Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1557: a group of demon

The fifth abacus holds a cylinder with a calculation, and it has no expression. The national character face on the side is very good for Yu Feiyin of Yingwu:

"Five, are you not a good or bad?"

The fifth count looked at Yu Feiyin, no words. It’s all this time, count as a fart. Kyrgyz, good or bad, can you still escape?

Where are you going to escape?

What's more, do you think it's so easy to count?

Running in the forefront of Guo Dian's face was anxious. They were surrounded by monsters. They were Qin double. They helped to kill a **** road and let him come back to rescue the soldiers. But Cao Yi and Che Chen still stay there.

"Don't die!"

After rushing out, the piano pair, who seemed to be a big family lady, picked a street to block the monster and gave him time to rescue the rescuer. This made him such a tough man, and almost moved to cry.

This kind of kindness is unforgettable!


He was rushing to Guo Dian and suddenly he was in a shape. The person behind him was too late to hit him on the back and made a dull sound.


Behind him, there were a few more crashes, followed by a cry.

"Boss, is it?"

"Where is the monster?"


However, these people then suddenly seemed to be caught in the neck and stopped.

Hundreds of people were quiet, and they looked at the front with a dull look.

In their field of vision, there was a fiery red back, sitting on the floor with his knees, and gently stroking the strings with both hands. On her left and right sides stood a teenager and a child.

Going forward, it is a young man with a bow. The longbow was held in his hand, and in front of him was Cao Yi and Che Chen.

Going forward, it is Tang Li and Chu Dali who are holding hands.

Eight people, only one person is moving, and still in the piano. The rest of the seven people stood there quietly, and there was no horror in their imagination.

It is worth mentioning that, except for Cao Yi and Che Chen, both of them were bathed in blood, and Guo Dian was the same. The remaining six people were very clean, not even a drop of blood.

This is because when Guo Dian and others first smashed a road from the encirclement of the beast, Guo Dian three people did not dare to waste the slightest power, and did not release the defensive shield. The piano doubles each released a defensive shield.

Looking forward, I saw the body of a monster that was piled up like a mountain. At this time, only two monsters were killed there. The rest have become corpses.

The beast is killing each other?

The eyes of the people could not help but look at the back of the back and the back of the knees. Her body is so clean and tidy, as if in the garden.

Although she couldn't see her face, she was able to make up for the leisurely look on the face of the piano.

Kill a thousand demon!

The hills where the thousands of monsters piled up, the blood flowed into the river on the ground, and the earth had lost its original color.


The piano double swayed the last string and slowly stood up. The guqin turned into a streamer, hovering around the body, and hidden into the body of the piano.


The sound of two broken sounds sounded, one of the arrows that Xu Kaiyun shot, and the other one that was flying out.


The arrow shot into the head of a monster.


A fist of Chu vigorously flew the last monster into the air, and then burst open, like a **** fireworks. On the ground below, Chu vigorously looked up and looked at the flesh and blood falling from the air. The smile on his face was amplification. In this background, Qin double has slowly turned around, looking at hundreds of people such as Guo Dian, slightly stunned his head and said calmly:

"You are late!"

The street corner divides the line of sight in the field of vision into two contrasting worlds.

This is the Terran, and the other side is the monster group.

The Terran monk quietly stood still and rushed over, but there was no chance to shoot. The only thing left on his face was shock.

On the other side of the street is the body of a monster that piles up like a mountain, blood flowing.

Hundreds of people stood there, which was supposed to be an embarrassing environment, but at this time it was breathable. Every monk couldn't speak, as if it was blocked by the eyes of the blind, the eyes were the biggest, the mouth was the biggest, and the **** smell was poured into his chest.

"You are late!"

Qin double's voice is not big, and it is very calm, just like a good meal, friends come, she greets casually. But on this silent street, everyone can hear it clearly.

I can't imagine being attacked by more than a thousand monsters, and there are only eight people here, so it's so easy to stand up, turn around, and calm down with them, as if they were ordinary, can't be ordinary Things.

Eight people, killing more than a thousand monsters, put in the usual will let Guo Dian hundreds of people at least half of the damage to the beast, the woman only rely on a piano, a song.

What is it?

Everything in front of me is like a dream, so that hundreds of people, such as Guo Dian, who are threatened by monsters every day, feel extraordinarily unreal, extraordinarily illusory, and everyone is in a state of sluggishness.


Guo Dian closed his mouth and his heartbeat jumped. How can he not think about what happened?

Can Qinqu really have such a great power?

This is completely impossible!

And no one in the piano double was injured...

Do not!

Even the clothes are not dirty. You must know that there is a woman and a child on the side of the piano. Even Xu Kaiyun has only the cultivation of the fairy.

The fifth counted surprisedly at Xu Kaiyun, and his eyes fell on the longbow in his hand. He just saw an arrow shot by Xu Kaiyun, like a day.

Yu Feiyin stared at the piano and several people, and went to the fifth channel to pass the secret:

"The fifth is them."

The fifth point nod, when they were hiding in the Dongfu, they watched the piano and several people rushed out from their eyes. And that thing has been going on for a long time, these people are still clean, which shows that these people have resources, or that they have a rich harvest along the way.

What does this mean?

This shows that the strength of these few people can not be seen from the surface of the repair.

Yuan Long, who was hidden behind, also saw a few people in the piano. His heartbeat quickly accelerated.

Isn't this the few people coming out of the Wanjie Danpu?

Not bad!

It is them!

There is also a beautiful and clean woman who must have obtained a lot of herbs in Wanjie Danpu. They took the herbs away, but let the beasts they met after they went, and they left their own polished rods.

His fists were tightly held together and his heart was shouting.

"Those herbs are mine, you thieves, stealing my things."


I am very grateful to Xiaoji Paradise Xiaoji (500), study hard and study hard (100), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100) reward!



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