Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1519: Protection

"Hey!" Qin double is even more convinced: "In the Taikoo space, we did not hand over, nor how good you are."

"That is...because I didn't practice seriously."

Qin double shakes his head and gets rid of his unyielding thoughts. She knows that no one has a secret, she has a double piano, and Xu Kaiyun also has it. Xu Kaiyun does not say, she does not want to know. I took out a hundred million top grade fairy crystal and threw it to Xu Kaiyun:

"Ready to break through." I took another look at Tang Lidao: "The Tang predecessors also took the time to heal."

"You can cope with it?" Tang Li hesitated: "If he breaks through, even if he can't absorb the strength of this world, I am afraid there will be great fluctuations, and maybe it will lead to the animal tide."

"So let you take time to heal." Qin double turned to Tang Handao: "Xiaohan, come over and control Hummer."


Tang Han nodded and came to the front of the Qin double. At this time, Xu Kaiyun had begun to take Xianjing out, and he was buried in Xianjing. The piano double stopped the Hummer, then opened the door and drilled it out. When he jumped, he stood on the back of the Hummer.


Tang Han closed the door and took control of the Hummer, rushing toward the front at the fastest speed.

"Treading step..."

The sound of the humming sound of the Hummer rushed, and a trace of scented scent leaked out from the Hummer, and was immediately smashed by the Hummer. Although I couldn't see the celestial spirits, but in the perception, the scent of the leaked scent suddenly a ribbon dragged behind the Hummer, getting longer and longer.


In the far distance behind him, there was a loud beast. Qin double looked back, although I couldn't see the monster, I couldn't hear the scream of the monster, but she knew that the monster finally smelled the scent.

In this demon-filled place, the scent of the scent that is leaking out is undoubtedly the bright light in the night, and the attraction to those monsters is fatal.

"Treading step..."

The sound of the horse running is like a storm, and a blurry afterimage is rushing over the earth. But in the far back, the sound of the beast was even louder.

Qin double knows that it is more monsters who perceive the scent of the sage, and are pursuing the sage.

"Hurry up!"

Qin double called in the heart, I don't know if I want to drive the speed of Tang Han, or want to make a quick breakthrough.

The two feet were firmly stuck in the squatting moment, and the wind blew on the face, blowing the clothes of the piano pair close to the body, rising backwards and slamming.


Xu Kaiyun broke through the water, and the speed of absorbing Xianyuan suddenly increased sharply. The crystals around him quickly lost their luster and then turned into powder.


A large pile of fairy crystals was taken out by Xu Kaiyun and buried himself. Both Tang Li and Tang Han’s eyes are shocked. Only Xu Kaiyun said that it needs 100 million cents, and 80% of them have no belief in them. They all think that he is a fairy crystal who swindles the piano again, and Qin double will not be deceived, giving him so many crystals. However, I did not expect that the piano did not think about it, just gave it. And Xu Kaiyun?

Just look at the speed of absorbing Xianjing, it really needs about 100 million fairy crystals!

Top grade!


Tang Li could not help but whispered a word. When I saw Qin double back, he noticed that Qin Double didn’t know what was going on, and he broke through from the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian to the sixth floor. In this full of monsters, he was unconscious, and Can also successfully break through?

The most important thing is that Qin double was the one who took away the monster and was being chased by the animal tide. How can she break through in the pursuit?

Now this is a breakthrough in the cloud, and it is such a big momentum.

He is just a small realm that breaks through the third layer of the fairy stage to the fourth floor. In this case, the speed and quantity of the celestial crystals are absorbed, and it is a breakthrough for others.

What is the identity of this Qinshuang and Xu Kaiyun?

What is the background?

Is Xu Kaiyun really like the one he said, the Xu family from the sky purple star?

But what about the piano?

I have never heard of it. Is there a big family named Qin, is it that I am ignorant, or is the family with a surname in the inner star domain rise?


Qin double vomited a long breath, she has heard the roaring sound coming from behind, that is too many monsters running, pedaling the earth. Looking up at the sky, fortunately, there is no smell of scented scented scented birds, but Qin double knows that as the celestial spirits are scattered in the air, the demon birds will be attracted sooner or later.

When the piano looked back, he saw the far distance, and the horizon was approaching quickly. It is not the horizon, but the monsters.


A beast was heard in front of the Hummer. When the piano looked up, he saw a monster beating.

There is only one monster, not the smell of celestial spirit, the scent of the spirit is floating behind, and the speed of the horse is extremely fast, it is impossible to smell the sage in front, which is happening to encounter a wandering Wicked beast.

The piano doubles the mind and the water thunder beads on the wrist fall off two, one becomes a longbow and the other becomes a long arrow. Bend the bow and shoot it.


The monster fell, and the horse jumped over. The piano raised his hand and grabbed the long arrow that flew back. Looking back, the monster group became closer.

"Treading step..."


Another monster.


Another monster fell.

The piano double looked up again and looked at the sky, no demon birds appeared. The sky is faint and bloody, no longer azure, and the sun has become a little demon.

The sun seemed to be shrouded in a strange, thin, **** cloud, and then it was sprinkled by the sun, making the whole sky strange, and it seemed that the line of sight became unclear.

On the official road, a large number of monster bones began to appear, and of course more are the bones of the Terran. It seems that here should be more than once the Terran and the Yaozu killed. Perhaps a large number of people migrated, but here they encountered a beast.

The official road began to be congested, and the Hummer was on the bones and kept jumping. Occasionally, a few wandering monsters were shot from the far side of the piano.

Behind him, you can see the smog of smoke and go straight into the sky, which means that the group of monsters is getting closer and closer. The roar of the beasts of the beasts has been deafening.


Xu Kaiyun is still breaking through, Tang Li is already healing, Tang Han is controlling the Hummer intently, but they can all hear the sound of the beasts getting closer and closer. Tang Han’s face is mature and low with his age. The voice whispered:

"Singer double sister should be able to block it?"


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