Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1826: Meet up

The kind of momentum that converges together, even the peak of Xianjun, such as Tang Qianshou, is not shocked at this moment.

Qinqin extended his arms to the next pressure for the third time, and silenced again!

"Dear friends, we met for the first time. There was no meeting for everyone, and I couldn’t afford it."

"Ha ha ha..."

The monks laughed loudly, and the mystery of the original Qin double gave them a sense of distance, but at the moment, they felt a lot of kindness.

"But it's not good to send anything, so I prepared a meeting for everyone."

This time, all the monks are curious.

As Qinqin said, there are no hundred million monks and tens of millions of people here, and there are also monks flying in an endless stream, that is, the piano is rich and can't afford it. But Qin double said that he wants to send, what will he send?

Not only is the monk outside the door curious, but the fairy in the door is also curious.

During the time, there was silence outside the door and the needle was audible.

“Everyone has heard of Yinzushan?” Qin’s voice was clearly sent into the ears of each monk. After waiting for everyone’s answer, Qin double continued:

"Qin Shuang was lucky enough to board the sound ancestral mountain and listened to the time. Just the piano is stupid, but only learned the upper part of the time. But Qin double found that this upper time can bring the monk like a return to birth, will be himself The experience, bit by bit, re-over, once the fuzzy memory is unclear, it will be clearly presented, will increase the mood of the monk. Today is here, Qin double for each of your friends, Fuqin, one thanks to you Daoyou loves Qinshuang, and second, I hope that my friends will gain something."

When the words fall, the piano sits on the ground, the legs are on the market, the mind is moving, the stream is around, and the guqin is placed between the knees. At the same time, all the monks sat on the ground and closed their eyes.


The piano fingers moved, and the time fluttered in the sky above the city of Motown. Even the princes in the door, this time, the heart was moving and closed his eyes.

After more than half an hour, Qin double smashed the upper part of the time, and his mind was moved, and the Guqin was put away. I heard a long sigh in my ear.

Long sighs with memories, with grief.

"Yang senior, you..."

"Nothing, think of some things." Yang Lingyi no longer speaks.

Qinqin stood up and looked at the opposite black crowd. When the monks were still immersed in it, they stopped talking and turned into the hall. At the same time, the princes and the patriarchs in the hall of the proceedings also opened their eyes and looked at the eyes of Qin double. Even if they are, the mood is only a slight improvement.

This is very difficult for them. The higher the cultivation, the harder it is to improve the mood.

Tang Qianshou sleeves a swing, the door slowly closed.

"sit down!"

"Thank you!"

After the double ceremony, the eyes swept over the sides, and there were several empty chairs at the end of the two sides. The piano double sat casually on a chair.

"Qin double!" At this time, Lu Guanglong spoke again, his face was not angry, his voice was very dull, but it made people feel aggressive.

"After the Alliance has sealed you as a monarch, you have been avoiding it. I hope you give us an explanation."

“Explain?” Qin double frowned slightly: “What do I need to explain?”

"What explanation? Are you provoking the alliance?"

"I think things should be like this!" Qin doubled and waved: "For example, oh... yes, what does this predecessor call?"

"Qin double, I will introduce you to you!" Gao Shiguang said with a smile: "This is Lu's ancestor, Lu Guanglong."

"Oh! Since it is the Lu family ancestors, does that mean that Lu’s predecessors also have a family?"

"What do you mean?"

Lu Guanglong looked at him and his eyebrows were erected. However, I am worried in my heart. Is this Qin double calling for the monk monk to isolate the Lu family?

"I mean, if you Lu Jia claims to hire me as the elder of your family, whether I am willing or not, do I have to go to your Lu family to explain? Do not explain, is it a crime?"


"What are you? I just want to ask, what is the alliance?"

The words fell, Qin Shuang's gaze removed from Lu Guanglong's face, swept across the faces of the patriarchs of Xianjun and Jiutian Xuanxian, and said with a voice:

"Is the alliance to resist the Yaozu, born for the survival of the Terran, or born to fight for power?"

Not to mention that I have been killing the demon monk, there is no time to come to Mexico. Let's say, have you asked me to be a monarch, have you asked me for your opinion? ”

The monks in the hall of the House of Representatives are all in the heart, even if they have always supported, and the first to propose the use of Qin double as the elders of Tang Qianshou and Mo Qiancheng are also a little look.

Do you need to ask for the double opinion of the piano?

At this time, everyone could not help but think of the example of Lu Jiaju. If the Lu family wants to invite them to these elders as elders...

Do not!

Lu Jia simply did not dare! That is simply a shame to these immortals.

If the Lu family wants to ask the piano to be an elder, do you need to ask for the double opinion?

The answer is needed!

With Qin Dian's current power and prestige, it is absolutely necessary to seek the advice of Qin Double, otherwise it will be a humiliation of Qin Double.

not to mention……

Which family hires elders will also seek advice first, and they will never announce it without first asking questions. This is a hidden rule.


The league is different!

The alliance is not a family, the alliance is a human alliance, the alliance appoints you as a monarch, and you need to ask for opinions?

All Xianjun fell into thoughts, and then they suddenly woke up.


Because this is a respect for a monk, after all, it is not a mortal country's dynasty. Everyone is just a monk who practices against the sky. If this matter is placed on the bodies of these Xianjun, I am afraid that such a thing will never happen. The alliance will first find the Xianjun, solicit opinions and talk about the conditions.

Talking about good conditions?

Is not this nonsensical?

A family hires an elder, but also needs to talk about the conditions first, no interest, why give your family an elder?

So, a league that is much larger than a family, hire an elder, is it a sentence? No interest?

In short, they included Tang Qianshou and Mo Qiancheng, and they realized that they had not seen the piano doubles from the bottom of their hearts, but only regarded the piano as a younger generation. You are a younger generation, I will give you the honor of a monarch, you are not grateful?

However, Yuxi and Lei Silong used the piano pair as a chess piece to attack Tang Qianshou and Mo Qiancheng, but they did not put the piano in their eyes.


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