Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1474: Gong Yi

It is said that this palace also knows that the interstellar flying boat is coming, but it is too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, the Star Bank is doing business and does not infringe on the interests of Star City. However, I did not think of the position of Xianjun suddenly coming from outside the Star City, and there is a kind of power that is very familiar. It is the defensive jade that he gave to his grandson, which can resist the three blows of Xianjun. The immortal power, there is a way of his infusion in the jade pendant, how can he be unfamiliar?

So, he was anxious at once.

Is it a conflict between his grandson and the fairy king of the starship?

Therefore, as soon as he arrived at the scene, his eyes were swept away, and he locked the five-story railing of the Stars. Because there is only one Xianjun here, who is not his Pang Xianjun?

The pressure of the Star Bank to the palace is still very large, otherwise the other party is only the peak of the early Xianjun, he had a slap in the late stage. However, at this time he still resisted anger and said coldly:

"This friend, don't know how my grandson offended the Taoist friend? Let the Taoist friend kill like this?"

Pang Xianjun looked a glimpse, then he reacted, and he did not blame the palace, who made him only one fairy?

not to mention……

The business is still very expensive, and there is a smile on his face:

"This Taoist friend is not me."


This time, the look of the palace was a glimpse, and then I looked at my grandson. Gong Xiao hurriedly said:

"Grandpa, not the predecessor, she is!"

The palace looked down at the fingers of Gong Xiao, and the look was a glimpse. At this time, Qin double was in a daze.

"Is this not a palace?"

"Ha ha ha..."

At this time, Gong Yi was already full of joy, haha ​​laughed and rushed toward the piano, which made the surrounding monks feel indifferent, and looked at Qin Shuang's eyes full of pity.

"This piano pair is dying!"

On the fifth floor, Xue Weiyang, Han Qing and others looked at the camera, but in the end it did not move.

The blue ink on the ground stood there motionless, trying not to let the palace in the sky notice himself. However, Hua Taixiang saw the palace screaming and rushing toward the piano, and immediately opened a golden light egg in the palace opening to the air.


The figure that Gong Gong crossed in the air blurred, and the golden light egg was empty. He crossed the sky and went straight into the distance. The palace looked at the flowers on the ground casually.


Hua Taixiang was crushed on the ground by a force, and Gong Gong regained his gaze, looking at the piano pair, and his face showed a warm color:

"Qin double, you are coming, why don't you tell your brother?"


Everyone grew up, and some monks even dislocated because of excessive force.

"Miyao brother, I don't know if you are here!" Qin double smiled, then his face apologized: "Is that your grandson? Sorry, I don't know."

"How to say it!" Gong Yi is not happy: "He is your younger generation, playing and playing!"

"Hey!" Gong Xiao had just closed his chin and dislocated.

"Come here!" Miyazaki sullenly greeted Gong Xiao.

Miyazaki closed the chin, flew over, looked at the palace, and looked at the piano double. I don't know how I became a younger person of the piano pair. Suddenly, when my grandfather came back, he once told himself how he got stuck in a place that could not be found, and how he was saved by a monk called Qinshuang.

Is this female repair a piano double?


I just heard Grandpa calling this female cultivar to come, but Grandpa didn’t say that the repair of the Qin double was very low. How could it be only a few years before Da Luo Jinxian?

"Say, why did you fight with your aunt?" Gong Yu shouted.

Qin Shuang’s face appeared helpless, and he became an elder, and he also played aunt, how it sounded like a relative, so awkward!

"This..." Gong Xiao looked at the second floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian and said: "Come here."

Miyazaki flew awkwardly, and Gong Xiao’s heart was awkward. He said coldly, “Why, how do you fight with Aunt Qin?”

Miyazaki’s look is even more awkward, and I don’t speak during the period. The piano is waving in both directions, and the flowers are too fragrant to fly over.

"Master, I am hanging out outside. This person sees me, I am coming to kill me, but he can't run me, I am run away. But I can't stand this breath! He will not let him pay attention to him. After eating in the mount, he chased me all the way, finally let me meet the master, otherwise..."

The big tears of Hua Taixiang flowed down from the eyelids.

"Is this the case?" Miyazaki turned to wait for Miyazaki.

"Palace brother, forget it!"

Qin doubled out loud, she knew that maybe Huaxiang was a bit exaggerated, but things should be similar, otherwise Miyazaki would not squat and not talk. Anyway, there is no loss in Hua Taixiang, and there is no loss for himself. This matter will be revealed.

"Grandfather, you and me meet each other is a happy event!"

"Yes, it’s a big happy event!"

In fact, Gong Yi did not want to punish his grandson. When he fell into the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty for hundreds of thousands of years, his son was dead because he did not sit on his own. Fortunately, his two grandchildren were still fighting for strength, but they always felt that they were right. I have two grandchildren. Letting himself punish his grandson, his heart can't bear it. Now I don’t know how to listen to the piano. I am also happy at the moment:

"Go, let's have a drink."

"it is good!"

Qinqin took the flowers too fragrant, followed the palace to fly to the Star City, and soon disappeared into the vision of the monks.

"Not simple!" Before the five-story railing, Han Qing whispered: "I can talk to a fairy king. Is this Qin is not an aboriginal of Tianlin, but a powerful descendant who travels to Tianlin?" ”

"I want to know, ask the blue ink is not clear!" Xue Weiyang said faintly.

Han Qing’s intention was to move, but in the end it was a smile: “Curious to kill the cat! What background does she have nothing to do with me, go!”

Han Qing turned and left, Xue Weiyang looked at Han Qing's back with deep thoughts, and looked at the direction in which the doubles disappeared. The eyes were thinking.

Star City.

City House.

back yard.

Qin Shuanghe and Gong Yi were sitting in the pavilion, and when Gong Yifang sat down, he took out the communication jade:

"When I contact those old friends."

Qin double smiles and sits opposite the palace. She remembers that at the end of her life, before the return of the ancient stars, although everyone was scattered, she remembered that there were still fifty or eight monks left, and that these fifty-eight monks were all immortals. Jun, like Zhang Daoji, some monks are the peaks of Xianjun, and there are some middle and early stages of Xianjun.


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