Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1972: snatch

The air has already become a group. At this time, 108 lotus seeds have been obtained by the three tribes, but no monk can leave. These monks are stared by other tribes, besieged by layers, even if Luo Jun, Hua Xianzi and Yan Yunzi are no exception, and they are heavily slain.


The piano was swept away, and there were still monks coming from a distance, and joined the killing without hesitation.

There are more than a dozen golden light spots in the sky. It is a nine-turn golden lotus seed. Around the dozen lotus seeds, countless monks are killing, but no one has the chance to get the lotus seeds. Every time a monk tries to grab a lotus seed, it will be strangled by other monks.

Qin double saw Feng Ming, she was also around a lotus seed, around the lotus seed, the number of monks more than one hundred, is being tragically killed. Feng Ming’s repair of the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian is not the highest among the more than one hundred monks. And at this time, Feng Ming's body already has two deep visible bone wounds.

"Qin double, why don't you go grab the nine-turn Jinlian?" Weiyang's voice rang in the consciousness of Qin Double.

"Do you think that the first layer of my nine-day Xuanxian is suitable?" Qin doubled a white eye.

"But, this nine-turn Jinlian can at least allow you to break through to the second floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. Your current repair is still too low, and may not be able to pass the assessment of Tianziyuan."

"I can break through without a nine-turn Jinlian."

"But it can also help you to create a mystery."

"Maybe I can give birth to it without it."

"According to my speculation, the nine-turn Jinlian may have a promoting effect on the seven-in-one."

Qin double silently said: "Really?"

"Really, I have been pushing for a long time."

"It’s really troublesome!"

Qin double sighed and looked in the air. Weiyang laughed two channels:

"If you stay here and don't leave, I don't believe that you haven't robbed the idea of ​​nine-turn Jinlian."

"Of course, of course, but I just thought about it. If I have the chance, I will grab it. It doesn't matter if I have no chance. But now I have to grab it."


More than a dozen figures fell in the Great Lakes, and the lake instantly became red. All kinds of corpses flew around, and each attack exceeded the power of Xuantian in the late nine days.

Qinqin did not dare to neglect, opened the Xuanwu Yuanshen, and sacrificed the lunar eclipse, a layer of glazed brilliance, tightly attached to the surface of the body, carefully starting to sway in the air toward the nearest one. The lotus seeds move.


There was a roar in the sky, and a fiery figure fell to the ground. Qin Shuang’s heart was a tight one, and his body shape swept, and he came to the figure. That person is the Fengming that was bombarded from the air.

"Is it okay?"

On the other side of the piano, the gods knew the sound and threw it to Fengming for a fresh fruit. Feng Ming three mouths will eat the Vientiane:



Feng Ming rushed up again, and the two curved knives in his hand burst into a hot flame.


A loud bang, Feng Ming slammed a Demon monk out of the distance. The eyes of Qin double are a condensation.

Feng Ming’s strength is now close to half a step. In particular, the two scimitars in her hands are now the best.

Half-step Xianjun's power, the best of the fairy scimitar, if you lie on the body of the piano, the piano can not afford.

"This temper is too hot!"

When I thought of Fengcai Fengming eating the Vientiane fruit, she rushed to the sky, and the piano could not help but feel helpless.

“It seems that the fire attribute cultivation still has some influence on her character.”

"Retreat!" Suddenly, Yang Ling's voice came from the consciousness.

The piano double did not hesitate, and the figure retreated toward the rear.


A sharp voice was uploaded from the position she was in. It was a sword, and the ground was cut open with a bottomless crack.

Qin double's face is somewhat white, and the crack is still derived from the sword. If the piano is not hiding, the lunar eclipse can't stop the sword and must be injured.

Looking up into the air.

The three strongest monks, the three monks of Luo Jun, Hua Xianzi and Yan Yunzi, have no one around. Perhaps it was threatened by the mighty strength of the three monks, who left three monks and participated in other looting.

However, Luo Jun, Hua Xianzi and Yan Yunzi did not leave here. Instead, it floated in the air and looked around. Look at the three of them are still not satisfied with the harvest, but also want to **** some nine-turn golden lotus seeds.


A lotus seed was swept by a group of monks and rushed to the blast. An old man with a white hair and a woman in a colored dress took the lead in chasing the lotus seed.

While chasing and fighting, the two men collided, the collision of Yuanli, the collision of the Tao, and the burst of white halo.

The piano double looks unmoved and moves away from the lotus seed. The strength of the old man and the woman makes the piano double taboo. Qin double can not be innocent to be attacked by two people.

Looking up, not far from himself, a middle-aged monk was being besieged by dozens of monks, but the monk's look was extremely calm, and a black dragon in his hand continually stabbed a black dragon, blocking all attacks. outside.

Qin double looked at Fengming's side again. At this time, Fengming was in a mess. A lotus seed in the air was constantly flying by the waves of everyone fighting. Every monk tried to **** the lotus seed. However, there is always no chance. Whoever dares to shoot the lotus seeds will definitely cause the other dozens of monks to attack.

At this time, the sky was in a mess, and fighting was erupting everywhere. Of course, there are people like Qinshuang who fall on the ground and look like viewers. But whoever really treats them as an audience becomes a fool.

The piano moves slowly and tries not to attract the attention of others. She wants to **** a lotus seed, but the question now is, even if the piano double grabs a lotus seed, can it escape with the lotus seed?

Therefore, she needs to choose the best place for her.

She chose a direction close to the depths of Baoxing. She knew that the deeper the treasure, the more dangerous it was. However, only the more dangerous places, it is possible to get rid of the monks who pursue her. And this position, can not be in the direction of escape, there are Luo Jun, Hua Xianzi and Yan Yunzi any one person. Therefore, the piano moved for nearly two quarters of an hour before choosing a relatively ideal position.

Then she waited there, waiting for an opportunity.

Business castings. We have some cards. We are more aware With her current strength, there is really no direct rushing into the air like Feng Ming. Once I used the cards early, even if I grabbed the lotus seeds, I couldn’t stop the siege Trading of other monks, maybe I would fall here.

I am very commonly grateful to the rainy night for the snow 3000, the moon, the Wutongdu 200, the Baizi ice 100, a gust of wind jas100, seriously studying and studying 100, the ice of zero, the cloud dance flying silk fairy 100 reward!

. _:

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