Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1825: boiling

Just think about this result, Lu Guanglong's heart is so cold that it falls into the ice cave.


The sound of countless cloaks rushed together, making a loud noise, and countless monks are flying at the fastest speed.

"The piano is coming!"

"I can finally see the look of an idol!"

"I am so excited!"

"Have you heard that? Qinqin actually went deep into the demon territory and killed countless demon people."

"I said, how did the aristocratic gas movement suddenly grow again? It turned out to be a piano double my idol."

"Dry beautiful!"

"A good lonely hero!"

"But, how did I hear Qin double said that these are her sins? Did I get it wrong?"

"I also heard, is there something that we don't know?"

"I heard some insider."

"What is insider?"

"It is said that those Xianjun are angry at Qin’s long time not coming to the Union as a monarch. Some Xianjun proposed to deprive the Qinshuangjun elders and punish her."

"So, can this be so? Are those sinners crazy? Why doesn't Qinshuang come to the league? That's because she has been slaying the demon for the human race outside. If this is also a sin, what hopes do we have?"

I am not satisfied! ”

"I don't accept it!"


Qin Double greeted Lu Guanglong’s murderous eyes and said:

"I want to shout a scorpion now, you want to kill me?"

Although Lu Guanglong was angry, his heart was full of killings, but he was not a fool. He had heard the snoring approaching quickly, and immediately disappeared the killing in the eyes. Said faintly:

"I never thought about killing you. You are too sensitive. I just want to ask you, why do you avoid the alliance?"

"Come to stop!"

At this time, the guards on the outside of the ceremonial hall were discolored. If there were people who dared to discuss the hall in the past, they would ask if they would ask, and they would directly kill them. However, now they don't dare, not only don't dare, but their hearts are extremely tense.

Because people... too much!

At this time, if they dare to shoot, it will inevitably lead to unpredictable consequences.

"Why let us stop!" someone shouted: "We want to see the piano double."

"Qin double!" Tang Qian hand condensed: "Would you like to go out and see them!"

Everyone in the hall of the House of Directors looked at the piano pair. They thought of all the ways to meet the piano, but they didn't think it would be this scene. At this time, they suddenly discovered that, in terms of prestige, Qinqin is not weaker than the people in the human race, and even higher than them.

These immortals have prestige in the Terran, and this prestige is not comparable to Qinshuang. But on the prestige, they are not as good as the piano.

This kind of prestige is that the piano doubles one step at a time and walks out by himself. No one is pushing the waves, and there is no man-made potential. This is even more terrible.

First, the tower of the tower, won the first place in the Luo Luobang, for the human race to win the air. Later, he continued to kill the Yaozu, and through the rapid promotion of the rankings on the demon list, he repeatedly attracted the attention of the Terran, enhanced her prestige, and constantly set the roots of spiritual leaders in the hearts of the human monks. Finally, once again, he fell into the demon territory, killing the demon, and let the family once again win the air.

This is the general trend!

In the face of the general trend, even Xianjun, can not be blocked!

Especially if you have a family of immortals, you can not be afraid, but you can't think about it for the family.

If you say that there is still one person in the current ink star who can compare with the piano, even if the piano is stepped on the foot, there is only one who hurts the avenue.


That person is still mysterious than the piano, and the dragon will not see the end!

Qin double looked at Tang Qianshou faintly, but there was no words. Tang Qianshou naturally understands the meaning of the piano's eyes, and both eyes scan the crowd:

"I hope that no one will shoot the piano again. If anyone else shoots, it is an enemy of the alliance. What opinions do you have? People who do not agree can now come up."

Everyone in the hall of the House of Representatives is silent, no one is stupid. At this time, it is not an enemy of Tang Qianshou. It is really an enemy of the Alliance and an enemy of almost all the monks of the Alliance. Didn't you see the excitement of the monks outside?

And more and more monks are coming in, who is this big trend?

Lu Guanglong sat down in black and black, sitting there, depressed heart to vomit blood, but did not dare to speak. Not only did he dare to speak out, he didn't even dare to look at the piano. Once he saw it, he was picked up by the piano and made him not come to Taiwan. People lost.

"Since no one disagrees, I hope that no one will go back. Otherwise, my family will never let go."

Yuxi and Lei Silong looked at more and more monks outside the gate, and their eyes changed. However, there is still no sound. Tang Qian’s face showed a smile on his face:

"Piano double, go out and meet, don't let the hearts of the monks who worship you. They have been looking forward to you for a long time."

"it is good!"

The piano nodded twice, then gave a gift to the people in the hall, then turned and walked outside the gate. Standing on the high steps, looking at the opposite side of the sea, the heart of the piano is also hot. This is her coming to the spiritual world, or for the first time being so many monks, with a warm eye. The double arms of the piano are raised and pressed down. The crowd is silent. In the hall of the House of Representatives, everyone’s heart is a hop. As a Xianjun, it is not surprising to be able to do a double-word, but the Qinshuang is just a big Luo Jinxian, but it can do so, showing the lofty position of the Qins in the hearts of the people. One by one can not help but secretly:

"This piano pair is really a hedgehog now, can't touch it!"

"Dear friends, I am Qin double!"

At this time, the sound of Qin double sounded clear outside the gate.

"Qin double!"

"Qin double!"

"Qin double!"


During the time, the cheers became a piece, and the name of the Qin double was shouted straight into the sky. Everyone in the hall of the House of Representatives has a gaze. There was a smile on the face of Tang Qianshou and Mo Qiancheng.

The piano double stretched out his arms and pressed again.


The bird is silent!

The people in the hall of the House of Representatives looked at each other.

"Good dominance!"

The sound of the piano doubles again, a word, and the voice echoes over the silent city of Mexico!

"Hundreds of millions of people are billions of troops!"

Outside the main hall, the monks will be boiled in an instant, stretching their necks one by one, roaring with their greatest strength:

"One inch of mountain river and one inch of blood!"


The momentum of hundreds of millions of monks exploded and rushed into the sky.


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