Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1747: Thousands of blood condensed gods

The time of half a quarter of an hour has passed, and the forehead of the piano has oozing sweat, showing how laborious it is.

However, she still hasn't cracked. In her opinion, I am afraid that I need at least half an hour.

The space was slightly swaying, and a big dog appeared beside the piano. Gently hit the piano with a big head, the eyes of the piano doubled, and the voice was lowered:

"Can you go through?"

The flowery fragrant mouth is tilted upwards on both sides, and the eyes are proud of the color of the sorrow:

"I am the king of space!"

Qin Qin double heart, a hi, she knows that Hua Taixiang's life is a space, then he will move into the town demon tower, Hua Taixiang bowed his head to the town demon tower, and then hit the light door It is like passing through a water curtain and disappearing.

On the other side of the light door, the big dog flower is too fragrant, and the figure of the double is also appearing beside the flowery incense, and the town demon tower is closed, while looking around, while lowering the voice, ask :

“Too incense, can you now cross the space to avoid obstacles?”

"Do you mean to cross back to the small world?"


"No! I am still young, I can only go through some big battles, and the advanced big arrays can't wear them. The enchantment of independent space can't be worn, let alone wear a small world like the mainland."

However, my speed is very fast, I can pass through the space mezzanine, and it will not be a problem. ”

"Not bad!" Qin double nodded happily: "This is a card to escape."

The piano double stopped talking and walked down the passage.

The two bloods have gone out of this passage, came to the spiral ground, and then walked toward the other hole, talking while walking.

"How long do you think that woman can still hold on?"

"It is estimated that it will not last long. Now she has become a sword. It is estimated that thousands of blood hearts can completely make her lost, and become a squad in the hands of Gorefiend."

"There are swordsmen of the sword spirit!" Another blood sighed: "The day after tomorrow Xianbao!"

"I heard that the Gorefiend has already had a singer with a sword spirit, and now the scorpion is a pair. Once the service is received, the two scorpions will burst out of the power of the innate sage in the hands of the adults. ”

The voice of the conversation disappeared even though the figure of the two people entered the cave. At the entrance to the cave next door, the returning secret brother and Kun Shimei could not help but suddenly contract.

"After the day Xianbao?"

The two men glanced at each other and then entered the channel of the piano with the fastest speed and flew up.

At this point, the piano double is carefully walking down the channel toward the inside, sniffing the nose, a touch of **** smell floating in the air.

There was some damp around and moss on the walls, but the moss was not green, but red, so that the doubles in the channel had a feeling of walking inside the blood vessels.

Shortly after the trip, that is, about 100 meters away, I saw a narrow hole that could only allow one person to pass through. The hole was not in the array, but the piano double was carefully checked again, in the absence of an alarm. After the pattern, this carefully walked in.

Walking into the hole, the horizon becomes instantly wide. The eyes of Qin double swiftly swept all over, and then landed in the center of the space.

This is a subterranean cavern with a square kilometer and a pool in the center. The entire cave is covered with streaks and **** patterns.

Cave wall, ground, cave top.

There were blood-colored plaids everywhere, forming a whole, spreading all the way to the central pool, and then covered by a heart of blood.

The pool is full of blood and heart, and it is placed very regularly. The eyes of the piano are shrinking. Although we have not recognized this law, we can see that this is a symbol, with a blood heart. The arranged array is connected to the **** array in the entire cave.

Or to say, this is originally a big array, and those **** hearts are the eyes of this big array.

In the center of the pool, the center of the heart of thousands of blood, revealing a hilt, it is obvious that a sword is inserted there.

"This are some familiar..."

Qin double's look stayed, but then she put the silk into the familiar, and quickly swept back and forth this big array, searching in the space of the seven-string space in her mind, but she has a complete inheritance. .

found it!

The spirit of the piano doubles.

"Thousands of blood condenses the gods!"

Qin Shuang’s gaze shrinks, and the blood of the gods is a magical martial art. It is a very evil skill. It uses a lot of blood to contaminate the foundation of the monk, so that the monk loses himself, leaving only The desire to kill bloodthirsty, and at this time, the lost monk has completely forgotten the self and will only obey the master.

Not bad!

It is the owner!

Because in this countless blood heart, there is a thousand blood condensed gods, and the person who casts the spell will first integrate his own blood into the body of the monk. This drop of blood is the center of the thousands of blood coagulation gods, let the monks obey the master of this blood.

This is a kind of skill to control the monks, especially the powerful monks who control the powerful monks, more than their own strength, an evil skill.

Often some powerful monks, who caught the powerful Terran, the Yaozu or the Mozu monks, refining them into this bloody.

Not bad!

This kind of controlled monk is called bloody, taking a drop of blood from his important younger generation, and making it bloody, becoming a guard to protect his younger generation.

It is only this kind of skill that can be used not only on monks but also on Xianbao.

Control Xianbao, whether it is congenital Xianbao or acquired fairy treasure, usually has three forms.

The first one is to cultivate the feelings of Xianbao. This method is to collect Xianbao in his own knowledge of the sea and to raise it day and night.

This method has no harm to Xianbao, and is the most capable way to play Xianbaowei. Even when Xianbao is desperate, Shichengwei can explode twelve layers of power.

However, this method also has weaknesses. It is too difficult to cultivate the feelings of life and death.

If it is the birth of the innate celestial treasure, this method is the most appropriate, because the birth of the innate celestial treasure, its wisdom is usually very weak, only the appearance of a human monk a year or two, so naturally in the day and night warm, will form A very intimate relationship that fosters a relationship that is as close to father and son.

That congenital Xianbao will not only fully exert its power, but will also take the initiative to protect the Lord.

However, if it has been born for a long time, the innate fairy treasure with the wisdom of adults, it is very difficult or even impossible to cultivate this kind of feeling.


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