Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1448: Fight for

The bones that have just healed begin to break again. However, the piano double stood up, but his face was pale and like a paper. He took a deep breath and just wanted to sacrifice the water thunder. He felt a rush of speed and then heard a knife.


The bright knife sounds like a dragon, and a magic cloud has blown like a wind. The monks were shocked in their hearts, that is, the two nine-day Xuan Xian ancestors could not help but have a meal. Neither of them knew that this magic cloud was an enemy or a friend.

Just in the pause between their two minds, the magic cloud rushed to the front of the Qinshuang and Taizheng, and the magic cloud took out a knife. The knife was like a lightning knife in front of the Taihuo.


The knives had not yet smashed into the battle, but suddenly burst, hundreds of fragments, wrapped in magical powers, the body of the martial arts in the bang, the body of the Taihuo smashed into a sieve from head to toe.

The magic cloud instantly went away, like a dark cloud, fluttering rapidly in the wind, and then fell into the ground, the magic cloud caught, disappeared between the mountains.

The territorial battle on the ground collapsed. Originally, he was double-created by the piano. He burned 80% of the blood and was not far from death. Being slain by a knife, not only smashed the body, but even the gods were smashed, and they could not die any more.

Not bad!

It’s the arrogance that is hidden in the magic cloud. The timing of his grasp is very good, and the action is extremely fast. From the appearance of him to the killing of the Taishi, the last time, the total time is less than a moment, that is, let the two Nine-day Xuan Xian did not respond. No one would have thought that in the double battle between the Qin and the Taizheng, there would suddenly be a person who gave the last fatal blow to the Taishi.

The body of the Taishi War collapsed, and the space suddenly swayed. Like a huge stone thrown into the lake, the space oscillated in a circle, but in the middle of the hustle, there was a space entrance.

This is the world!

The piano doubles in the heart, she once heard the Taiji war, the top family in the Yaozu, from birth to bring a world, and the Taihuo is a descendant of the three-legged Jinwu, the body's own space.

It is Confucius and Confucius. Seeing this situation, it is also a binocular beam. Then he gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing. The two nine-day Xuan Xian invariably flew toward the center of the hustle and bustle of space, the entrance to the inner space.

What is a treasure worthy of the nine-day Xuanxian?

Will there be?


Both of them valued the Shouyuan of the Taishi!

The Shouyuan of the Taiji War did not run out. He did not die of the life of the Yuan Yuan. So after his death, his life will be turned into a long river in Shouyuan. As long as this longevity is swallowed up, he will be able to grow Shouyuan.

Confucius or sorrow, these two great monks are all hopeless to break through the immortal, and there is not much left in Shouyuan. This is the return to Tianlinxing from the outside, and the age of the war is very small. If you can swallow the Shouyuan of the Taizheng and turn it into your own life, you may have the opportunity to break through Xianjun.

This attraction is so attractive to the two big monks who are dying, and the eyes are red.

This opportunity is really rare!

Not all monks have died, and they have been left by Shouyuan. Only the monks who have the boundaries will have Shouyuan left. How many monks in the world have bounds?

"you dare?"

He and Kong Zhi almost sighed at the same time, because at this time, the piano double from the entrance to the space suddenly jumped into it.

The tens of millions of monks watching around have reacted at this time. Isn't this a mystery?

Only this secret is just born!

The secret of the demon! Who knows what treasures are there, one by one, rushing into the entrance to the secret.

A monk like Taihu is almost the first person under the shackles. Under the demon, there is a demon. On top of the demon, there are absolutely many treasures collected in a lifetime. All monks, be they are demon, or The Terran has red eyes.

The life of the piano double "嗖" rushed into the secret environment, and it was very broad inside the secret, the mountains were stacked, but it was a fiery red.

The mountain is a fiery mountain, the tree is a fiery tree, and the sea is a fiery sea. This is a world of fire.

When the piano looked up, he saw a round of beautiful day hanging in the sky, emitting a hot glow.

Know the sea.

The fire and the phoenix gods are eager to jump. In the eyebrows of the fire and phoenix gods, there is a burst of flames and excitement, which is the kind of fire that Qinqin cultivated.

Qin Double quickly understood that the Huanghuang Day was the kind of fire that was cultivated in the Taiji War.

A three-legged Jinwu descendant, born with a kind of fire, is not surprising. If the fire of the Qinshuang can swallow the three-legged Jinwu fire, it will certainly grow.

The piano takes a step!

Close to the horizon!

Quickly approached the Huanghuang Day, while Zhang opened his mouth toward the Huanghuang Day. ,

In fact, it is not that the piano pair is sucking in the big day, and the repair of the piano double can't be sucked in. Qin doubled the town demon tower in the mouth, at this time the tower of the town demon tower opened, a golden light to the day of the glory of the day, the glory of the day was lighted by the golden light, and quickly zoomed out, shot toward the mouth of the piano double.

At this time, Yan and Kong Zhi had already rushed into the secret environment. At a glance, they saw that Qinqin was absorbing the great day of the Huanghuang, but the two great monks did not take care of the piano. The Huanghuang Day is good, but they are more concerned about Longevity River.

The two great monks quickly spread and disappeared, and then the sound of "嗖" disappeared.


A group of monks rushed into the secret world. The monks of the Terran saw the Qins in the collection of the Huanghuang Day, and did not go to the Qin double to snatch, there are treasures in the secret, why bother to compete with the Qin double, Qin double just saved them all The human race, no less than a last resort, they can not pull their faces.

How can you just start with someone who has just been saved?

So many people here look at it, and who else is willing to interact with you in the future, isn’t it difficult to walk?

However, the demon monks did not have these jealousy, but most of the demon monks did not dare to provoke the piano doubles. Didn't see the double-killing of the doubles, and the Taihuo was beaten by the piano?

However, Dairo Jinxian, such as Chi Yan and Fengque, looked at Qinshuang. They all saw the piano being seriously injured.

He is ill and wants him.

A stalked demon soldier was sacrificed and went to the piano. At the same time, one big hand continued to spread and caught the past with the shrinking Huanghuang Day.

However, they were a step after all. Before their demon and Yuanli masters had not arrived, the Huanghuang Day was swallowed by the piano and entered the town demon tower.

Qin double haha ​​laughed, stepping on the footsteps, stepping into the air and stepping out again and again, between the public demon soldiers and the Yuanli big hand, between the half interest, they shuttled to the periphery, and then stepped out and disappeared.

Close to the horizon!



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