Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1981: consult

After Qin Ding entered the town demon tower, first went to see the nine-turn Jinlian, and saw that the nine-turn Jinlian had sprouted and grew, and the heart was happy. After telling the size of the cauldron and the jade box, the piano double came to the white lion and the crane that was caught in the Baoxing. At this time, the two monsters have recovered from the injury and were used by the town to use the town demon. The tower is pressed. When I saw the arrival of the piano, I made a cry of fear and anger.

Qin double did not take care of them, slowly making two child characters, respectively into the body of the two monsters, and then the saved deity into the body of the two monsters, and then sat on the side waiting.

"I hope that these two monsters also have ancient blood, so once these two monsters have inspired the ancient blood, they can have the realm of Xianjun."

One day later.

The bodies of the two monsters exude a strong atmosphere, each of which broke through the first layer of Xianjun. Qin double is not happy, although it is only the first layer of Xianjun, it is also Xianjun. However, after the Qin doubles entangled, is it true that these two monsters are made into blood refining symbols, or are they taken out of their gods and made to the waiting area?

The advantage is that it can be carried around and released at any time. The disadvantage is that there are only ten hours of restrictions. Once the ten hours have passed, the blood refining symbol will be completely dispersed.

The advantage of making 傀儡 is that it can be used all the time. The disadvantage is that it can't be carried around. Of course, it can also be placed in the storage ring, and it is better to carry it with you.

Qin double thought about it, and finally decided to make a slap in the waiting area, Xianjun level, just use ten hours, Qin double feels lost. Big deal, I will put it in the storage ring in the future.

not to mention……

Although the **** sacred symbol of his own tortoise has been destroyed, there is also a blast wolf.

The piano double killed two monsters in the mother-in-law, then took out the gods of the two monsters, sealed them into the jade box, and began to practice.

The four great gods comprehend the refining, the array, the chess and the painting, and the Yang God merged with the Tao. The spirit merged all the heavens and the earth that the four gods and the gods comprehend.

The original spirit's comprehension is the strongest, but when this began to practice, Qin Double discovered that the spiritual entry was the slowest. Even if it was taken down by the December fruit, it was really the integration of all the world's avenues. It can be described as very difficult and embarrassing.

So Qinshuang retreats in the town demon tower for a thousand days, the outside world is only a day in the past, Qin double temporarily closed the retreat.

Yangshen has already integrated the various magical methods of the nine-day Xuanxian into more than 50%, and the four major gods also have achievements. Both the refiner and the array have reached the late stage of the master. The paintings still do not reach the spirit of the spirit of the spirit, but they gradually approach the peak of the mountain, but compared with other aspects, the progress is minimal. On the contrary, the chess course has made the most progress. This is because the piano has the lowest level and has entered the realm of the chess player.

The lowest entry is the understanding of the spirit, and even the piano double feels a little confused, and has never found a direction to integrate all the heavens and the earth.

She can blend the Tao, because the Tao is originally a branch of the avenue, such as the refiner, there are many genres, but the center is the same, that is, the commonality between them is relatively obvious. .

However, if you combine the exercises with the Tao, it will be too much.

The practice method belongs to the inside, and the Tao law belongs to the outside.

In the words of the mortal world, the practice is an internal skill. The Tao is a martial art. It combines the practice and the Tao. That is the combination of internal and external, how simple?

What's more, Qin Double also wants to integrate Danfu Array, Qinqi Painting and Calligraphy, etc. with the exercises and Taoism. It is justifiable to find the direction.

Qin double sighed, this time, the piano is mainly to send the cauldron, jade box and two demon gods. Then I thought about it and left the town demon tower, which appeared in the room. However, the doubles that appeared in the room were motionless, and the eyes flashed a contemplative color.

Although her spirit has gained little in this retreat, there is no doubt that the spirit that is completely generated by the mystery has the highest comprehension. Now that the avenue fusion can't find the direction, it is better to give up first. After all, her most urgent goal now is to pass the examination of Tianziyuan. It is better to use the aura to comprehend other aspects.

Qin double stood in the room and began to understand the chess path with the spirit.

After a quarter of an hour, the piano opened his eyes and his eyes flickered.

Sure enough, using the spirit to comprehend the chess path, entering the country is several times higher than the metaphysical comprehension.

"If... my gods and yang gods are born with mystery, will the understanding in all aspects increase, and the combat power will increase?"

However, how do you let the gods and gods give birth to the mystery?

Go see the Xu chief! ”

In the heart of the piano, the door was immediately pushed out. First, the cauldron and the jade box were handed over to Lei Xing and others. The jade box refining for thousands of days was enough to sell for several years. Qin double handed the two Yuanshen to the waiting area. When the land was found, the two gods turned out to be the realm of Xianjun. They happily jumped on the ground several times and then ran to their own small building with excitement.

"Qin double, where did you get the two fairy gods?" Yu Guanting asked curiously.

"Call coincidence!" Qin double coped with a sentence, then said: "I go out."

Xu family.

Still the small building, the piano double sitting opposite Xu Mo, Xu Mo smiled: "This time there is no tea."

Qin double face can not help but red, Xu Mo laughed: "Do not tease you, what are you doing this time?"

The face of the piano has a grateful color. Xu Mo is a long family member. I don’t know how many things to worry about every day. Even if I have spare time, I have to practice. In this busy schedule, I actually met myself. For the monks in the world, it is a big chance. She knew that Xu Mo time was precious, and immediately went straight to the theme:

"Predecessors, younger generations, please give pointers, how to create a mystery."

"Oh?" Xu Mo looked at the piano double and said: "You have just broken through to the nine-day Xuan Xian, you want to give birth to the mystery?"

"Is not to say that the sooner the nativity is born, the better?"

"There are no mistakes in this statement. It seems that you also know how to create a mystery?"

"Well, I heard that it is constantly condensing the gods."

"You are doing a good job." Xu Mo nodded. "But if you can give birth to the mystery, the monks in this world will be able to give birth to the mystery, and they will all be able to break through the fairy king and fly up the fairy world."

"Please ask the seniors to give pointers." Qin double stood up and gave a deep ceremony.


"Thank you predecessors."

Qinqin once again sat down, staring at the opposite patriarch. Xu Mo did not pinch the road:

"If you want to give birth to the mystery, you still have to learn.

Xuanzhi, Xuanzhi and Xuan, the door to the wonderful. ”


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