Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1451: This is an opportunity.

The piano is standing in the air, and it is felt that the three Vikings are rapidly repairing their bodies. Huidan and the Nether Lotus are also recovering their strength and strength. The body has been repaired by 40%, and the power of Yuanli and Yuanshen has recovered by 50%.

The piano doubles silently, these two can be the ninth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, the difference is the nine-day Xuanxian peak. Qin double is not an opponent at all, even if the strength of the body is in front of the two big monks, it is not dominant. What else is there?

not to mention……

Today's Qin double is not half the usual because of injuries.

How to fight this?

Therefore, the piano can drag a little time, dragging a little time, so that you can recover your body a little more.

However, the two nine-day Xuan Xian could not accompany the piano pair in the air so stupid, was seen by tens of millions of monks as monkeys.

My eyes are not concealing my own killings, staring at the double track:

"Qin double, hand over the Shouyuan River, I will not care about the things between you and the Yaozu. Otherwise, it is when you enter the earth, I am more than you."

"With me, you don't have to be afraid of him!" Kong Zhi said leisurely: "As long as you give me the Shouyuan River water, I will keep you safe. And I can admit that you are a Terran."

The Terran monks who watched it all started to feel awkward. The piano doubled up as the emperor, and was sealed by the nine-day Xuanxian ancestor. It is definitely two concepts.

With nine days of Xuan Xian, and still the support of the only nine-day Xuan Xian of the Terran, no one dares not to accept the Qin double, dare not recognize the name of the Emperor.

The piano is still silent, and Kong Zhi slightly wrinkled his brow:

"The old man has limited time. How are you thinking about it?"

Qinqin knows that he can't drag on, and he smiles faintly: "The predecessor of the hole, you said that if I handed the Shouyuan River water to you, would you keep me safe?"

"Yes!" Kong Zhi’s eyes lit up: "The old man spoke."

"Is that if I don't give Shouyuan River water to you, I will have something, not safe?"

"You..." Kong Zhi’s eyes were as sharp as a sword.

"It doesn't mean anything." Qin said faintly: "The things I got were mine, and my peace never depended on others. My destiny can only be in my own hands."

Kong Zhi was anxious and smiled: "Good! Good! Good! I want to see how you master your destiny."

When the words fell, Kong Zhi stepped back and gave the space to the piano and the pipa. The meaning is very clear. Do you have to master your own destiny?

Then you have to deal with it yourself!

His eyes were bright, and he looked at Kong Zhi. He wanted to determine if Kong Zhi was really not going to take it. At this time, Qin double also looked at Kong Zhi, with a smile:

"The predecessors of the hole, you and your predecessors have vowed not to participate in the dispute between the two races. Now, the predecessors must work on the younger generations. Do you have to stand by and watch the seniors?"

"Ha ha ha..." Kong Zhi burst into laughter, and the laughter was full of sarcasm: "Qin double, you don't want to have any effort, you want the old man to stop for you?"

The old man taught you a truth today, that is, there is no white lunch in the world.

Today, I am going to kill you. It has nothing to do with the war between the two races. He just wants to get the water of your life. Therefore, even Tiandao will not think that he has violated the oath. You said, why should the old man stop the disaster for you?

You are too smart!


The piano is not annoying, looking at Kong Zhidao calmly:

"The predecessors of the hole, how do you and I collaborated to kill you? You don't want to live long rivers? You should have gotten more water from Shouyuan River?"

Kill him, you and I are equally divided, how? ”

"Ha ha ha..."

This time, both Yan and Kong Zhi burst into laughter, and almost all of them laughed at the tears, pointing to the piano, but they said to Kong Zhi:

"You guys are really stupid, no wonder we are killed by our demon people and go to the corner of the east to make a tortoise."

Kong Zhi was ugly and ugly, so he didn’t give the piano a good face.

"Do you think that killing like no phase, defeating the Taiyuan War, will you ignore the world's monks?"

You are a big Luo Jinxian strong, and it is just a big Luo Jinxian. In the eyes of the nine-day Xuanxian, you are just an ant. Kill you with it. You really thought that the battle between me and you, can you plug in?

I really don't know what it is!

This is a big joke!

The aftermath of our two battles will smash you into ashes!

Also join me and kill?

Is there only one mouth left on your face? ”

Tens of millions of people watching the monks in the distance also talked about it.

"The piano pair is a little inflated!"

"Yeah, how to say it again, she is also a big Luo Jinxian, the battle of the nine-day Xuan Xian level, the root is not that she can plug in."

"I can't say that!" Wang Yuntong said: "I believe that Qin Double has the strength of nine days of Xuan Xian."

"Even if there is, it just has reached nine days of Xuan Xian? The two predecessors are all nine days of Xuan Xian late."

"To the king, what do you say?" Wang Yuntong looked at the king: "You know the piano double best."

To the king is silent, just looking at the eyes of Qin double. He knows that the body strength of Qin double has long surpassed Da Luo Jin Xian, reaching nine days of Xuan Xian.

Perhaps Qin Shuang and Kong Zhi joined forces to kill, it was inflated. However, Kong Zhi said that he and the two battles of Yu Wei can be able to strangle the Qin double, which is too much to believe in himself.

"Then you disagree?" Qin double looked at Kong Zhi.


Kong Zhiyi robes his sleeves, they are too lazy to pay attention to the piano double.

What is this?

A big Luo Jinxian...

Or the first layer of Da Luo Jinxian, even want to join him to kill another nine-day Xuan Xian?

Is she stupid?

Still seeing yourself as stupid?

"Hey..." Qin double sighed and sighed: "This is an opportunity!"

“Hey, hahaha...” He laughed loudly. “Confucius, did you hear that? Is this an opportunity? Don’t miss it!”

Qin double turned his eyes to the shackles, holding a fist and praying: "Hey seniors, how is this going so far? Otherwise, I am anxious, everyone is not good."

"Ha ha ha..." I laughed and fell in the air: "Confucius, have you heard that? She said that she is anxious, I will not look good with her, ah hahaha..."

Qinqin's face with a smile: "There is a great decline, the heavens cycle, it seems that the Yaozu rushed the Terran to the corner of the East, has reached the peak, and now it has begun to decline. I don't know how the ancestors died after the ancestors died. To what extent will it decline?"

The piano doubled up, and the look gradually became awe-inspiring: "Since the predecessors of the hole are not willing to take the risk, join me, then you and I will fight for it!"


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