Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1443: future

"Dead...dead!" There is a demon monk who is afraid.

"Dead is good, this idiot is dead early, it is to contribute to the Yaozu.


Only in the hands of the Emperor can you be brilliant. As long as ten years, Emperor will lead the Yaozu into the corner of the East, turn all Terrans into slaves of the Yaozu, unify the entire Tianlin Star, and turn Tianlin Star into the territory of our Yaozu. ”

The demon monks are inconceivable and silent.

After the demon emperor left a disdainful sneer, he turned to look at the piano double, disdain and converge, revealing a smile:

"Piano double, like no phase is you killing?"

The piano under the umbrella nodded slightly: "Not bad!"

"I didn't think that you broke through to Da Luo Jinxian so quickly, and killed the idiot like no phase, and drove the Yaozu. People like you, once grown up, will become the enemy of my Yaozu."

The momentum of the Taihuo is gradually blooming, and the gas of killing is filled with space.

"You are a human race, I am a Yaozu. You want to protect the Terran, I want to annex the Terran. So, I must kill you, only to kill you, the Yaozu will have a future."

The demon people have changed in color, and they looked at the piano pair with gaze. The words of the Taiji war reminded them that Qinqin can kill like no phase when it has not completely broken through. If the piano double grows up, Tianlin is on the planet, who else is the opponent of Qinshuang?

The monks of the Terran have also changed. They are now truly aware of the power of the piano. It is unceremonious to say that Qin is the future of the Terran. If you fight too much, you will kill the future of the Terran.

The Taishou is fixedly looking at the piano pair beyond the hundred miles, looking straight at the double eyes of the piano, condensing the voice:

"Qin double, can you dare to fight me fair?"

The two pairs of pianos picked up two crescent teeth and nodded lightly:

"Demon Emperor, you have to fight for a future for the Yaozu, I have to fight for a future for the Terran. Please the Emperor later, after I have finished the robbery, you and I will fight forever!"

The demon people are stunned, and when the doubles and the elephants have no relative war, they never admit that they are like no emperors. However, at this time, he acknowledged the identity of the demon emperor of the Taishi War, and he can be respected for the Taiyuan War. The face of the Taiyue War is also awe-inspiring, and the eyes sweep over the Terran monks in the distance:

"Strong as a piano, should you be a man?"

Qin double recognized his position as a demon emperor, and he would have to win the position of the emperor for the piano. The monks of all races nodded and no one disagreed. It can be said that if today's Qin doubles are robbed here, the last elite of their race, the thousands of monks, I am afraid that they will all fall into the squad. The Terran will be completely enslaved by the Yaozu in the near future.

Qin double shook his head: "The name of the emperor is too high, the piano can't afford it, let the monks of other planets know that it makes people laugh with white. And I once had my own title."


When the piano doubles out, it is not only interested in the Taiyuan War, but also all the Terran and the Yaozu Monks, and there is interest in the heart. The eyes converge on the body of the piano. Taidao sees the ceremony:

"Please also ask the Taoist friend."

The eyes of Qin double became blurred, as if they were caught in memories. At this time, the nine thunders fell, and the tenth thunder was still brewing, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

After the interest rate, the sound of the piano double passed through the umbrella-like thunder.

"Yue Huang Qin double!"

When the last Thunder landed, the wind whistled, and the tens of millions of monks screamed fiercely, the robbery cloud had dispersed, the sky returned to light, but the sun was not dazzling, as if it was a layer of killing hidden. It has become a mystery and a mystery.

The mountains are stacked, the green fields are green, the winds break the big trees, and the big rocks roll off the top of the mountain.

A tornado like a dragon swept through the green fields, rolling up countless Terrans and demon corpses on the ground, and the bodies of the sky fluttered, **** rain. When the hurricane was blown, the corpse of the sky fell.

Another tornado was blown, and the body that had been broken was rolled up again, and then the body was further broken, and the wind fell and fell from the air again.

It’s violent and bloody, it’s fierce and crazy.


The thunder and lightning blew, and the rainstorm was like a note. The monks on the ground supported the hoods to cover the rain line, like a lotus flower, forming a lotus sea.

In the endless end of the lotus sea, two people did not release the vitality shield, the whole body was exposed to the storm, allowing the raindrops of the beans to pour intensively on both of them.

A yellow robe.

A red dress.

The yellow robe was too empty, and the red piano doubles also put up the water thunder beads and wrapped them around the right wrist. The two people seem to rise to the flames, and the clothes that have been poured on them are instantly dried, and the raindrops around them become water vapor and linger.


The two great monks suddenly soared, and the raindrops that fell to them both spurred in all directions, like countless arrows, smashing all the raindrops, and the space actually sounded the sound of swords, just imposing the raindrops. Let the raindrops turn the sword and scream.

The demon emperor was still standing still, but there was a sea of ​​fire behind him.


The field of fire!

From the field of fire, the dense crows flew out, covering the sky, like an endless cloud of fire, pouring toward the piano.

There is also a sea of ​​fire behind the piano double, which is also the field of fire. A fire phoenix circling out from the field of fire, and the phoenix rushed to meet the fire ravens.

The wings of the phoenix phoenix unfolded, and a phoenix feather was like a sword with the same handle, and it was cut toward the fire ravens. The fire crows were not willing to show weakness, and they greeted the wings with Feng Yu, like numerous swords in a dense and constant collision.

One by one, the monks were shocked, and they all made magical powers, and they retreated.

The Kong family’s long Kong Ling’s look changed, and she raised a silk slap. The Sippa Festival was in the air, and it opened quickly. The Bailian figure in the Silka show burst into flames, blocking all the Terran monks. At the same time, Chi Yan also sacrificed a long gun in his hand. The long gun lay on the ground, but grew up instantly, like a fiery red wall, blocking the front of the demon.

The two sides had just sacrificed the baby, and they heard the sound of the sound of Jian Jianming intensively, and then the sound of the intensive sword air broke. The fire phoenix and the firecracker-like feathers collided with each other and collided with a flaming red sword. They criss-crossed in space and smashed into all directions.

The flaming swords are only a few inches, while others stretch for a few miles. Hit the silk and the red flame gun, making a squeaking sound. Fortunately, this is only the Yu Wei of the double and the battle of the Tai, and the repair of Chi Yan and Kong Ling is not weak, blocking the attack of Jianqi. However, this also makes the monks in the back feel horrified. If there is no sip of Kong Ling, there is no red flame gun of the red flame, they will hold up the defensive shield, I am afraid there will be a large piece of death in the double and the battle. Yu Wei.


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