Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1971: mature

This is the minimum resistance!

It can also be regarded as a card for life.

"Feng Ming!" Qin double communicated with Feng Min in consciousness.


"Is there no fairy on the star?"

"Yes! There are also indigenous immortals on the treasure, and they are all kinds of demon sages. The Terrans other than the stars, the demon and the demon attacked the stars, and the four sides of the sages hit the hands, almost giving the stars The four sides have reached an agreement, and the fairy on the star will not be able to start the tribe of the three races. Of course, the premise is that you don't want to provoke those immortals, otherwise you will find no way to find death.

The immortals of the three tribes will not enter the Baoxing. Once the tribes of the tribes have broken into the Xianjun in Baoxing, they must leave immediately, otherwise the Baoxing Xianjun can be killed. ”


Qin double is slightly relieved, as long as Xianjun does not shoot, Qin double feels that even if he can't grab nine Jinlian, but he wants to save his life, there is no problem. After all, he still has seven silky water lines.


The piano looks awkward, she smells a kind of fragrant smell that makes her soulful and refreshing. When she looks up, she sees that the nine-turn Jinlian in the middle of the Great Lakes has slowly opened up. The smell is from the open flower bones. of.


A piece of the sound of the fairy, the three tribes on the shores of the Great Lakes all sacrificed weapons, and a pair of eyes locked the open lotus in the middle of the Great Lakes.

When the lotus is completely open, it is the moment when the lotus seeds mature. At that time, it is the time of robbing.


Suddenly there was a screaming tweet in the sky. The monks and other monks couldn’t help but look up and saw the clouds in the sky. They came from countless monsters from all directions, hovering over the Great Lake, like a huge vortex. .


The sound of the thundering sounds, the earth is shaking.


Countless monsters gathered from all directions, and a pair of eyes looked greedily at the open lotus in the middle of the Great Lakes.

"Not good!" Qin said in a double heart: "It is the strange smell that attracts the monster and the demon bird."


Only in an instant, the battle broke out. The monsters on the ground saw the tribes of the tribes block their way, and immediately launched an attack on the tribes. That smell has already made the monster lose its sense of reason, and more and more monsters are screaming.

Qin double did not release the Tao, but with his own body strength, holding a metal sword of the old refining of the town, while fighting with the monster, slowly approaching the big lake.


In the sky, it is like a series of thundering wings, and the piano double looks up and sinks. By the moment the lotus seeds mature, these black-and-white monsters are definitely an extreme danger.


A white shadow makes the piano eyes bright, and the opposite side is a white lion, which exudes the power of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. Huge body, like a hill, a huge claw shot down the piano.

"This is a bit like the lion built in the waiting area!"

In the heart of the piano, the footsteps are one step, and the steps are unfolded.


The giant claw slammed on the ground and took a large hole in the ground.


The piano's right foot is on the ground, and the figure is like a sharp arrow.


A small fist slammed into the jaw of the white lion.


There was a broken bone from the bottom, and with the scream of the white lion, the figure of the double had exceeded the white lion, and the right foot was picked up and the head of the white lion was drawn.


The white lion’s big head was hit by the piano and hit the ground. The white lion felt a sigh of relief. Before it was awake, the piano double had already fallen on its side, and waved it into the town demon tower. .

"The town is old, trapping it."


Qin double and the monster battle in one place, the surrounding is too chaotic, and no one pays attention to the piano double. Even if someone has the strength to pay attention, they will not pay attention to the battlefield. Their attention is on the open lotus in the middle of the Great Lakes.


The six-eared macaque sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up, and Yang’s head screamed and picked up the stick in his hand and swept it out.


The three figures flew back over the Great Lakes, but it was the three monks of Luo Jun, Hua Xianzi and Yan Yunzi.

At this time, the lotus flower was completely bloomed, and the rich fragrance was quickly released.


The whirlwind bird in the sky swooped down to the bottom. Fighting down the huge lotus.


From the lotus, a hundred and eight golden lights were suddenly spurred, that is, one hundred and eight lotus seeds. The six-eared macaques stretched out their hands and seized nine golden lights. Luo Jun, who flew again, Hua Xianzi and Yan Yunzi also grabbed a few lotus seeds, and then rushed toward other lotus seeds.

The one hundred and eight lotus seeds were only moments, and they were divided by the demon birds, the monsters, and the three tribes. But none of them were able to leave, because at the moment they got the lotus seeds, they were besieged by countless tribes, demon birds and monsters.


The monks who had just received the lotus seeds, the demon birds or the monsters, did not have time to close them up, and some were smashed up, the lotus seeds changed hands, but then they were besieged to death, and the lotus seeds changed hands again.

Qin double stood in place without moving, right hand sword, left hand fist, will be bombarded near his own monster, in fact, there are not many monsters attacking her at this time, since she did not go to grab nine Jinlian, naturally there is no The tribes, the beasts and the demon birds attacked her and attacked her monsters, just thinking she was blocking.

The piano double began to move backwards slowly. In this stormy battle, Qin double never felt so weak. She really realized what is Tianjiao at this time. It is no exaggeration to say that almost every monk here can be challenged more and more. The most important thing is that the monks on each monk are defensive and attacking, and the grade is very high.

The piano double gradually moved out of the circle of battle. The heart spit out a sigh of relief, and before she even looked for the opportunity to **** the lotus seeds, she had a huge shadow and shrouded her.


The piano double stepped back a dozen steps.


A huge crane fell in front of her, one wing was smashed down, and the mouth whipped. Qin did not want to wave his hand, he took the crane into the town demon tower, and then he looked up and flew into the air.


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