Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1936: Ice core

Huge force allowed the piano's feet to swipe on the deck and back a dozen meters before removing the power of the bombardment on the shield.


The dozen or so ice spears fell to the ground, causing the deck to spread frost.


Qin double's face was white and looked up at the sky. At this time, the defensive shield of the interstellar boat was distorted by the huge gravity of the ice vortex, and it had a complete collapse trend. At this time, the intensive black thunder landed and bombarded the defensive light curtain.

"Be careful, defense!"

Ling Tianhua’s voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every monk in the thunder.

However, the monks who had not waited for the piano pair reacted, and the sound of "咔嚓咔嚓" continued to be heard in the ear, and the entire defensive light curtain collapsed.

It was a real collapse, not a crack, and the entire interplanetary boat was exposed to the Thunder. Although the Thunder has been reduced by the defensive shields, there are still Yu Wei who have fallen from the top of the head, but it is a lot loose.

The monks hurriedly evaded, but there were still many monks in the black thunder. Some monks were directly killed by the mighty thunder. Some monks were stunned by the smaller thunder, and they lost their body. The ability to act, the ice spear thrown by the ice giant penetrated the body.

Even more difficult is that once the protection of the defensive shield is lost, the huge gravity of the ice vortex is directly added to the monks on the deck. Many monks are sucked into the air by powerful suction and flew toward the ice vortex.


More than a dozen ice spears spurred toward the piano, but the piano did not dare to escape. Because once they evade, their feet will leave the deck, and they will be sucked into the air by strong attraction and sucked into the ice vortex.

The piano doubled up the shield, and the dozen or so ice spears were bombarded on the shield. Without the reduction of the defensive shield, the power of the ice spear was even greater, and the body of the piano double was swept away.

Fortunately, the direction in which the doubles were shot was opposite to the direction of gravity of the ice vortex. The doubles in the air, after a slight reduction in the force of being hit, hurriedly made a jack-up and firmly grasped the deck with both feet.


A black thunder bombarded the feet of the piano, and then cracked open, splashing on the body of the piano, so that the body of the piano double is a numb, the body is stiff, the force is vented, and the body is sucked away by the great gravity. The deck.


The piano double screamed badly, but she saw that the thunder that was bombarded at her feet was very large. This is that the bombardment is at her feet, and there is no direct bombardment on her. Otherwise, the piano has already become Gray.

"Qin double!"

"Be careful, the piano double!"

The anxious shouts of Yu Guanting and Sun Yuan came from below, and at this time the speed at which the doubles were sucked into the ice vortex began to increase, and the body had already flown out of the ship's side and left the starship.

An extreme cold hit the body of the piano, making the body of the piano more stiff. The piano double is like a dead wood in a big river. It runs down the river and is completely involuntarily. In everyone's heart, Qin double is already a dead end.


From the opposite black ice, lasing dozens of ice spears, the piano double at this time is like an aerial target. On the deck, Yu Guanting and others showed a faint color on their faces.

The piano double-mindedly moved, and the water-lei Shield that fell on the deck suddenly spurred toward the piano. When it touched the body of the piano, it turned into a liquid, and flowed along the arm of the piano to the whole body. A pair of armor.

In the moment of turning into armor, the thunder in the double body of the piano is absorbed, and the piano is instantly restored to the ability to act.


Pull the sword!

The darkness of the sky is empty, and a glimmer of light shines. It is the double backhand that pulls out the exquisite sword from the back.


The tip of the exquisite sword collided with the tip of an ice spear, and the speed at which the piano was quickly sucked away was a meal.


The exquisite sword continually collided with an ice spear. The body of the piano double was shocked by the huge force of the ice spear. It broke away from the gravitational pull of the ice vortex and began to fly back toward the starship.


The double feet of the piano fell on the deck, the feet firmly grasped the deck, the exquisite sword kept hitting, the strength of the complete body, and an ice spear collided.

At this time, the black thunder has disappeared, but the monks are still worried, because the black thunder appears completely irregular, and may not appear again, but it may appear more dense and fearful.


Just beside the Qinshuang, the sea of ​​anger was shot by an ice spear. At this time, the piano double just stood firm on the deck.


The piano doubles the mind and moves, and the thirty-six-handed swords are wrapped around the body, and an anti-small Zhoujian sword array is set up.

Xiao Zhou Tian Jian Zhen is an attacking sword array, strangling everything in the sword array. The anti-small Zhou Jianjian array is a defensive sword array, strangling all attacks from the outside to the inside, protecting everything in the small Zhou Tianjian array.

The small Zhoutian sword array was instantly generated, and the Qinshuang, Yuguan Ting, Sun Yuan and the Year Geng were shrouded in it.


The double backhand puts the exquisite sword back into the scabbard on the back, the left hand has taken out the original bow, the right hand takes out the arrow, the right hand repeatedly and quickly pulls the bowstring, pulling out the afterimage in the air.


A branch of the arrow spurred toward the ice giant on the black ice, accurately shot one by one ice giant, burst into a hot flame, shrouded and burned an ice giant.

The ice giants mourned and fell to the ground. At the same time, the archers in the monks began to shoot at the ice giant.

However, more ice giants have already rushed to the edge of the ice vortex.


One by one, the ice giants stepped on the black ice with their feet on their feet. The huge figure jumped high and jumped over to the interstellar boat. It fell like a dumpling on the starship.

The deck immediately became chaotic, and the monks cut into countless pieces and were besieged by more and more ice giants.

At this time, the piano double has already put away the bow and arrow, and changed to the fire sword, and her attack is also very simple. Every time it is a sword fire, it will refine the ice giant life.

The smoldering void is completely the nemesis of the ice giant, and the monks of the fire roots are much easier than the other monks.


The crystal-clear beads of the size of a fist fell from the body of the refining ice giant and landed on the deck, releasing the ultimate ice.

"Ice core!"

In the heart of the piano, the joy of the heart is constantly released, and the left hand keeps volleying to grab an ice core. And Sun Yuan, Yu Guanting and Nian Geng Giant are hiding in the Xiao Zhoutianjian array, attacking the ice giant.


Thank you very much, Yangge, Bai Zibing, seriously studying and studying hard, I want to be a wycx reward!



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