Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: Deck cultivation

A month's time passed quickly.

This day.

Qinqin suddenly felt a sway, and he took the work from the compression of Xianyuan Li, then stood up, pushed the door out and went out, he heard the sound of the door opened next to him, turned his head and saw Qingyan. Came out of the door. Nodded to the piano, the piano doubled with a smile, and the two men closed the door almost at the same time, and then walked shoulder to shoulder.

I saw that there were not many people on the street. Qinshuang and Qingmo went to the cloister. At this time, the defensive formation of the entire boat was opened. It was a transparent defensive hood that shrouded the entire interplanetary. Can not be seen by the naked eye, the eyes can directly penetrate the defensive cover and see the outside. But it can be felt through God.

Qin double first sensed the power of the star and the energy of the god.


Star Force can perceive it, which proves that it can also absorb Star Force cultivation in the defensive hood, but the energy that enhances the Yuanshen has not yet been perceived, and it should have not yet entered the depths of the void. ”

Qin Shuang’s gaze looked down, and he saw that Tianlin Star was rapidly becoming smaller. Qin and Qing ink stood side by side, and Qin Qin sighed:

"Tianlinxing is so beautiful... beautiful!"

"Yes!" Qingmo also exclaimed.

After that, the two people were silent, until the Tianlin Star became a very small two points, and the eyes disappeared into the field of vision.


The two men spit out a sigh of relief at the same time, and the exhalation sounded out of concern. Qin double does not know what Qing ink is worried about, but she has her concerns.

Yuan Ziyi, Yuan Tong, Yuan Hughing...

Can't help but think of the mainland of the warrior...

Qin Jingyun, Qinwu, Lan Mingyue, Qin Lie...

Then I remembered Qin Jiao, Tianci, Fengming, Huataixiang, Turtle, Bloodqin...

"Qin double, what do you do to the ink star? Why not go to the inner star field? The cultivation environment is the best."

Qin double looked at him and said: "I will go, but not now."

"Well, I am waiting for you at Zulongxing. At that time, we will fight again, I believe, at that time, I will win."

"I don't have to go to Zulongxing. I want to go to the inner star field, but also to the star field."

"Good!" Qingmo did not be swayed by the piano. Instead, the spirit of the fight was high: "Look at the two of us who first made a name in the star field."

Qin double silent, suddenly felt that there are some two in the ink.

"Piano double, let's go back."

"Let's go back first, I will stay a little longer."


Qingmo turned and left, Qinshuang's eyes still looked at the direction of Tianlinxing. On the last day, Lin Xing seemed to extinguish the flame with a light, disappearing into the eyes of Qin Double.

The piano double walked toward the rear deck and came to the rear deck, and saw no one on the back deck at this time.


Looking up, I saw thousands of stars falling down the deck on the top floor.

"Someone is practicing with Starpower!" Qin Double's heart moved: "I don't know whether to use the star force to quench the body, or to absorb the star power? And it seems that there is more than one monk."

Qinqin can see that the three stars are gathering at the top, which proves that there are three monks who practice with Starpower. Under the curiosity of the piano, he walked toward the front deck. When I came to the front deck and looked up, I saw three stars on the front deck of the top floor. It seems that the front deck also has three monks who are practicing with Star Force.

The heart of Qin double is a loose heart. Since someone is practicing with Star Force, there is no need to fear anything. She estimates that the monk above is quenching with star force.

"The monks who live on the top floor are rich!"

Qin doubled a look at the envy, those monks with starlight quenched, do not constantly take the body to repair the drug. A monk without a family is really unaffordable. Didn't you see that the monks used the Star Force to practice from the second to the fourth floor?

"Since someone is practicing, I don't have to hide. And once I practice, I can't avoid the starpower. When it's low-key, it's low-key. If it's low-key, it's high-profile."

The piano double sits on the front of the front deck.

The Qinglong Yuanshen thinks about the starry sky, and runs the sword of the spirit. This attempt makes the piano double happy. Thousands of stars fell, and under the impetus of the sword, she continued to wash her body, so that she did not have the strength of the body for a long time, and there was a slight improvement.

Only she can feel the sharpness of the star power, and constantly hurt her body while scouring her body. Although the trauma is not large, but the accumulation is small, if it can not be repaired, the body of the piano will be rushed in the morning and evening, and the foundation of the piano pair will be destroyed.

The double sense of the piano, the mood of the big joy returned to normal. Perhaps because the body strength of the piano pair is already very strong, and the nine-day Xuanxian ninth layer is in the middle, perhaps the starship has not sailed deep into the void, and the star power is not strong enough. Anyway, Qin double thinks that with this strength quenching body, the strength of his body wants to enter the late ninth layer of Xuantian, and it takes a year. Naturally, this star power hurts her body and wants to let her body collapse. It takes more than a year.

In this way, the piano double has a heart.

She is going to retreat here, and she can raise the strength of the body to the late ninth floor of Xuantian in a year. This is also an unexpected joy to Qinqin. Otherwise, I don’t know what year and month to improve. As for the damage to the body, Qin double does not care at all. After eating a Vientiane fruit a year later, everything is solved, and there is no side effect.

Qin double also admire the hearts of the refiners in the mainland, although their strength will be at the bottom after entering the spiritual world. However, there is no doubt that their cultivation practices are not taboo. When she was in the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, she once heard the refiners say that they have the strongest adaptability, no matter what the environment, no matter what the yuan Force, spiritual power, fairy power, or today's star power, does not hinder their quenching.

Qinglong Yuanshen began to concentrate on the operation of the sword, and thousands of stars rushed from the void, constantly scouring the body of the piano, forming a ray of light around the body of the piano.

On the top deck, three monks who are using the star-hardened body to look at the bottom, one of the monks facing the next:

"Han Qing, the monk who is practicing at the bottom should be one of the two monks from Tianlin."

Han Xing said faintly: "Not one of them, who is it? The other monks have suffered from the loss of the star force, and they still don't know."

"Who are you talking about? Will it be the piano pair?"

"I don't think so." Han Qing shook his head. "Qin double can play pigs and eat tigers, which means that she has a city government. It will not be so vain, I think it is the green ink."


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