Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2011: transaction

Qin double opened five fingers, Qing Hong Lou can not wait to turn and leave. But when I think of the task that the family gave to myself, I have to stay, and I look at the piano double-eyed with a red face:

"Qindaoyou, find a chance, we two really learn each other!"

Her heart is very convinced, with her cultivation and foundation, she is 100% believe that if the battle is completely let go, Qin double must not be her opponent.

From where she fell and climbed up, she wanted to rebuild her reputation from the piano.

Qin double looked at Qinghonglou, half-sounding, until Qinghonglou was so angry that he was about to explode, and he nodded:

"I am honored, but..."

Qing Honglou saw Qinqin promised, just wanted to propose the time and place of the discussion, Qinqin did not give her the opportunity to speak, continue to say:

"You friends all know that I came to Tianzicheng this time to participate in the evaluation of Tianziyuan. Therefore, before the assessment of Tianziyuan, I hope that I will not be disturbed. After the assessment, I am free."

The look of Qinghonglou is a stagnation. Qinqin has said this. Naturally, it doesn't depend on endless. He is a family, not a rogue. He nods:

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Qinqin leaned back on the back of the chair and looked around everyone. For a time, everyone didn’t know how to speak, so that they could make a deal without making a sudden decision.

At this time, Xu Luoxue stood up and strode over:

"This is a trivial matter. Where is it so troublesome? Qin double, today's party is only one thing. Have you not sold it to Xu Jiaqiong corn seed, incense beast, incense tree, big mouth fish? These people also want Buy. Do you sell or not?"

"Sell!" Qin double smiled: "I still owe Xu Jia's 6.3 billion top grade fairy crystals, and I need Xianjing."

The eyes swept through thirty-three people except Xu Xuanxue: "Do you want to buy?"

No one spoke, but they nodded. Qin Double Road: "How much I sold to Xu, how much will be sold to you, what price will be sold to Xu, what price will be given to you."

When the words fell, they ordered the old town of Lingling Town to install thirty-three storage bags and thirty-three royal bags, and then took them out and placed them on the table:

"Here is the sesame corn seed, the fragrant beast and the bigmouth fish, which are equal to the Xu family. Each of the 500 million top grades is fine."

Thirty-three people picked up the storage bags and the royal bags, and when they looked away, they each took out a storage bag and placed them on the table.

Qin double collected thirty-three storage bags, let the old town in the town demon tower to collect, and then separated 6.3 billion top grade Xianjing, placed in a storage ring, handed to the Xu Xuexue :

"Xu brother, this is 6.3 billion top grade Xianjing, labor trouble to give uncle."

Xu fell to the snow and nodded, took the storage ring and closed it. Qinqin stood up and said:

"You friends..."

“And slow!” Ren Pingsheng said: “Qindaoyou, can you shoot some incense trees? Also, can you let us visit your medicine garden?”

Qin double naturally does not disagree with them visiting the pharmacy. The reason why she spent a lot of money on the medicine garden is not to cover up the town demon tower?

There was a difficult color on the face: "There is no problem in visiting the pharmacy, but the fragrant tree can't be sold to you. It is ok to sell you some fragrant fruit. You can grow the fragrant tree when you go home and finish the fragrant fruit. ""

"Qindao friends..."

The double pendulum swings his hand and stops Ren Pingsheng: "You will know when you go to see it."

When the words fell, the double eyebrows of the piano shot a white light and landed on the ground. A ugly fairy like a barn appeared, and the barn grew up several meters high. Everyone looked at this ugly barn, and he couldn’t help but lick his mouth. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

The earthen buns are the earthen buns, and this space fairy is too ugly!

When the piano is double-minded, the barn has a portal, and the piano double takes the lead to the inside:

"Dear friends!"

Everyone followed the piano pair and walked into the barn. This entered the barn. The look of the people could not help but sigh.

"Piano double, don't look at your space, the ugly, the environment is good."

"Oh, that's the advantage. Everyone, let me come."

Qin double led the crowd to visit, and everyone was embarrassed to buy the fragrant tree, because the fragrant tree is really not much. People's piano doubles still have to raise incense beasts, can't sell them to you, your own beasts starve to death?

At this time, I couldn’t help but look at Xu Luoxue with envy, or let the Xu family buy the Xiangshu first. Ren Pingsheng thought for a moment:

"Qindaoyou, we are not demanding, you sell us some fragrant fruit, we must always feed the fragrant beast, and then sell it to each of us a fragrant tree, as long as one, we must give the fragrant beast a place to play Is it not?"

Qin double thought a little, and nodded: "Alright."

Then they took everyone to a warehouse in the medicine garden, and placed a storage box in the warehouse:

"These boxes are filled with fragrant fruit, leave me half, and the remaining half are divided. Let me give you 300 million top grades. As for each tree, even if I give everyone a meeting. Let's go."

Thirty-three family members showed a smile on their faces. This is not because they are greedy for money, or the celestial crystal of a tree.

How many fairy crystals does a tree have?

Are they getting this money?

The key is face?

At this gathering, they didn't get a little bit of face before the two sides of the piano. They knew that Xu was because of Xu Kaiyun, and because Xu Mo looked at the piano, so Qin and Xu had a good relationship. They are afraid that the family will hand over to their own affairs, and they will lose the face of the family.

The so-called dossing, not the piano double does not sell them things, they never thought so. Even if Qinshuang and Xu’s family had some friendships, they did not dare to swear that Xu’s family had offended thirty-three families, and that they did not want to live. What they care about is that Qin double sells the things they sell to them, even if they only sell a fairy crystal, it is also a face loss.

Xu family is the first family in the spiritual world, but the family that is not motivated is not a good family. Which family does not want to replace Xu?

So I have to be so careless.

Originally thought of making some means, pressing the piano double, but did not expect not only did not press the piano double, Ren Pingsheng and Qing Honglou successively shot, but was suppressed by the piano double, but the piano double did not overcharge their fairy crystal, now give They have a tree and let them have a good impression on the piano.

Of course, if the piano pair is under their pressure to send a tree, they will not only have a good impression on the piano, but also feel what a tree is worth? This is humiliating them, they will pull out the fragrant trees in the double medicine garden. But now it is the Qin double standing on the wind, the mood is naturally different.


I am very grateful to seaphay (100), Yun Dance Flying Silk (100), earnestly study and study hard (100)!



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