Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2009: meet

It is not only the monks downstairs that have such an idea, but also the family in the upper class. Although they admire the time of the piano pair, they do not allow an outside monk to trample on their pride. Instead, they have to rub the pride of the piano pair under their feet. Each face has a faint smile, looking at the piano doubles. Only Xu Xue, who had a conflict with Qinqin, slightly frowned, but today he was looking at the excitement and stretched his brow. Looking at the piano pair with interest, I want to see if the piano pair is as strong as when he was in conflict with him.

The piano double looked at the butler, and the butler looked at the piano double, and the piano double turned and walked away.

"Oh..." The housekeeper changed his face and was at a loss.

There was a trace of sarcasm in the snow falling from the upstairs, and there was a hint of disdain for Ren Pingsheng. This life can be described as a latecomer, and it will not sound until the age of 100. After the age of 100, it will be fame, and it will be repaired and reminiscent of the first person of Tianzixing. It’s just that the tower has not yet been smashed, and the world has said that Ren Pingsheng’s innocence has already passed, and he may have surpassed Xu Luoxue and claimed the title of the first person of the Terran Youth.

However, Xu Luoxue has always been disdainful, and today is even more disdainful.

Since Qinqin can tell that there are talents on behalf of Jiangshan, the leaders have been stalking for thousands of years, and now they are blocked by a housekeeper. How can they eat their own words?

It’s ridiculous to let Ren Ping’s life be a slogan, but still want to take back the loss of the talent.

Don't you know that today you are asking for a pair of pianos, not a piano for you?

Ren Pingsheng’s face changed. He just looked at the world’s monks with the attitude of Tian Zicheng, but he was not a stupid person. On the contrary, he was a very intelligent and courageous person. He just called the moment when Qin Qin’s turn left. :

"Qindao friends, and slow!"

Qin doubled his footsteps and turned to look up at the window on the fifth floor. His eyes swept away and his heart moved slightly. It was Ren Pingsheng who was leaving the voice, not Xu Xuexue, and Xu Xueshui’s face was not related to his own appearance, so Qin Qin knew immediately that today’s principal is not Xu Xuexue. Think again, Xu has already had what he wants, and naturally he does not need to host such a party. His eyes fell on Ren Pingsheng's body. I saw Ren Pingsheng’s hand-to-hand ceremony:

"Tian Zi, Ren Pingsheng."

Ren Pingsheng is who, Qin double does not know, she did not have the time to explore the name of Junjie in Tianzi City, the trouble on her body has not been cleaned. So her look is light and handy:

"The string moon, the piano double."

Ren Pingsheng looks awkward, he doesn't know what the string month means, but at this time it doesn't matter, continue to speak:

"The next person is scornful, and he apologizes to Qindaoyou, and asks Qindaoyou to go upstairs."

Qinqin’s mouth curled upwards and said faintly: “Today’s ensemble with Ren’s brother, the heart has realized, to go back to retreat, this hero will, Qin double will not participate, sorry!”

When the words fall, they hand in a deep ritual, deflecting their bodies and stepping away.

Ren Pingsheng flashed a hint of haze in his eyes. How could he not know that this is the heart of the piano?

First, the butler blocked, and then let Qin double go upstairs, not even a greet person, this is not the hospitality. Now that he has collided with the Tianzicheng hero represented by Ren Pingsheng, how can Qinshuang be willing to lose his identity?

If you don't welcome, I will leave!


Qin double can leave, Ren Pingsheng these people can not let her leave, if so let the piano double leave, how to trade?

"Qindao friends, and slow!"

The piano double footsteps was another meal. Turning around and looking up at the window upstairs, I saw that Ren Pingsheng’s figure had disappeared into the window, and the corner of his mouth was bent upwards, revealing a smile, and his eyes fell from the fifth floor window to the big one. Doorway.

A white figure appeared at the gate, and as he walked toward the piano, he smiled:

"Qindaoyou, just intoxicated in the piano sound of Qindaoyou, even forgot to come down to meet, Shili, Shili, Qindao friends will not blame me?"

Qin Shuang Yan Yan smiled: "The companion meets, it is hard to find, how can it be strange? Just..."

Speaking of this, Qin Shuang’s face shows a difficult color: “The people who practiced in our generation are heavy in repairing behavior, and the Qinshuang really has some feelings in the ensemble with the Taoist friends... even worth it!”

Speaking of this, the piano doubles his face: "The confidant meets, everything is not important, and today I have a good time with Zhong Junjie."

Ren Pingsheng licked his mouth, and Qin double said this. Instead, he let his life owe a person. Although he knew that Qin double is Hu Wei, he was only affected, his face was still bright, and he and the piano both shouldered. I walked to Xi Yunge. Downstairs monks, no matter what they think in their hearts, the heart is now admiring the piano. No matter how the piano is repaired, it can force Tian Zicheng to live and meet personally. This honor is what they don't have. One by one, no interest, they have dispersed.

Zheng Lun face sinks into the water. In the Blu-ray star field, he was the person who was crowned by the stars. Now he was covered by a woman from the ink star, and he walked silently for a while:

"Why is she invited?"

Everyone is shaking their heads, and Zheng Lun thought for a moment: "This kind of thing is hidden, check it out."

Xi Yunge.

Qin Shuang and Ren Pingsheng talked and laughed and walked up. At this time, the people on the fifth floor still have a proud color. This is because of their family life, and their cultivation is better than Qin.

What is the world of the strong as a respect?

Family and strength.

In some ways, family life is also an aspect of strength.

Does Qinshuang have a family?


It is said that it is a loose one.


Now, who is sitting on the fifth floor, is there nine days of Xuanxian?


The lowest level is the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and Xu Xuexue is the one that is the lowest, but the real strength is the strongest one.

And the piano double?

However, it is the first floor of a nine-day Xuanxian.

Therefore, they naturally have their pride. Even if both sides of the piano play time, they can't beat their pride.

not to mention……

In their hearts, except for the Purple City, they are all earthen buns.

However, after all, today, there is a demand for the piano, and the confrontation in the secret is not cheap, and there is more or less admiration for the piano. When I saw the piano double up, I stood up one by one, even if it was snow, it was normal, and I looked at the piano pair faintly.

The piano eyes are swept away, and the people here just know Xu Xuanxue, and they are far away:

"Xu Daoyou."

"Qindaoyou!" Xu Luoxue also said: "I am here to drink, you are free."


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