Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1452: Return

When he looked at him, he didn't think that Qin double really challenged him. After Qin Shu finished this sentence, he has already stepped out.

Step on the air!

The two of them were not far from each other. The piano double stepped out, and they had already reached the front of the scorpion. Their arms were like two dragons, and the two fists slammed toward the scorpion.


夔 Although I did not think that Qin Shuang really will attack him actively, but an old nine-day Xuan Xian, the reaction has become an instinct. When he pulled out his hands, he grabbed the two wrists of the piano.

Qin double could not help but sigh in the heart, it really is the late nine-day Xuan Xian, and she is only the body to reach the ninth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, absolutely different, the shot is too fast, with the strength of Qin double at this time, simply can not escape.


Qin double did not want to hide!


The double backhand grasped the double wrists of the cymbal. At this time, the four hands of both sides only buckled each other's wrists. When the hands of the piano pair buckled the wrists of the cockroaches, the face of the cockroaches changed greatly.

"how is this possible?"

"How could she have such a huge force?"

Qin's eyebrows split a slit like the third eye.

In a moment, I felt a horrible creep, and a big horror hit my heart, as if I didn’t escape immediately, it would fall. But his hands were clasped by both hands.

A ray of light shines from the eyebrows of the piano!

The huge sense of death shrouded the embarrassment, and the sly head was instinctively biased.

In the eyes of everyone, I saw a slender light blazed from the eyebrows of the piano, and shot on the forehead of the dragonfly.

The first time the piano pair was shot at the Xianjun waterline, the hands that clasped the wrists were released and the figure was reversed. But I found that my hands still clasped her wrists.


Qin double heart rushed, the water thunder beads on the wrist quickly floated, constructing a shield in front of his body, but the shield has not been completely constructed...


The Xianjun waterline hit the forehead of the scorpion and made a huge roar, and the power broke out in front of the piano.

At this time, he did not hold the wrist of the piano, and the bodies of the two men rolled toward the back. Qin double has a water thunderbolt to resist, but it has also been shaken by the power of Xianjun waterline to make the body tumbling, the magic is even more soaring, and even the blood and blood of the body are in a hurry. There is no part that can be protected by the water mine beads, and the skin is cracked and oozing blood.

This is just the power of the Xianjun waterline. If it is a fairy, it will make a real blow...

Qin Qin double in the heart, looked up and looked across. Then I saw that I was rushing to the head and fleeing. It was just the big head. At this time, only half of it was left, and the other half was smashed into powder by the Xianjun waterline.

"This is not dead!" Qin double spit out a sigh of relief, the heart said: "Sure enough, it is the real nine-day Xuanxian late."

Surrounded by silence, every monk stared at the piano. The monks on the front of the piano double saw the splitting of the piano eyebrows. It seemed that a vertical eye was opened, and then a light was shot from the vertical eye, and the light blew the half of the skull. ,

"What is this supernatural power?"

The other monks on the back of the piano, including the nine-day Xuanxian ancestor of the Terran, did not see how the Qin double defeated the pipa, but this did not hinder their hearts.

In particular, Kong Zhi, at this time the heart beats violently, and at this time, the eyes of Qin double swept over, so that the hair of his body stood up, the muscles on his face did not know how to control, Showing a look that no one knows.

Qin double said faintly: "The predecessors of the hole, I said, you have wasted a chance."

"Oh oh..."

Kong Zhi hasn't reacted yet, he really doesn't know, Qin Qin doubles what to beat. However, before he figured it out, he did not dare to turn his face with the piano, and he did not dare to threaten the doubles like the words.

Qin double swept his eyes to the surrounding monks, and the demon monks were swept away by the eyes of the piano, and they involuntarily regressed a few steps, and the human race monks suddenly rose up.

Why did the Yaozu drive the Terran to the corner of the East?

Isn't it because the Yaozu has two immortals?

But now?

The Yaozu has only one nine-day Xuanxian who has been beaten by the piano. The Terran has a nine-day Xuan Xian Kong Zhi, and a Qin double that can beat the nine-day Xuan Xian.

Doesn't this mean that the Terran can make a big counterattack?

"People!" I don't know who shouted for a while.





More than 10 million monks shouted in unison, and the demon monk smelled discolored.

The piano double raised his hands and pressed down, and the surrounding was immediately silent. Confucius's face is not far away, even if he is, the prestige in the human race is probably not as good as the piano.

The eyes of Qin double swept through the crowd, whispering, but the sound was clear, but it was clearly sent into the ears of each monk.

"I said that the name of the emperor is too heavy. How much is the whole spiritual world and the human race? If you let other people of other planets know that it is a joke."

Everyone listened and heard.

What is Tianlin Star?

However, it is a place where even nine days of Xuan Xian can't cultivate. If you want to break through to the nine-day Xuan Xian, you have to leave Tianlin Star and go to other stars. If you let other people of the stars know that Qin Double is self-proclaimed, don't know. Will there be a monk to kill the piano pair?

Even if no one is reasonable, I am afraid that I will laugh at the frog of the bottom of the well. And at this time, there was a far cry:

"Qin double, you dare not be this emperor, I am coming!"

"Who is so bold?"

All the monks were not looked for by the sound, and they saw four figures from far and near, and the clothes were fluttering, appearing in the vision of the monks.

"Ouyang Yin!"

"Wang Dan."

"Lu Tingfang."


The monks could not help but exclaim, and then their eyes warmed up.

The Terran and the Yaozu fight, and finally the people on the 10th British List have only appeared in the piano, even if it is a double, it has changed the situation of the Terran. Now there are four top ten monks on the list, and they are still in the top four. They are ranked before the Qinshuang, and the situation of the Terran counterattacks is very good.

Qin double stared at it, and saw that Ouyang Yin's four people faintly revealed a mysterious atmosphere, they know that four people should be comprehended on the demon peak, but they do not know that they have realized the mysterious weight. A smile on his face, far away from the ceremony:

"Congratulations to the four Taoist friends, cultivation is successful."


Four figures fell in front of the Qin double, and they also said: "Congratulations to the Qindao friends to break through the Luo Luo Jinxian."


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