Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1973: succeed

Ten swords under the feet quietly left the soles of the piano, some laid underground, and some laid in the air.

The backhand took out the **** refining symbol, which was the symbol of the tortoise, and the eyes patrolled back and forth in the air.

In fact, there are many opportunities, but there are few opportunities for the best. Qin double only has patience and so on. The slaughter in the sky gradually began to become less, and some monks grabbed the lotus seeds and escaped desperately. Some monks went to chase and kill, and some monks went to join other lotus seeds.

All in all, it is almost drastically reduced.

"Can't wait any longer!"

There was a trace of anxiety between the eyes of the piano pair, and the gaze looked toward the nearest group.

There, dozens of monks fought in one place, but every monk did not come up with all his strength and was watching out for opponents. From time to time, the lotus seed was shaken by the aftermath and flew in the air.

"It's now!"

The lotus seed was shocked by the aftermath to fly toward the sky on the double head of the piano. In fact, this is not the best chance. The lotus seed is still some distance away from the piano double, and the speed of flying is not fast. However, Qin double knows that he can't wait any longer, and his left hand is raised, and the **** magical symbol in his hand is thrown out by the piano.

At the same time, the piano took a step by step, and the figure was like a lotus arrow that shot into the air like a sharp arrow.

"Oh, you dare."

"court death!"


The dozens of monks chased the lotus seeds. At the same time, various methods were released to attack the piano.

In the air.

A lotus seed flies in the air. On the opposite side of the lotus seed, a pair of pianos lasing toward the lotus seeds. Behind the lotus seeds, dozens of monks are chasing the lotus seeds, and dozens of Daofa have been released.


A huge tortoise suddenly appeared in the air, and the tortoise's tortoise shell was full of thick tree spikes, like a forest.

The dozens of monks who are chasing are feeling black.

what is this?


The way they released the bombardment of the doubles was bombarded on the body of a huge tortoise. The huge turtle was broken into hundreds of pieces in an instant and spurred around. At the same time, the dozens of monks also saw the lotus pair seize the lotus seed from the gap between the broken turtles.

"lay down!"

"court death!"


In their violent screams, the shape of the piano double has turned around.


Dozens of monks were furious and pursued the past with the piano.


Suddenly the body of seven monks was cut into two halves and fell to the ground. Scared the rest of the monk's shape can not help. At this moment, the shape of the piano pair has been far away and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.


A long black knife suddenly appeared in front of the piano double escape, and squatted down to the piano. The long knife has not yet reached the body of the piano, so that the skin of the piano has a split feeling.

Shock and add a little starlight.

Qin double sword stabbed a long knife down the air, as long as I saw the long knife, Qin double know who the other party is?

It is the Mozu that Luo Jun.


The swords intersected, and the piano double smashed the long knife, like a meteor, and there was still a cold sword in the air.

Luo Jun's figure appeared in the air, looking at the direction in which the piano double disappeared, and there was a strange look on his face. Then I chuckled a bit:

"It's another one to play pigs and eat tigers."


The shape of the piano double fell on a big tree, and the gods spread wildly. They found that no one chased himself. A hanging heart lay down and his body fell, and it fell under the tree. I changed my water blue clothes and sealed other gods. I just left the Xuanwu Yuanshen and changed my appearance. Then I flew up and flew away in the direction of the periphery.


The piano doubled around a large circle and returned to the distance from the big lake, staring at the battlefield in the air.


There was a slight unease in the heart of the piano, and she did not find Fengming.

"Feng Ming, where are you?" Qin double communicated Feng Ming in his heart.

"Piano double, don't worry about me, I grabbed a lotus seed, just got rid of the chase and hid."

"Would you like to help?"

"No need."

"Well, I will stay in Baoxing for a while, and I need to help me to inform me."

The two people interrupted the contact, and the piano doubled and then retreated, and soon disappeared into the mountains. With the induction between Fengming and Fengming, Qin double quietly flew away in the direction of Feng Ming.


The piano fell on a big tree and looked into the depths of the forest.

"It should be in this forest."

The piano double did not come closer, but fell on a branch, blocked by the dense foliage around it. Then summoned Muling. Muling instantly sneaked into the old trees, as if there was a breeze, branches and grass swaying. The voice of Muling passed into the consciousness of Qin Double.

“Feng Ming is in a cave three kilometers away.”

In a cave three kilometers away, Feng Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at the moss on the left side of the wall. Then there was a confused color in his eyes, whispering in a low voice:

“How did you have a feeling of being peeped?”

"Mom, your avatar is so keen!"

The double-pitched corner of the piano reveals a smile. Fengming is made from the bones of the entire Fengzu. Although it is only the ancestor of the martial arts on the mainland, it is also the ancestor-level beast that was born in the mainland of the martial arts. The cultivation is also the collection of the fire. How is perception not sharp?

When the piano doubled his mind, he entered the town demon tower. The town demon tower turned into a leaf and hung on the branch.

The vigilance was handed over to Muling. In this forest, flowers and plants are the eyes of Muling, and nothing can be won. Therefore, Qin double is very reassuring to understand the battle in the town demon tower.

With the help of the December fruit, the piano pair has a quick understanding of the road.

After a year passed, Mu Ling’s voice suddenly came in.

"Mom, there is a demon."

Qin double helpless interrupted comprehension, calculated the time, the outside world has also passed for a long time. The piano doubled out the gods and explored the town demon tower, and merged into the wood spirit body. Immediately, the scene in the forest appeared in the consciousness of the piano pair.

A demon is walking in the forest, walking for a distance, then stops and kneels on the ground to listen. Then stand up and move on.

"He is running towards Fengming."

"Look at the direction. Mom, what do we do?"

"Can you not follow him to find him?"

"Yes, there are plants everywhere, he can't find me."


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