Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1937: Rush out of the sky

Occasionally, there are dense thunders in the sky, regardless of the monks and ice giants. Every time the Thunder is lowered, many monks and ice giants fall. The small Zhou Tianjian array of Qin double collapsed from time to time, but Qin double can always release a small Zhou Jianjian array in time. Moreover, there are more and more monks protecting the small Zhoutian sword array, which is not only to protect the piano double, Yu Guanting, Sun Yuan and the Geng Giant.

"To rush out of the ice vortex, withdraw!"

When I heard a voice in my ear and blew it on my head, Qinqin and others looked for it, and I saw a thousand-foot ice giant, got rid of a fairy, and jumped out of the interplanetary. There is also a thousand feet of ice giants ran through the small Zhou Tianjian array of Qin double, and a handful of ice spears smashed toward the small Zhou Tianjian.


Qin double again refused to hide, and raised a stack of **** fire charms, this is the first time she released the scorpion on the starship, and once released, it is the strongest fire, while the right arm slams, six The second fire was released and the void was released. At the same time, I sighed:



The burst of Hellfire and the power of the smoldering emptiness almost broke out at the same time, causing the thousand-foot ice giant to be hurt, but the damage was not great, and the ice spear in the hand was still smashed down.


Xiao Zhoutian Jianzhen collapsed, but fortunately, Qinshuang people rushed out of the Xiao Zhoutian sword array and escaped.


A thick sword and mans smashed into the air, and that just smashed the Xiao Zhoutian sword array, the body of the thousand-foot ice giant, suddenly suddenly split into two halves from under the head.


An ice core with a human head size fell from the air and squatted on the deck. Ling Tianhua reached out and grabbed it.


The Starship finally completely got rid of the gravitational pull of the ice vortex, broke free from the **** and flew away in the direction of the Purple Star. Without the defensive light curtain, the hurricane caused the monks to dare not move, and their feet caught the deck.


The defensive light curtain began to restart, slowly and firmly rising slowly. When the defensive light curtain was closed and the starship was completely shrouded, the monks' legs were soft and fell on the deck.


Qin double also sat down on the deck, gasping with a big mouth, sweat like a waterfall rushing out from the pores of the sweat, feeling weak, and the power of Yuanli and Yuanshen felt exhausted.

Qin double took out the medicinal medicine, then sat down and began to resume the adjustment. At this time, not only the monks who participated in the assessment were adjusting the interest rate, but the Xianjun consumption was also very large, and they all sat on the deck to adjust the interest rate.

Seven days later.

Qin double and others stood on the deck. Everyone changed their clothes and looked at the purple star that was getting closer. The face showed excitement.

Finally passed through the Scorpio and came to the purple star they yearn for.

This time through the Scorpio, the number of declining statistics reached more than 40%, that is, nearly two million monks, more than 800,000 deaths.

According to this trend, I am afraid that the monks of other stars will fall a lot. The monks who really participate in the examination of the Tianzi Institute will not imagine as much, but there will never be less.

The third layer of the nine-day Xuanxian of Yuguanting has been very stable. After the battle of the ice vortex, as long as it does not die, everyone has more or less refined.

The repair of Gengju was also completely stable on the second floor of Xuantian in the 9th day, while Sun Yuan broke through to the second floor of Xuantian in nine days, but it was not stable enough. The surviving monks have more or less breakthroughs. Even though the Qinshuang has not broken through, it will be upgraded to the peak of the tenth layer of Da Luo Jinxian.

It’s just that this level of piano double breaks, and it is almost the span of all monks. There is no way to do this. On the one hand, it is the four attributes of the piano double cultivation. Every breakthrough and promotion requires a lot of sage and time. In her starship, she did not dare to use the town demon tower, and the improvement was slow.

And on this starship, there is almost no big Luo Jinxian. Most of them are dead. In the death journey of Tianzhu, the strength is weak and not dead. Is it hard to die?

Most of the great Luo Jinxian who survived the battle, and most of them have made breakthroughs. They have become nine-day Xuan Xian. Do you have to say that there is a big horror and a big chance?

Therefore, today's Da Luo Jin Xian on this starship, plus the piano double, there are only twelve people. These twelve people are inevitably looked down upon by other monks. It was faintly separated from the twelve people. Of course, not all of them are the same. Like Yu Guanting, Sun Yuan and Geng Gengju know that they can't treat Qinqin as a big Luo Jinxian, so they are still surrounded by Qinshuang.

Qin Shuang's gaze looked toward Ling Tianhua standing on the edge of the nine-story fence. A few days ago, after her interest rate was restored, she collected her harvest in the room.

This trip to Scorpio has given Qin Double two great gains.

One harvest is the nourishment of the Scorpio creatures, and the town demon tower has finally been upgraded to the Chinese immortal treasure. This allows the piano to make up its mind. When you cultivate yourself for improvement, you must come here again, kill the Scorpio creatures and upgrade the grade of the town demon tower.

The second harvest, the original Qin double did not care, in the killing of the ice giant, Qin double harvested 76 ice core.

Seventy-one ice cores are the size of a baby's fist, which is the ice core of the ten-foot giant. Five adult-sized ice cores, which are the ice cores of the Baizhang Ice Giant.

As for the ice core of the giants...

Qin double encounters thousands of ice giants, it is not bad to be killed, but also to kill thousands of ice giants, get ice core?

Qinshuang knows that ice cores are of great value and have two main uses.

One is for cultivation, and if anyone is a mutant ice root, this ice core is definitely a cultivation treasure. Unfortunately, the piano is not. The other is the refining of the ice attribute fairy, which is not something that the ice roots can use, and the people of the water root can also release it. Therefore, the ice core is still very precious. But there is no point that makes the piano feel pleasantly surprised. After all, the piano double is not the root of the ice, and the water attribute fairy has also a water mine.

However, when the old town of Lingling saw the ice core, he told Qin Double that he could use the ice core to lay a large array of thousands of miles. Now there is an ice core of a thousand feet of ice giants as a lineup, and there are twelve ice giants of the Baizhang Ice Giant as a secondary eye. In the ice core of seventy-two ten-foot ice giants, the thousands of miles are arranged. The ice array method, even Xianjun will not be able to withstand.

This makes the piano double surprise!

Therefore, she is very keen to acquire the ice core. She wants to set up a 10,000-mile ice pack. It also needs an ice core of a ten-foot ice giant, seven ice giants of the Baizhang ice giant and an ice core of a thousand-foot ice giant.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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