Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1991: Demon peep

The exquisite sword behind the piano double trembled sharply, and Yang Ling’s voice rushed out.

"It's Aotian, you can't stop the piano, I come."

"it is good."

The double backhand held the hilt of the exquisite sword and pulled it up.


The exquisite sword smashed the sword and pierced the sky. At the moment when the exquisite sword came out, the blood between the heavens and the earth swarmed and rushed into the exquisite sword, which made the exquisite sword become a **** long sword.


The proud sword and the exquisite sword went to the sky and the piano. The double sword has not completely fallen, and the space has a loud explosion.

The sword did not fall, and the sword first arrived.

I saw that the sword gas descended from the sky, and the ground was smashed into two gaps. The two divides quickly extended toward each other. When passing, a building was cut from the middle, and even a mountain was cut from the middle. A smooth cliff.


The two gaps collided on the ground.


The two swords touched each other in the air.


Yu Guanting’s face changed dramatically, and suddenly he shouted, and his figure fled toward the distance like lightning. At the same time, countless monks fled away from the distance.


At the moment when the exquisite sword and the proud sword collided, countless swords were ejected from the two swords, rushing in all directions, tearing up the space, tearing up the body of the monk who had not had time to escape.

Whether it is the Mozu or the Terran.

The giant pillars under the feet of the two men were also smashed in an instant, and the figures of the two men rolled backwards in the space.

"We don't want to fight, we are all demons, you and I become a Taoist, between the heavens and the earth." Tianrui stabilized his figure in the air, his eyes sparkling with evil blood.

"Garbage-like things, you don't deserve."

The double body of the piano twisted and turned into a hundred-footed troll. The exquisite sword in the hand became huge as Changhong, and turned toward the opposite sky.


The sky screamed, and the body swayed like a liquid, and it grew taller. The sword in the hands became as big as the sky, and it greeted the exquisite sword of Qin Double.

The two swords cut the sky, and the sword smashed out the intensive swords. When the collision occurred, the intensive swords burst.

Two people rolled over in the air, and there was a ruin. The monks who had no time to escape, whether they were the devil or the demon, were smashed by the sword.

At this time, the monks and monks of the monarchs on the Xianjun were hit by the sky, and no one here was repaired as a sharp rise, and the two opponents of the magic.

All the monks fled and fled, not afraid to approach the forces of both sides.

The two people seem to not know the tiredness, as if the power of the body is never consumed, and the power of the collision is getting stronger and stronger.

In fact, it is also true.

The blood between the heavens and the earth is constantly pouring into the body of Tianrui, and the endless magical spirit is constantly pouring into the body of the piano, quickly supplementing the consumption of two people, and at the same time spares the power to enhance the power of two people.

The palaces were destroyed by two people, the mountains collapsed, and the river collapsed...

At this time, in the void, there is a small flying boat. This small flying boat is covered with embossed patterns. The flow of the striated lines is seen. It hides the flying boat and isolates the line of sight and the gods. It is definitely the best of the best.

Within the flying boat, there are two half-step fairy kings of the demon family, looking through the porthole to the sky purple city below.

"Old cat, how did the Mozu suddenly attack the Terran, and there is the courage to attack Tianzicheng?"

The old cat shook his head and said: "I don't know, but the big man asked us two to come here to monitor Tianzicheng in advance. I didn't expect to see such a big drama. Are you saying that the turtles have figured out what?"

"In addition to the turtles, who else can we predict in advance what will happen? However, this time, the Turtles do not seem to figure out what will happen, just to figure out that something will happen in the Purple City, let us Come here to monitor."

"Do we want to do it?"

"Look again! Look over there."

The eyes of two people looked at the transmission hall.

The hall is the place where the transmission array is arranged. At this point, the transmission hall has been collapsed halfway. Most of the original Starcrafts of the Mozu were exploding in the defensive shields that hit the Purple City. Only a few Starships crashed into the Purple City. Among them, there was a starship flying on the hall, which broke the defensive array of the hall. Yuwei blew up half of the hall, but the transmission array was preserved.

At this time, the transmission array is continuously transmitting a group of monks, and after a group of monks appeared, they immediately rushed to the Mozu monks.

For more than a month, the Terran has been fully prepared. This preparation is not only the Purple City, but all the Terran monks on the Purple Star.

When the Mozu came, the transmission array was running, and the Tianzixing city was notified in time. The monks of each city pool immediately rushed to the Zizicheng.

At this time, before the transfer of Tianzicheng, there was an old man standing on the hand, not someone else. It was the half-step fairy king Yuan Tianyi.

He did not face the half-step fairy king of the Mozu. His mission was to protect the transmission of the big array, so that the monks from all over the world could be continuously transmitted. As long as the monks from all over the world were continuously transmitted, the human race would surely take advantage and then advantage. For the victory, I won this national battle.

Because the number of the evil people attacking the Terran is limited, after consumption, there is only one failure.

Obviously, the Mozu also understand this truth.

The celestial kings and the half-step princes in the Mozu were attacked by the Terran and hit the void. However, the nine-day Xuan Xian’s monk frantically rushed toward the big squad. Around the transmission array, there are countless Terran monks, desperately resisting the attack of the Mozu. There are also a number of Terran monks who are constantly coming out of the transmission array to participate in the defense, so that the humanity advantage of protecting the transmission array begins to increase.

However, Yuan Tianyi has never shot. He knows that the Mozu offensive transmission array is not to destroy the transmission array. The purpose of the Mozu is to occupy the transmission array, and then change the transmission interstellar coordinates to communicate with the transmission line of the Devil Star. The Mozu monks on the Demon Star are continuously transmitted to the Purple City. If the Mozu succeeds, the Terran will fail.

Therefore, he does not believe that the Mozu is only a nine-day Xuanxian-like monk attacking the transmission array. There must be a half-step Xianwang's existence now hidden around the transmission array, and the driver makes a thunderous attack.

At the same time, he also slightly locked his brow and looked at the violin and the sky in the sky. In his view, the true strength of the two devils has reached the realm of Xianjun, but I don’t know why The devil hit it.


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