Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1449: Dangerous

There was a huge roar in the distance, and the secrets of the entire Taiyue were shaking. The shape of the piano pair was in the air, and it was revealed and stared.

I saw that on a long river, Yan and Kong Zhi were fighting fiercely. While fighting, take time to collect the river.

"The river..."

The eyes of Qin double fell on the river, and the eyelids were a jump.

She smelled the familiar question from the river.

She once refines the Lunzhu of the New Year, and smells the taste of the Lunzhu from the river.

"Don't you... that river can grow Shouyuan?"

No one will feel that their life is more than a long time. Although the piano is young and has a lot of Shouyuan, who knows which level will be the cardholder and consumes his life?

Qinqin immediately took one step.

Close to the horizon!

"噗通", he jumped into the long river of Shouyuan, Zhang opened, the town demon tower in the mouth opened the tower door, the river swarmed in. While being sucked into the town demon tower, there are also rivers that are swallowed by the piano.

In an instant, she felt that her life is growing.

"Looking for death!" 夔 anger: "Capturing the fire, has let you go, even dare to win the long river!"

He slammed his back and slammed it toward the piano. And Kong Zhi is also angry in his heart. In terms of Shouyuan, let alone Qinqin is a human race. Even if Qinshuang is his biological daughter, he will not be polite. Extend the index finger and press down on the piano.

The piano holds the water thunder sword in both hands, and the power of the peak of the ninth layer of the nine-day Xuanxian erupted out, facing the sturdy vitality and a sword.


The Yuanli big hand was smashed into the second from the middle of the piano, and the palms of the two halves fell on the long river of Shouyuan, which aroused the waves of Baizhang. After being covered by the big sleeves of the Confucius, he was taken up.

At the same time, the index finger has been pressed to the front of the piano. The double left fist of the piano violently banged to the finger.


Qin’s fist was stabbed out of a blood hole, and his left arm was swayed. The index finger was still on, and he was on the chest of the piano.


Such as the same big gun, stabbing the piano double right chest, the right chest of the piano doubled out a blood hole, the blood sprayed out.

The piano double stepped on the empty step, and the figure disappeared instantly, fleeing toward the exit.


There was a roar in the back, and the piano looked around and saw that he and Kong Zhi had fought again. Although Qin double robbed some Shouyuan River water, but after all, not many, the two big monks still put the goal on the long river of Shouyuan.


Seeing that the two great monks did not pursue her, the piano doubled a long sigh of relief and fled to the exit.

Suddenly, she felt a dark head and sucked herself up. Looking up, I saw the wind bird holding a gourd, and I was being absorbed by the gourd.

Suddenly, there was no time to react, and the body of the piano double was sucked into the gourd.

The wind finch laughed, put away the gourd, and swept away toward the exit. No longer explore the secrets of the Taishi War. He saw the piano double-fired, and the piano was also under the rule of the human race. On top of the 10,000 people, the treasures of the piano must not be less than the war. As long as he left the secret environment, he hid and refining the piano pair, and the treasures of the fire and the piano were owned by her.

The piano double enters the gourd, and immediately a dense wind blade cuts into her body.


The body that was not fully recovered, and cracks began to appear.

The piano double used a myriad of celestial forces to prop up a defensive shield, blocking the attack of the wind blade. However, the wind blade is very dense and strong, and the piano double can only maintain the defensive shield only by continuously transmitting the force. In this way, the remaining ones of the celestial force are not enough to support the half-quarter time.

With the protection of the defensive shield, the body of the piano double is not attacked again. With the help of three Vientiane fruits, the body function is rapidly recovered, the crack of the bone begins to shrink and disappear, and the granulation is born and creeps at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qinshuang first took out a returning Yuandan suit, restored the consumption of Xianyuan, and took out the Nether Lotus Seed Liquid and drank five drops. The power of Xianyuan and Yuanshen was recovering quickly. Only Qin double has not developed the medicinal herbs to cultivate and restore the gods.

After finishing all this, the piano double looked around and saw that there was a small gourd space inside, and the intensive wind blade was constantly generated from the gourd, circling towards her. The piano doubles the mind and the water thunder beads become a huge axe. The piano holds the giant axe in both hands and cuts continuously toward the wall of the gourd.


After cutting hundreds of axes in succession, I didn’t even pull the gourd out of a gap. Every axe pulled out, and the double pair would feel the accumulation of numerous wind blades from the wall of the gourd, reducing their own strength. The axe is useless.

"I see how you weaken this time!"

Qin double throws the big axe at the bottom of the gourd, and the mind is moving, the big axe becomes a stick. Piano double light drink:

"Long, long, long..."

I saw that the stick grew up quickly and quickly became a large pillar, reaching the gourd cover. The cracking sound of the broken wind blade sounded.

With an axe, it is explosive, and the gourd can bounce with the wind blade and reduce the power of the cut. However, the water thunder beads have become pillars and continue to grow up, that is, lasting power, even if the wind blade rebounds and reduces, it can not slow down the growth of the column.


As soon as the sound of the bell hit, the water mine became a pillar and broke the wind blade, hitting the gourd cover.

In the heart of the wind, I grabbed my gourd, and the gods explored it. The face was changed. The gourd was thrown into the air and repeatedly shouted:

"Big greatly big..."

The gourd quickly became bigger, like a gourd-shaped mountain. The piano stands under the giant pillar. At this time, it is as small as an ant.

"Long, long, long..."

The gourd grew to five hundred feet and reached the limit, but the pillars of the watermines were still long.


A burst of sour sound, a bang, the gourd was blasted by the water mine.


Qin Shuang just got out of the gourd, and then swept past the windy bird like a strong wind, holding the pillars of water and thunder beads in his hands, and smashed toward the wind.

The windfinch is in its original shape. It is a windfinch that opens its wings and goes away like a wind.


The double stick of the piano double smashed the space, and numerous cracks swelled in and out. Suddenly, the heart jumped, and the wind bird quickly flew back. Two sharp claws were found from the clouds, facing the piano. Come over.

The two claws; in the circle of the circle, each claw is like a downturned mountain peak, the piano double hands holding the giant column, and the wind finch hit the past.


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