Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1558: do not know

"Their strength is very strong!" Murdian confided to Li Qingyun.

"And still very clean!" Li Qingyun replied.

"this means……"

Two people looked at each other and almost simultaneously transmitted the secret:


Looking at the wind, the double dress of the piano double floated, and Guo Dian’s eyes flashed in splendor, striding toward the piano double, and his face showed a heroic smile:

"Daoyou, great. You saved my life. Whenever and wherever, as long as I am communicating with me, I will arrive in the first place."

"You are too fierce! It’s a miracle to punch a monster."

When Chu vigorously came back, the car couldn’t help but punch a punch on Chu’s shoulder and admire him.

"Crap!" Chu vigorously snorted and said: "I Chu vigorously is a miracle."

Cao Yi said to Tang Li: "I have seen my predecessors."

Everyone has come over. In such a catastrophe, there are strong people around, naturally it is a happy thing, and every monk is not arrogant.

"A song is destroyed! The friends are amazing!"

"The Taoist arrow is amazing!"

"It’s really violent to make a miracle, but I like it!"


"Let's get to know each other?" Yu Feiyin said to the fifth voice.

"There are too many people!" The fifth count shook his head slightly: "I don't worry about this moment."

The eyes of the ink dynasty quickly swept the piano and eight people.

The eyes swept over the piano doubles, did not know, not the family, even the family son, but also the disciples who stood by the side, no accident, should be scattered.

Mo Dian is a disciple of the Mohist family. The circle of contact is also a disciple of the various families on the ink star. As long as he does not know, he must be an unimportant person. He has this confidence in himself.

The eyes swept over the flowers and did not know.

I swept over Tang Han and didn't know. Tang Han had a slight autism and slept for four years, and almost no one knew him.

His eyes swept through Xu Kaiyun and didn't know.

Sweeping through Cao Yi, don't know.

The eyes swept through the car morning, I don’t know.

The eyes swept over Tang Li, I don’t know.

His eyes swept through Chu and his heart moved. Natural understanding of Chu is very famous in the ink star.

"Did these people are sent by the Chu family to protect Chu?



How can I send a child to protect Chu? His eyes swept swiftly over Tang Han: "A weak child?"

Besides, Chu vigorously has always been alone.

It should have happened to come together.

With Chu’s stupidity, these people should not be recruited. Oh, that fool doesn’t know how to recruit.

The middle-aged man has the strongest strength and should be nine days of Xuan Xian. Although the youth is only a fairy, but the arrow is amazing. The woman who plays the piano should be the master of fairy sounds?

This combination is very powerful. A nine-day Xuan Xian is a melee, a archer can attack, plus a master of the sound of the **** of the gods. If I can bring this combination to my side, I will be much safer in the end of this catastrophe. ”


A voice rang from behind the crowd, and everyone saw Meridian and Li Qingyun separate from the crowd, squeezing in from behind, and squeezing all the way to the front of the piano.

"In the next ink ceremony, how do you call a friend?"

"Qin double!"

"Sure enough, not a family, just a mess!"

Ink clearly knows that there is no family with a surname in the ink star, so his face has the pride that the family should have. Considering that it is the end of the catastrophe, he should be a corporal. A smile on his face reveals a sly smile:

"Piano double, follow me. Protect me to the city of the singer, you are our Mohist."

Surrounded by a quiet!


The big family of ink stars and Tang family!

In this troubled world, if you can join the Mohist, it means that the chance of survival is greatly increased.

The surrounding monks, looking at the eyes of Qin double are envious, and at the same time eager to try, want to recommend themselves like the ink, see if you can become the guard of the ink.

Xu Kaiyun’s face showed a strange color, and his eyes patrolled the dirty and stinky body of the ink.

"Who is this screaming? It’s more powerful than me!"

Chu did not have any expression. In fact, he always had no expression, except when fighting. However, at this time, there was still a hint of killing in my heart. My eyes looked at the ink, and one hand pressed the other hand and creaked. The tall and sturdy body is even more stalwart.

"Is this ink code wanting to die? I dare to let my sister be his guard?"

Hua Taixiang squinted at the ink film, rubbed his teeth, his eyes swept over the neck of the ink, and wanted to take a bite.

Tang Li looked at the ink code in a strange way, and said in his heart: "Who gives him confidence?"

The people around me had envied the piano pair, but saw several people walking towards the piano. That Chu is vigorously sturdy, Xu Kaiyun is flowing, the flowers are too fragrant, and Tang Li is mature and stable. The most important thing is that everyone is clean. Look at the messy and dirty ink, this kind of strong contrast is simply unbearable.

Mo Dian saw several people walked to the side of the piano pair, one by one looking at him with a look of gaze, and looked at himself with a drooping lingering light, saw his dirty clothes, a pair of dirty hands, Because of the lack of nutrition, dry as a chicken claw, a shameful mentality suddenly filled the chest.

Looking at the stalwart of Chu, the shackles of Xu Kaiyun, the scent of flowers, the maturity of Tang Li, he is like a cockroach...

"Piano double sister!"

The autistic Tang Han released a deep dislike of the ink in the eyes. Now Qin Qin is in the heart of Tang Han, that is the level of idols. This person has to let the piano sisters do his guards. The face is long, so even the autistic Tang Han can't help but hold the hands of the piano and speak.

"who is this?"

Ink dynasty suddenly straightened his chest, no matter what, he is now just like a sly, but it is a real child of the family, he firmly believes that knowing that the piano is not confused, will be happy to be his own escort.


The ink star is second only to the big family of the Tang family, which means rich cultivation resources. In this end of the catastrophe, Qin double should have the right choice. In order to protect yourself from the cultivation resources of a lifetime, as long as it is not a fool of the brain full of muscles like Chu, you will agree.

The look on the face of the piano is faint, and the corner of the mouth is slightly tilted, revealing a trace of irony:

"do not know."

"Don't know?" Tang Han looked at the ink in general, and then ruthlessly replied: "I don't know what you are close to? Let me play the double sister to be your guard? Where are you confident?" That is, you are the slave of the double sister of the piano, and the double sister of the piano will not look at you."


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