Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2007: Sound bucket

At this time, in front of a window on the fifth floor of Xi Yunge, they stood in a row. It is the eldest son or eldest daughter of the various families of Tianzicheng. They gather here, on the one hand, to buy things in the hands of the piano, and on the other hand, they want to see the Qinshuang, which is valued by the Xu family. What kind of style is it? ?

The Xiyunge Heroes will only give the Qins a single invitation. They have already expected that the monks who will appear in various stars will gather in Xiyun. These people will not dare to provoke them to the family in the Purple City, and they will pour the anger in their hearts. In the body of Qin double, they want to see how the piano double solves this situation. If the piano doubles, they will come out to make a double break. At that time, the piano double owes them a favor, and naturally they are short in front of them, and then talk about anything. And as a result, let the piano double see what it is like to be a family!

The battle has never been purely forceful, so that the wild bun of the Qinshuang can see what is called the intelligence of the soldiers who do not fight.

When Lai Wentao appeared in front of Qin double, there were smiles on the faces of these family members, but the smile was full of contempt and disdain, and there was a kind of pride in playing the world's heroes between the palms.


They never imagined that the words in the calmness of the piano would be so sharp, and the minds of the monks of Xi Yun would suddenly give birth to the thought of leaving.

"Great!" Ren Pingsheng looked at the figure of the piano downstairs, said faintly.

"Ha ha……"

Xu Luoxue’s eyes glimpsed, and the scene of the match between the two sides of the day was heard. Until now, he still suspects that the piano pair is the witch who battled with the Gorefiend that day. As the eldest son of the Xu family, he has experienced severe training since childhood. He is very convinced of his own eyes. Slightly overturned, a sneer in his eyes, looking at Ren Pingsheng:

"This hero will be organized by you, but don't lose the face of our Purple City."


Ren Pingsheng suddenly smiled extremely brightly. It was a smile and a smile. The nine children looked at their mouths and their eyes were bright. Xu Luoxue frowned slightly and turned to stretch. Ren Pingsheng took a white jade from the storage ring:

"Then let me try the ability of this piano pair, Xu brother will not blame it?"

"What are you doing?" Xu Luo Xue said faintly.

Ren Pingsheng was silent again, and the sun seemed to be dim under his smile.

"Hum, swallow..." Xiao Sheng swayed down from the fifth floor.

"Time is good!"

In the heart of the piano, he looked up and looked up at the fifth floor. At the same time, everyone in the downstairs was quiet, and the thoughts of leaving were certain, and the ears were listening.

The reputation of time in the spiritual world is very loud, and the entire spiritual world, as long as it is a person who loves the sound, will find the musical scores of that time. Therefore, many monks who love temperament will have time, but only ninety-nine percent of the monks can only play the upper part of the time, and most of them are only the upper three movements that can play the time. The monks who can play the entire ten movements in the upper half are extremely rare. Not to mention playing the second half of the music.

Therefore, many monks who are obsessed with the temperament go to the ancestral mountain and listen to the sound of the ancestors. Qin double does not know whether Ren Pingsheng has ever been to Yin Zushan, but this Xiao sound together, the face will appear solemn color.

The owner of this Xiaosheng is really worthy of the time. It’s just a matter of interest, it makes people intoxicated. Did not see the monks downstairs, at this time are intoxicated, in the sea of ​​time?

The eyes of Qin double saw three figures through the window on the fifth floor. One tall and tall, the figure was more than two meters five. It was the eldest son of Xu Jiaxuan. Standing next to him is a petite woman with a handsome face. On the other side of the petite woman is the man who brags, and the piano is slightly moving.

This boy is also born too handsome!

A pair of beautiful...

Yes, it’s a pair of beautiful, but looking at the pair of scorpions, I really can’t tell the difference between men and women...

Do not!

It should be said that it must be considered a woman's beauty.

At this point, the pair of beautiful eyes looked forward to the piano, and the two men’s eyes touched each other in the air. Qin double smiles, she sees from the opposite dawn, the other is studying in the school.

Looking at the next four sweeps, at this time almost half of the monks have been listening to the active ear, and entered the passive intoxication. The time of Ren Pingsheng has drawn closer to the world of music, and the rest of the people are gradually Intoxicated. If you are finally brought to the world of music by this time, you will lose this battle.

However, even if he was not drawn into the time, he only played a tie with the other side. So how can we take advantage of the next negotiation?

The double mouth of the piano is slightly upturned, showing a bright smile. Originally, because of the tempering of the jade body, the body and appearance of the piano pair are developing in a perfect direction, especially the skin is like jade. At this time, it seems that the hair is not exposed, such as a smile that is waiting to be released. It is also a hop in Ren Pingsheng’s heart. I saw the piano double raised his left hand in front of him, a guqin floated in front of the piano double, the hands of the piano double floated on the strings, the time fluttering music swayed out, and the sound of Xiao Sheng .

In less than a quarter of an hour, the combination of the piano and the cymbals brought the people downstairs into the world of time, even the upstairs Zhong Junjie, closed their eyes and indulged in the world of time.

This is not the point where Qin Shuang and Ren Pingsheng's rhythm is so deep that it is unstoppable, but the monks are immersed in it and immersed in the passage of time to wash their minds.


"呜呜 呜呜 ......"

Ren Pingsheng's eyes are more and more horrified. At this time, the two people's ensembles have already arrived at the ninth movement of the upper part of the time. The first time the two people ensemble, but the tacit understanding is very much like a long-time friend.

Ren Pingsheng did not expect to encounter a person with such a profound rhythm today. This is like two monks fighting, the other side Yu Qiang, Yu Neng colliding with the spark, Ren Pingsheng feels at this time, this time is the best in his life. Once. Let him have a new understanding of time.

However, he is still full of confidence in this competition. He does not believe that the piano can play the second half so deeply. The lower half is a talent that needs time to understand. And he is such a rare, very rare root of the world.

Time Linggen!

It is that he can only understand the third movement of the second half of the time, she does not believe that Qin double can surpass him.


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