Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1518: To break through

Chapter 1518 is to break through (page 1/1)

These medicinal herbs, Qin double did not give back to Tang Li, but left him a mysterious treatment of Dan, the other remedies were collected into their storage ring. But give him 10 million top grades, like Tang Han.

Originally, Qinqin did not want to return the hidden objects that he did not understand to Tang Li and Tang Han. Although she did not understand the hidden weapon, she felt that the hidden weapon gave her a great threat. If two people suddenly started to do her, she did not know if she could prevent it in time?

Can't always release the defensive shield?

It is better to not give back to the other party. Isn’t that telling the other person that he is beware of the other party?

not to mention……

Who knows if those hidden weapons can break the defensive shield!

However, the final Qin double decided to take a risk. She can speculate that Tang Han and Tang Li are definitely not simple. Especially Tang Han, that Tang Li is more like a bodyguard of Tang Han.

The Tang family's heritage in the ink star is absolutely unusual, and may be the first family of the ink star.

Regardless of the foundation of the Tang family, she is very interested in Tang Han.

This Tang Han is only ten years old, but it gives people a feeling of being extremely calm and full of wisdom. For such people, there are only two principles of getting along.

Or pay him, or kill him.

Qin double can't kill a person who is not malicious to himself, so Qin double decided to make a good deal.

However, it is not a good deal with no bottom line. Qin double is only optimistic about Tang Han, does not think that Tang Han is a big leg, need to hug himself, but she feels that her thigh is much thicker than Tang Han. At the very least, now. Therefore, it is now Tang Han to hold his own thigh. If we can continue this trend and let Tang Han always want to hold my thigh, that is her purpose.

Therefore, most of the resources she has deducted are to let Tang Han and Tang Li know that they are not holding their thighs, but just pity them, but at the same time, this is also the release of goodwill. She believes that even if Tang Li can't understand the twists and turns, the ten-year-old boy will be able to understand.

Silently packed up the two storage rings, and thought about it, he divided the 500,000 medicinal herbs that were used for the Tianxian period out of 100,000 pieces, put them into a new storage ring, and then loaded them in. 50 million best fairy crystal. These are all prepared for Xu Kaiyun.

In any case, Qin double and Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan in the Taikoo space to get along well, especially with Xu Qinglian get along better, and Xu Qinglian also gave her a detailed lecture on the law, this is a human condition. Now that Xu Kaiyun has settled down, Qinqin should take care of him when he is capable.

not to mention……

Now her impression of Xu Kaiyun has changed a lot.

Xu Kaiyun's nature is still very good, that is, personality breaks, blame, oh. However, you can stand by your side and fight side by side at a critical time. I have to lead the beast and I will not let myself take risks. This is the basis for being a friend.

With this foundation, Qin double does not mind giving Xu Kaiyun more resources to cultivate, even if it is completely to Xu Kaiyun to improve the cultivation resources, do not mind.

"Xiaohan, then." Qin double back hand throws the storage ring belonging to Tang Han.

Tang Han reached out and saw the storage ring of the peacock pattern. The heart was a hi, and then saw the things inside the storage ring, although most of them were taken away by the piano, leaving only a little bit, but Tang I am still grateful in my heart.

"Thank you big sister!"

"Tang seniors!" Qin double threw another peacock-patterned ring.

Tang Li took over, and the gods swept it. I saw the mysterious treatment of Dan, and I was grateful:

"Thank you!"

"Open the cloud, yours."

"And mine?" Xu Kaiyun looked like a joy, took the storage ring, and swept away, and he shouted: "So many fairy crystals, so many remedies!"

Take out a bottle of medicinal herbs and look at it: "This is Baihua Dan..."

Tang Han sitting behind him licked his mouth, and there was a grievance in his eyes. In the heart:

"These remedies are mine."

Tang Li raised his hand and gently patted Tang Han’s shoulder and passed it into the secret passage: “Xiaohan, this is her spoils, can give me some...”

Tang Han’s grievances in the eyes, some curiously looked at the back of the piano pair. Then pass the voice into the secret channel:

"I understand." Silence for a moment, and then passed into the secret channel: "I want to become stronger."

Take out a medicinal medicine, then hold a fairy crystal in both hands and practice.

Tang Li’s eyes showed a gratifying color, but when he thought of the catastrophe of today, he looked at Tang Han’s eyes and his eyes showed deep anxiety.

"Oh..." sighed in the heart, Tang Li took out the Xuan Xian healed Dan, and looked up at the back of the piano double, took the medicinal medicine and began to heal.

"Boss!" And at this time, the voice of Xu Kaiyun came: "I... seems to break through."

Qin double silenced for a moment: "Can't stop, otherwise your breakthrough will definitely attract the monsters. Maybe you can also attract the demon monk. Can you suppress it for a while?"

"I can't suppress it." Xu Kaiyun said: "I have been suppressing it for a long time in order to solidify the foundation. Now it is really uncontrollable."

Qin double silence, she knows that Xu Kaiyun after the animal tide, actually has reached the critical point of breakthrough, but worried about himself, nervous. When you see yourself innocent, this mind is loose, it will be natural, and the water will come.

This time can't be suppressed, and it can't be suppressed.

However, the energy here cannot be absorbed. Only the consumption of Xianjing provides a rich scent for Xu Kaiyun. Otherwise, because Xianyuan is not enough, it will not only destroy Xu Kaiyun’s breakthrough, but also affect his future foundation. What’s more serious is that from now on, repairing will stop. In this realm, there is no further progress.

Xu Kaiyun also understands this truth. For a time, the face is gray.

"I don't know how many of you have cultivated to practice. You have to break through the third floor of the Tianxian period to the fourth floor. How many Xianjing you need."

"About... it needs 100 million crystals, top grade!"


Qin double looked back at Xu Kaiyun with shock, but Tang Han, who was healing and practicing Tang Han, couldn’t help but turn to look at Xu Kaiyun.

Too scary!

A small Tianxian third layer breaks through to the fourth layer, so you need so many crystals?

Still the top grade?

"You... will you need so many crystals?"

Qin double asked, but some of the hearts were not convinced, because even the Qin double, when breaking through the fourth layer of the Tianxian period, does not need so many fairy crystals!

"My...the practice is very strong!"


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