Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1993: cocoon

At this time, the magic of the double body of the piano is almost gone, the face is extremely pale, and the magic is broken. It is from the inheritance of the fairy kingdom. What is the repair of the piano double now?

Even if one of my powers is not released, I will almost completely clean the piano. The Gorefiend is also a general, playing the piano should not be the piano in this world, the power of his Gorefiend is almost taken out.


The two men almost did not agree, turned into a blood and a black light, fled to the outside of the purple city. With their two current strengths, they can no longer stop the old cat.


The old cat's body was being closed, and the eyes were still showing the horror of the rest of the robbery. He did not think that the two little nephews in his eyes would explode such power.


The surrounding Terran monks attacked him and wanted to take this opportunity to kill him.


The old cat screamed, and suddenly a tail appeared behind him, and he pumped it around.


Numerous monks were drawn out and even many monks were smashed.

At this time, Yuan Tianqi was already in the blood of the bath. Under the attack of the old leopard and the demon half-step fairy king, it was in jeopardy. In his eyes, he showed his death, and suddenly stepped out to the Mozu monk, and he immediately came to the Mozu monk. The Mozu monk’s eyes were soaring, and the magic knife in his hand went to Yuan Tianyi. Then his gaze narrowed, showing the color of horror, and his body shape exploded.




Yuan Tianqi blew himself up. A half-step singer of the king of the king formed a huge mushroom cloud. Within a hundred miles, it became a powder. Whether it was a human monk or a monk monk, it was smashed into pieces. Completely blasted. The demon half-step fairy king also fell in the blast of Yuan Tianyi.


The old leopard, who is chasing Yuan Tianyi, spurts his nose and nose, and his body flies.

"Old leopard!"

The old cat just healed his body and flew weakly to the old leopard, catching the body of the old leopard. The old leopard looked at the direction of the transmission array below, whispering:


The two old demon hearts are very clear, Yuan Tianyi is deliberately blowing up the transmission array, so although the Terran monks can not be transmitted, but the Mozu monks do not want to transmit.

"Come on!" the old leopard said weakly: "This big move will definitely lead them to Xu Mo."

The old cat's face changed dramatically, releasing the flying boat, holding the old leopard into the flying boat, and quickly leaving.

Tens of thousands of miles away, a faint black smoke crossed the sky and landed ten miles outside of Xiacheng.


Qin double fell to the foot of a mountain and passed out.

Within the heart of the Tao.

Xiaoru was madly bombarded, and a raging thunder slammed the sky of the heart. He knew that he had to subdue the magic. Otherwise, the piano pair would never survive, and it would be sealed by the magic heart and gradually swallowed.

However, the seal of the heart is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that he can't shake it. Let Xiaoru become more and more depressed.

Suddenly, he discovered that the power of the magic is sharply weakened, that is, the layer that seals the heart has become weak. Immediately, the spirit of the great news, the Confucianism constantly turned pages, countless Confucianism bombarded the seal.


It seems that there is a sound of a film falling off, and the magic heart has fallen off the heart.


When Xiaoru stepped on the Confucianism, he rushed out of the Taoist heart, and then left the Confucian book. The two little hands kept turning over the pages of the book, and the Confucianism went to the magic seal to seal the demon to the ultimate magic.


Xiaoru Yu made Confucianism once again enter the heart of the Tao. He sat down on the ground and looked up at the four great gods and the sun god. When they saw the four great gods and the sun gods, they fell into a deep sleep and looked at their eyes. Spirit, seeing the spirit is still half asleep and half awakened. However, with the slightest force in the heart of the Tao into the body of the spirit, the spirit has a tendency to wake up.

"Mom, mother..." Xiaoru kept shouting.

The spirit opened his eyes slightly.


The piano opened his eyes, but the eyes were fascinated, standing up like a sleepwalking, stopping and stopping, sometimes standing in a place, like falling asleep.

Tian Zicheng.

Xu Mo and others went to the blood and stood in the ruins, staring at the collapse. The muscles in the corners of the eyes violently beat.

After the transmission array was destroyed, the Mozu knew that it was impossible to occupy a territory in the sky. There are more monks and monks who come to them, and there are not many people of the tribe of the whole purple star. Business reform will be delayed, and even if there is no transfer, the surviving people will be lost.

If the transmission array can grab it, it will be another scene to continuously send the monks of the Devil Star.

However, even so, the Mozu is very satisfied.

It can be said that this time they have intensively created the Terran. It is a long process to eliminate the Terran. For example, the avenue of the Purple Star today has lost the effect of suppressing the Mozu, and everything can be slowly taken.

Therefore, the Mozu retreat, leaving a ruin to Tianzicheng.

Xu Mo looked at the ruins, and almost spurted out of the blood. However, the big family like Xu has a strong array of methods, but it has been preserved. Xu Mo took a deep breath and said:

"The monks who dispatched Xianjun, Jiu Tian Xuan Xian and Da Luo Jinxian, searched for the remains of the Mozu who remained in the Purple Star."

Qin double stood in front of a tree and looked at a beggar like a curious child. It was only that the eyes lost their brilliance for a while, and they fell into sleep, and later they were awakened by Xiaoru in the heart. She was not observing the embarrassment at all, but she stood there unconsciously.

However, when the day of breaking into a butterfly, Qin double was just awakened by Xiaoru, looking up at the flying butterfly, the piano double whispered:

"Broken, oh, oh, it is the butterfly before the destruction..."

Within the heart of the Tao.

The gaze of the spirit looked at the four great gods and the sun god, and saw the body of the four great gods and the sun **** in the sleep, and they were exuding the power of mystery.

"I need a shackle to wrap them up, not letting Xuan Zhili exude, and nurturing their growth in the shackles until they break into a butterfly... oh... I need 茧..."

Qin double tried to keep her awake and began to search for her own memory, but soon she fell asleep, and was awakened by Xiaoru again. Qinqin could not help but anxious. She knew that it was impossible to find a way by her current state. . Then call:

"Old town."

"the host."

The old voice of the town passed into the consciousness of Qin Double.

"I need a beggar to wrap my gods and give birth to them."


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (500), the cloud dance flying silk fairy (200), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), serious study and serious study (100), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100) reward!



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