet and looking at the piano pair beyond the hundred miles.

I saw the piano double red, holding an umbrella, the umbrella on the thunder like a stream, hanging from the edge of the umbrella cover, the shadow of the double figure hidden.

"Too fight, what are you doing here?" Red Flame, who fled to the distance, suddenly shouted.

The Taishou did not look at the red flame at all, and the eyes only looked at the piano pair that was hundreds of miles away. Red flame face rose red:

"Too fight, you are not a demon now..."

The corner of the Tai War’s mouth was full of sarcasm, and his eyes squinted at the red flame.

"What are you counting? If it wasn't for the double-shot of the piano that ruined my Tianhuo, let me be injured in the border of the human world, where is the turn of the game like no phase?

Look at yourself, the demon, the darling of the heavens and the earth, who once drove the Terran, leaving only the corner of the East. Show the glory of the Yaozu.


You look at it now, the Yaozu is led by you idiots, and even the people have been killed by the people, it really makes the whole Yaozu shame, so that the demon's ancestors are shamed.


Like the idiot without phase? ”

The demon monk, such as Chi Yan, has a sullen face and a shameful color on his face. However, they dare not go forward and have deep jealousy about the Taiyuan War.

"Answer me, like the idiot without phase?"


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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