Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1748: Goodbye Yang Lingwei

Some monks finally got a congenital treasure, because this congenital fairy has already possessed the wisdom of an adult, even an old monster. The monk can not only become a master, in order to let the innate Xianbao shoot at a critical time. They have become servants of the innate fairy treasure. Every day, you should please the congenital Xianbao, and find the favorite Tiancai treasure for the innate fairy treasure.

It’s called a sour!

The same is true for the day after tomorrow, so this kind of skill, for the monk, although able to play the power of Xianbao, but live like a servant, that feeling, is really wanting to die.

Because Xianbao was originally small, it was possible to get a chance to be a big one. It’s even harder to come across a Xianbao that has just been born, or just refining it, whose wisdom is only one or two years old.

Then there is a second method, which is to control Xianbao. The most important aspect of Xianbao’s becoming Xianbao is that it has an instrumental spirit. This second method is the controller spirit, in the spirit of the gods. Leave your own brand, so that this spiritual life and death is completely controlled by the master, can punish the spirit, and even let the spirit die.

But this method is equally difficult. First of all, you must be stronger than the instrument to be able to leave a mark on the spiritual god. Otherwise, it will be countered by the spirit and become a slave to the spirit.

Usually encountered in this situation, with the help of a more powerful elder, the uniform of the spirit, so that the monk left a brand in the spiritual god.

But this method also has weaknesses, although it can control the life of the instrument, let the spirit completely obey the command. However, it will limit the power of Xianbao. Such a fairy soldier does not say that it is a power of 12 points. At most, it can explode 90% of the power, usually only 80% of the power.

However, 80% of Xianbaowei can be amazing enough!

The third method is this kind of thousand blood coagulation.

This is because without the help of the elders, their own strength is not enough, they use this kind of power to control the spirit, but this kind of practice is because the spirit of the instrument is lost, the power is lower and can only be played out. 70% of the power.

“Is this a fairy?”

After seeing the information, Qin’s eyes were bright. She has a Xianbao Xiaoru, knowing the power of Xiaoru. These days, she was able to sweep the twenty-nine peaks. Xiaoru’s credit is very great.

Just now, Qin double does not know whether Xiaoru belongs to the aftertaste, or the innate fairy. But Xiaoru was born in her heart, very close to her, and called her mother from birth. It is the first method that all monks are most expecting to control Xianbao.

Since it is recognized that this is a thousand silk coagulation gods, Qin double determines that the hilt should be a Xianbao, but does not know whether it is a congenital treasure, or a fairy treasure.

However, whether it is congenital Xianbao or acquired Tianbao, it can make Tianrui conquered. It can be seen that this Xianbao is powerful, which makes Qinqin hesitate. If he destroys this place, can he conquer the Xianbao?

The physical form of the dark brother and Kun Shimei quickly came to the first light door. The dark brother took out a cone-shaped fairy and made a stroke toward the light curtain. The light curtain opened a slit silently, and two people Wear the past and fly along the path.

Soon, the two men came to the second light curtain, and the dark brother once again pointed the cone-shaped fairy to the light curtain. The light curtain split again and another slit, and two people sneaked in.

The two passed through the light curtain, and there was a hint of anxiety between the two faces. The two of them still did not see the piano pair, which proves that the piano pair has entered.

For the piano double can pass through two streak light curtains silently, the faces of the dark brothers and Kun Shimei are all surprised. The two of them have broken cones, which was studied by the Tang family. How did Qinqin go through?

Qin double looked at the hilt at this time, and the look was hesitating. It was very simple to destroy this thousand silk coagulation gods. Just pull out the fairy treasure and it will not be alarming. The gods will still keep running, but the blood will leak out of the space that has been pulled out, and gradually spread out. After a while, other monks will find out.


Qin double is more and more aware that the hilt is familiar, he must have seen it.

"Where have you seen it?"

"is her……"

Qin double thinks suddenly, this is not the sword of the exquisite sword that was obtained on the holy mountain of Wu Zongdian in the mainland of the warrior. Is this the appearance?

At the beginning, there were two swords, one exquisite sword and one proud sword.

Linglong sword was obtained by Qin double, and Aotianjian was acquired by Tian. Tianrui took the proud sky sword to fly to the spiritual world, while Qin double with the exquisite sword encountered Yang Linglong who was reborn with extraordinary means. Yang Linglong and Linglong sword merge.

"Why is she here?"

"It seems that Yang Linglong came to the spiritual world earlier than herself, and came to the ink star, but eventually met the Tianti, and was caught by the heavens.


Is this just an exquisite sword, or is it Yang Ling? ”


The hilt began to flash, and the light formed a woman's image, but half of the woman's body had become blood red.

Half blood red, half gold.

It is exactly what Yang Lingzhen looks like!

"Piano double, you are here!"

The eyes that looked at Qin double were full of unwillingness, sadness, shame, expecting...

"How are you... here?"

"Save me first!" Yang Ling's light and shadow became weak.

"it is good!"

When the piano took a step, it floated in front of the Xianbing, and at this time, behind the sound of the smashing of the air, the piano double slammed back, but saw the dark brother and Kun Shimei. At this time, two people were standing there.

Looking at the light and shadow in front of the piano, the two people grew up in shock and eventually said, the dark brother stuttered:

"You, are Yang's predecessor?"

At this time, the dark brother and Kun Shimei were shocked. They came here to find Yang Linglong. Yang Lingyi left the Tang family three months ago and finally disappeared near the right gate. This is the last news that Tang Jia received about Yang Linglong three months ago. They got The Tang family’s order was to find Yang Linglong and then persuade Yang Lingxi to return to the Tang family. However, I did not think that Qin double actually knew Yang Linglong?

What I didn’t even think of was that Yang Linglong turned out to be a sword and a sword sword!

The heart of the dark brother suddenly stunned!

"Sword spirit!

A sword spirit that can be shaped!

Is it a congenital fairy? Still the top congenital fairy? ”

Qin double looked at the shocked look of the dark brother and Kun Shimei, and some of them could not understand the situation at hand.

The two people in the Tangjiatian round camp actually know Yang Lingwei?

What happened to Yang Lingzhen in the ink star?


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