Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1974: respectively

"You follow him. When I make an order, I will shoot him."

The piano double retracted the gods, and the wood spirit sank into the ground and shuttled through the roots of a root plant, tracking the demon monk.

A leaf fell off the branch and was swept up in the air by the wind, following the demon monk.

Inside the cave.

Feng Ming was able to perceive that the piano pair was nearby, so she was completely relieved and began to heal. Her injury is very heavy, and the effect of the Vientiane is still there, and the injury is quickly healed.

The low hand looked at the golden lotus in the palm of his hand, and his smile was in his eyes.


When Feng Ming’s eyebrows were picked, the gods spread and went out. The monk who was approaching the cave suddenly stopped and looked at the cave and smiled:

"Feng Ming, I didn't think I would find it? Your injury is not heavy, can you fight? Hahaha..."


The boulder blocked in the cave entrance was blasted out. Feng Ming’s figure appeared in the mouth of the cave, and the corner of his mouth snarled:

"Is it strange to find out what you are listening to? But, are you sure you are not looking for death?"

"Ha ha ha..." Hearing and laughing: "Feng Ming, don't force it. You may not even be able to get half of the strength now. Feng Ming, don't say I won't give you a chance, give me nine golden lotus seeds. I can spare you a life."

A leaf swayed from the air and fell to the ground. Hearing that he had just finished saying this sentence, he looked up slightly and sighed at the leaf and looked arrogant.

If it was really a leaf, then he would blow the leaves into a powder at once.


The leaf was not broken, but an acceleration slammed into his face. When I heard it, I felt like I was hit by a planet on my head. My head was suddenly put into the ground, leaving only two thighs hanging outside.


When Qin Ding was using the town demon tower that turned into a leaf, he immediately gave an order to Mu Ling.


The head that was heard was smashed into the ground, and a big hole was made. However, before the blood was sprayed out, the nine Wolong needles got into the sky under the imperial envoy of Muling, rushed into the sea of ​​hearing, and inserted his god...

The figure of Qin double appeared in front of Feng Ming. With a wave of his hand, he listened to the sound of the sound and the wood spirit into the town demon tower, and then to Feng Mingdao:

"You come in too."


In the forest, a figure rushed quickly, and finally stopped on a tree, disappeared, and a leaf on the trunk of the tree.

Inside the town demon tower.

The figure of Qin double fell in front of Feng Ming, and Feng Ming, sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes and looked at the piano pair.

"The wound has healed?" Qin double sat opposite Feng Ming.

"Yeah." Feng Ming nodded.

"When does it begin?"

"just now!"

When Feng Ming’s words fell, he took out the nine-turned golden lotus seeds in his backhand and stared at it for a moment. A mouth sucked into his mouth and closed his eyes.

Three months later.

Qin double stood on the edge of the lake in the middle of the town of Devil's Tower, looking at the lake:

Wherein you can grow up?

Standing in the side of the town, the old man said with a smile: "Of course, the environment here is much stronger than Baoxing. But the time is short and it takes time. You are in the town demon tower for the past three months, so you will feel long time. If you are outside and staying for three months, you should grow up. Nine-turning Jinlian should grow up. Right, master Files, can you lay wherein disposed of the eternal ice-cream?"

"I feel almost there, there should be no problem. Well, Feng Ming woke up."

In the next moment, Qin double has appeared in front of Feng Ming, and Feng Ming, who is looking at his eyes, eagerly asks:

"How? Is it a birth?"

“Yeah!” Feng Ming smiled happily: “And it also broke through to the eighth floor of Xuantian.”

"That's good, tell me how to give birth to mystery?"

Feng Ming wrinkled his brow and said: "Give me the feeling that after eating the lotus seed, I have already produced a seed of mystery in the gods. What I need to do is to use the gods like watering. The power to water the seed, and then the birth of the mystery."

The piano nodded twice, thoughtfully. Half-sounding, got up and said: "I should go back."

"I should go back too." Feng Ming's eyes were slightly stunned, and he flashed fiercely: "It's time to take back what belongs to me."

"What? Need me to help?"

"No!" Feng Ming shook his head and said: "And that is the thing on the demon star, you are not convenient."

The piano nodded twice and sighed in the heart. It seems that Fengming is not comfortable in Tianxuexing. Although Fengming is the avatar of Qinshuang, if Fengming’s experience does not actively tell Qinshuang, or two people do not merge. The only thing that Qin Qin will not know.

However, Qin Shuang also knows that Feng Ming said that it makes sense to go to the Sky Demon Star, basically it is the act of finding death. A human race walks on the sky demon star, basically like a torch walking in the night.

Qin double can also simulate the demon, but in the planet of the demon star, the double is really not confident to lie. After all, the spirit world is different from the mainland of the warrior, and the Tianxue star is different from other star fields.

In the end, Qin double gave Feng Ming a large number of Fu Yi, as well as Vientiane fruit, December fruit and wind spin fruit, and gave her a lot of medicinal herbs, two people only to say goodbye.

Qin double returned to the Terran City and did not immediately return to the Purple City, but closed in the yard he rented for three days. During these three days, the Qin doubles were all in the town of Demon Tower. Her frontier has been able to deploy a mile of ice, but she only has one material, so in order to grasp the bigger one, in these three days, she constantly re-introduced this formation.

In the three days outside, it can be nearly ten years in the town demon tower. It took ten years to repeatedly push forward a lineup, so that Qinshuang finally had sufficient confidence.

When the piano double came out from the transmission line of Tianzicheng, she actually left for eight days. Obviously, I can feel it. There are a lot of people in the city, and there are many young people.

These young people are all flying and their eyes are full of yearning for the future. Without asking, you will know that it is a monk who came to participate in the examination of Tianziyuan in each star field.

"Do you know? The monks who came to the Tianzi Institute this time have suffered the interception of the two demons?"

"Well, I also know that our Terran has also intercepted the monks of the demon and the two."

"I heard that the big monks of the tribes are now negotiating together..."


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