Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1466: Simultaneous practice

"It makes sense."

The two men stopped talking, and the third monk did not say a word from beginning to end, and the bottom deck resumed silence.

level one.

The white tiger **** of Qinshuang began to think about the starry sky, more star power swarmed, and then the body's one hundred and eight acupoints opened, gave birth to a hundred and eight tiny vortexes, began to absorb the descending star power .

Immediately, Qin Shuang’s heart conveyed a feeling of refreshment. She never absorbed star power in the sky, which is much more than the amount absorbed on land. She can feel the stars in her 108 points. The rise of force "蹭蹭". With this rising trend, one year's time, can you achieve two-fifths of the star power in your own hole?

Moreover, when the piano pair is thinking about the starry sky, the state of mind also has a slight improvement. The White Tiger God is gradually immersed in the endless starry sky.

"But I can't quench and absorb Starpower here for three years?"

Qin double thought about it and felt the four kinds of fairy power in his body. She feels that the eternal power of each attribute is constantly compressed and absorbed for three months, and it will be able to consolidate the realm. It is also about a year, and Qinqin can choose to break through.

"Then start from the Xuanwu Yuanshen!"

Know the sea.

Xuanwu Yuanshen began to guide the basaltic martial arts to compress and consolidate the body of the fairy power. The town demon tower was transferred to the palm of the right hand palm, constantly extracting the rich scent of the town demon tower, entering the body to run for a large Sunday, infused into Dantian, and then continuously compressed.

Yangshen began to integrate the Tao method of the Yuan Ying period. Qin double has already integrated the 60 million Dao method of the Yuan Ying period by 40 million. Qin Qin feels that if he fully integrates the Tao method of the Yuan Ying period, he should be able to break through. Xuan six heavy.

So there is still the Fengfeng Yuanshen, Qinshuang originally wanted to leave the Fengfeng Yuanshen as a warning. Although the Starcraft is committed to safety, as a monk, it will never hand over safety to the hands of others.

However, Qin double thought about it, she felt that the white tiger **** is now completely immersed in the perception and understanding, and Yang God, at this time is also completely immersed in the fusion of the Tao. But like the Qinglong and Xuanwu Yuanshen, this is not the case. These two gods, one is to attract the star force to quench the body, and the other is to absorb and compress the force. There is no understanding, and naturally there is no immersion in the epiphany.

Objectively speaking, these two gods do not need to pay all their attention to do what they are doing now, and they have the strength to guard them all around.

Then you don't need to waste the fire and the gods!

"What can you arrange for Huofeng Yuanshen?"

Qin double frowned and thought for a while, his face smiled, and his heart moved, he sent the fire and phoenix **** into the town demon tower, and then sent the water thunder beads on the wrist into the town demon tower.

Fifteen water mines surrounded the fire and the phoenix gods, and then released the thunder, and the fire and phoenix gods began to use the power of the thunder to run the thunder and refine the gods.

Thus, a yang of the Qinshuang and four gods are in retreat.

"Three years! After three years, my repair will definitely have an upgrade!"

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Gradually, the monks on the entire flying boat knew that the piano pair was quenched with star force on the front deck.

It is really strange to have a monk with a star-hardened body on the first floor.

Being able to live on the first floor means that the piano is not a rich man, or a poor monk. A poor monk, but using the star force to quench the body, this had to let ... everyone laughed for a while.

It was a lonely thing to sail in the void. If the piano is living on the fifth floor, she will use the star force to quench the body, which will only envy the other monks and envy the riches of the piano.


A poor monk living on the first floor, but ran to use the star force to quench the body, this makes the monk on the flying boat feel the lively, so the speed of the spread is very fast, very quickly from the first floor to the first On the fifth floor, almost all monks know that a soil bun from Tianlin is quenching with star force.

There is no monk to stop, and it is hard to have a fun in the lonely sailing. Why should I stop it? They were all watching when the piano pair ran down the deck, or simply destroyed the foundation by Star Force and died on the deck.

The third day.

Qingmo also knows this news, although in Tianlinxing, he is a Yaozu, Qinshuang is a human race, and two belong to the enemy camp. But there is really no private venge between the two people, and the two of them are really a bit sympathetic.

not to mention……

Now only two of them monks from Tianlin Star?

Therefore, Qingmo rushed to the deck in a hurry, and she saw the piano sitting on the knees, and the star power in the void gathered to cover the piano.

"Qin double!" Qing ink came to the side of Qin double, whispered.

In fact, she knew when Qingmo approached her. Xuanwu Yuan, who compresses Yuan Li, controls the body and turns to look at Qingmo Road:

"Qing Mo brother, what is it?"

"You... is this being quenched with star force?"


"No! I heard them say that you will destroy your foundation. These stars are very sharp. Don't you feel that your body is suffering?"

"I sense it!"

"Then you still quenching here?"

"Nothing!" Qin Shuang indulged: "My body is very strong. Although these stars can cause harm to me, but it is not big. When the trauma is serious to a certain extent, I will take the remedy for repair. Body, I am prepared."

"Really... nothing?"

"Nothing, Brother Green, thank you!"

"Don't thank! That... I'm gone, don't delay your quenching."

Qingmo left, and many of the hilarious monks heard the conversation between Qingmo and Qin. However, one face has a disdainful color.

"Do you think that the star power in the void is always so weak? The more you sail in the air, the stronger the star power, when you find it, it is already late, huh..."

In the lonely voyage, it is difficult to get such a fun, and on the first floor, almost no resources are cultivated. Some resources are saved to maintain physical function. Therefore, they have a lot of leisure, and they have to take a look every day. Qin double.

As a result, shortly after Qingmo’s departure, the Fengfeng Yuanshen in the town’s demon tower was finished. To know the three days outside, the town demon tower has been in the past ten years. Moreover, the water mine beads absorb the catastrophe and the punishment of the heavens. The power of the thunder contained in it is much more fierce than that of the ordinary continent. This is because the piano double suppresses the water thunder beads, otherwise it is the yuan of the piano pair. God repaired, can be destroyed by the Thunder released by the water mines.


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