Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1935: Ice giant

At this time, there is a bow in the storage ring of the piano double. It is a top-grade fairy bow made by the old man to the piano, and it is a fire attribute bow. This bow can be used even if there is no arrow. It has the property of fire itself. As long as the piano double sends the fire element into the bow, it will automatically condense an arrow, the arrow that is completely condensed by the fire.

Of course, the power can be worse than the old-fashioned arrow of the old town. Moreover, after the old town got the permission of the piano pair, it was said that it was a joy, not only for the piano double refining a number of top-grade arrows, but also for the piano double refining a number of arrows.

The so-called arrow is a symbol on the arrow, no longer a pure arrow, but a law cut. It is a fire attribute method, and the bow complements each other.

Qin double liked the bow and gave the bow a name.

"It seems that I have to rely on this bow!"

The two interplanetary rafts lifted the speed to the limit, and in the emptiness of the sky, it was like two dark lights, sailing towards the edge of the ice vortex.

As the distance is close, the ice vortex, such as the dragon, gives the piano a strong shock.

It is... too big!

The snoring heard from a distance has become a huge boom.

Everyone seems to be in a thunderstorm, as if there are countless thunders roaring. In fact, it is the huge ice vortex, and countless black ice are colliding.

The defensive mask on the starship began to appear rippled on the surface of the lake. It was a strong wind driven by a huge ice vortex, blowing on the defensive light curtain.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the two huge starships are like two ants.

The defensive light curtains began to distort, which was attracted by the huge gravitational force. Both of them could feel the gravitational flow of the interstellar snorkeling under the feet, and the whole interplanetary tremble was shaking. The hull made a creaking sound.

The two interplanets are near the edge of the ice vortex, like the two ants on the edge of the ice vortex. One of the celestial beings looks dignified, and Ling Tianhua sings loudly:

"The defensive shield has been tuned to one-way defense, which means it can resist attacks from the outside to the inside, but our attacks can be attacked from the inside out.

Everyone is ready, the ice giant is coming! ”


In the field of Qinshuang, I saw the ice vortex, a piece of black ice on a small continent, standing on an ice giant with a height of more than ten feet. At this time, jumping on the black ice, toward the starship Rushed over.

The piano doubles the black ice giants, the shape is similar to people, just taller than people. The whole body is dark, and there are still seven.

When a black ice giant in his head raised his hand and held it in the air, he quickly condensed a huge ice spear in his hand.

The black ice giants behind him also condensed a black ice spear, and then, under the leadership of the headed ice giant, threw it out toward the starship.


Ling Tianhua screamed and released a spell. It was a continuous mountain range, appearing outside the interstellar pontoon and traversing the ice spear between the stars.


The mountain fell for a while and collapsed. More ice spears spurred. All Xianjun stood on the side of the starship of the interstellar pontoon, constantly releasing various methods to withstand the attack of the ice giant.

But the ice giants are more and more, and they are constantly increasing. Numerous ice giants jumped from the center of the ice vortex to the side, and the closer to the ice giant in the center of the ice vortex, the taller the body, the Qin double has seen a group of ice giants who are as high as a thousand feet are coming.


The dense ice spear spurred, and a Baizhang ice giant leaped high on the black ice, and a huge ice spear was condensed in his hand and threw it at the starship. The ice spear penetrated a sinister's block and hit the defensive shield, and the defensive shield slid sharply toward the inside.


The ice spear penetrated the defensive light curtain. Although the huge ice spear was reduced by two-thirds after the penetration, it was still sharp and even spurred toward the piano.

Qin Shuang's hand quickly grasped the fire sword, the body force shocked, swarming toward the sword tip of the fire sword, the sword tip shines a little bright light.

Shock and add a little starlight.


The sword's tip of the fire sword is precisely placed on the tip of the ice spear.


The ice spear shattered from the tip of the spear and turned into ice and snow.

"All the monks began to release the Taoist law and resist the ice spear!" Ling Tianhua shouted.


His voice did not fall, and suddenly he dropped countless black lightning from the sky, drowning his shouts and bombarding the defensive light curtain on the starship, causing the defensive light curtain to slam.


One monk swept away toward the ship's side, and then the various tactics were released to the outside of the interstellar pontoon, and the darkness of the sky became awkward.

At this time, Qin double stood on the side of the ship and took the fire sword into the storage ring. The backhand took out the original bow and bent the bow to make the arrow. The fire element was quickly poured into the original bow, but it was instantly opened in the piano. On the bowstring, a hot red arrow is condensed.

The piano double locked a ten-foot black ice giant and gently released his finger.


The bowstring is soft and the arrow looks like a meteor!

Through the day!


The rocket hit the black ice giant.


Turned into a flame, wrapped the black ice giant, the black ice giant tumbling on the black ice, screaming, the body began to melt.

"Sure enough!"

The piano was bright, and this time she took out an ordinary top-grade arrow, bent the arrow and locked a black ice giant.

Through the day!


The arrow penetrated the forehead of the Black Ice Giant, but the Black Ice Giant was unaffected, still condensing the ice spear and attacking the Starship.


Suddenly, more than a dozen ice spears spurred toward the piano. The flame arrow she shot was followed by the Black Ice Giant and concentrated on her attack.


More than a dozen ice spears were bombarded on the defensive light curtain, and the defensive light curtain was inwardly recessed, and then more than a dozen ice spears penetrated and passed to the piano double.

As soon as the right hand of the piano was lifted, the fifteen water-red beads on the wrist turned into a huge shield and she was treated as her body.


More than a dozen ice spears penetrated the defensive shield, shrinking by two-thirds and bombarding the shield continuously.



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