Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1475: Meet up

"I don't know how they are doing now?" Qin Qin thought in his own heart, and some of them missed them.

"They are not in the mica star!" Gong Yi put down the communication jade, some regretted.

"how do you know?"

"If they are in the mica star, they will return immediately. If they don't answer now, they will prove that they are not in the mica star."

Seeing that the piano is still somewhat incomprehensible, Miyazaki thought that the piano pair had just risen from the lower bound for a few years, and explained:

"The communication jade has its limitations, and it can only be transmitted instantly in the same star. In a star, the transmission time is very slow. Right, you are here to practice with me, or..."

"After fifteen days, I have to leave."

"Then they will not be used, and there will be no transmission in the alien domain. They can't catch it. I will leave a letter to them."

Miyazaki also revealed the knowledge to the jade, leaving a message, and then recovered the gods:

"Where are you going?"

"When you travel around, you are ready to go to the middle star field. Yes, Gong Gong Ge, this alien domain is not perfect enough, how do you stay here?"

"Oh..." Gong Yi sighed a sigh: "We were originally trapped in the mainland of the Yuan, not only repaired, but also absorbed a lot of impurities in the body, no longer as pure as in the spiritual world. So, When we return to the spiritual world, the first thing we need to do is to restore the cultivation and eliminate the impurities in the body. As for the understanding of the heavens and the like, we must first solve these hidden dangers in the body.

Besides, hundreds of thousands of years away from home, always come back to see. When I resumed the repair and elimination of impurities in the body, I will leave the alien domain and go to the inner star domain.

Only the inner avenue is the most complete and dense, and if you want to break through the final step, you still have to go to the inner star. ”

At this time, the footsteps sounded outside the door, and I saw Gong Xiao and Miyazaki walked in. I first met Miyazaki and then politely to Qin.

"I have seen my aunt."

Got it!

This time, even the surname is not called, directly called the aunt, Qin double thought in mind, everyone is called aunt, the first time I meet, I have to give a little face to meet?

But what to give?

These two people are all nine days of Xuan Xian, and Gong Xiao is still the tenth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian peak, giving the difference, can not take it!

Vientiane, December fruit and wind spin fruit can not give these things!

One is too precious, and the other is that once it is transmitted, it may cause a storm in the spiritual world, and it is the center of the storm, and it is chased and killed by countless monks.

His eyes were swept away in the town demon tower, and his heart moved, his eyes looked at Gong Xiaodao:

"Gong Xiao, are you metallic?"

"Yes!" Gong Xiaogong replied, but his heart was confused, Qinqin asked what to do?

"Are you a soil property?" Qin double looked at Miyazaki.

"Yes!" Miyazaki also complimented, but there was still some resentment in the heart. Especially when I saw the flowers that were under the feet of the piano, I couldn’t wait to go up and kick my feet.

"Master, he secretly yelled at me!" When Hua Taishen saw Miyazaki bowing his head, he secretly yelled at him and raised his head.

"Don't make trouble!" Qin double smiled, looked up and took a flowery head. Hua Taixiang is muttering: "I am not making trouble, he is jealous of me."

Miyazaki's face was dark, but he didn't dare to look at the flowers too much. Miyazaki’s look was a bit embarrassing. I just wanted to blame Miyazaki, but I saw that the piano double took out a piece of metal and handed it to Gong Xiaodao:

"The first time you meet, there is nothing to send, this will be integrated into your weapon, maybe it will help your weapon."

In fact, Qin did not know what the metal he had brought out. This was taken from the metal pillar inside the town demon tower. It was only the size of the thumb nail. She was charged too on the ancient star. Many broken fairy pieces are thrown under the metal pillars and are broken down into pieces of metal blocks of different sizes by metal pillars.

Qinshuang has not yet been associated with Fengming, and there is no inheritance of the refiner. Therefore, most of the metal blocks that are decomposed by the metallic columns are not known to the metal materials. However, after her limited sales trials, she determined that the metal blocks she did not know were very precious refining materials, and the smaller the metal blocks, the more precious they were.

At the beginning, Gong Xiao did not take the metal block that Qin double gave him as a thing. What kind of good thing can a big Luo Jinxian send?

And it's still a poor ghost that hasn't been flying for a long time!

However, when he took the piece of metal to his hand, he glanced at it casually, and then the whole person stayed there.

The palace sitting in the chair is not happy, how is this grandson so rude! Even if the piano is poor, the value of the things sent out is very low, but you should be thankful when you look at the face of Grandpa! What happened to the daze there?

Immediately, his face was apathetic: "What do you want to do? Don't thank your aunt!"

"Ah?" Gong Xiao woke up from the daze.

"What?" The palace was angry.

"Aunt!" Gong Xiao did not take care of his grandfather at all, but looked straight at the piano and said: "This is this... is this Ruijinjing?"

The piano double nodded, and the heart said: "How do I know? You said yes."

"What do you say?" The palace looked a glimpse, then reached out and grabbed the nail-sized sharp gold in the hand of Gong Xiao, and watched it carefully, then excited:

"It's really Ruijinjing!" Then he looked up at the piano and said: "Qin double, this is too precious, can't accept."

"It was for my aunt!"

Gong Xiao is on the sidelines, the word "Aunt" is called the mouth!

"Grandfather, look down on me?" Qin double smiled at the palace.

"But it's too precious! Such a large piece of sharp gold is integrated into the fairy, and it will definitely increase the attack power of the metallic **** monk by three small steps! It is the fairy that is integrated into the sharp gold essence alone. , can also fight with the half step Xianjun!"

Holding Ruijin thought, I handed it to Gong Xiaodao: "I don't want to thank my aunt!"

"Thank you aunt!" This time, Gong Xiao’s look is really much. One of the big Luo Jinxian defeated him this nine-day Xuanxian, to have strength and strength, to be generous and generous, do not admire, really not!

On the side of Miyazaki, looking at the piano double, Qin double found a nail-sized earth attribute ore from the town demon tower and handed it to Miyazaki:

"This is for you as a face-to-face ceremony."

"Thank you aunt!"

Miyazaki hasn't seen what it is, and even thanks to the channel, and then the result of the ore, looking down, the face is ecstatic.


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