Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2013: grab

Qing Honglou’s face is a white one, and he said: “The red building is taught.”

Qingcheng laughed and looked calmly: "But this monkey wine may not be able to win it."

Qing Honglou looked awkward and said: "Father, don't you say you can't go against the trend?"

"But we can create a homeopathic situation." Qingcheng smiled patiently to teach Qing Hong Loudao: "The piano double has four treasures and a space fairy, and will soon be spread throughout the Purple City. So some people must have a sneak peek Heart, I want to take the four treasures and the space fairy.

There are many people like this!

Especially the North City!

That is the place where the dragons and snakes are mixed. Although there is no half-step fairy king, there are many immortals. When they attacked the Qinfu, Qinshuang was in a crisis of life and death. We appeared in time and saved the piano pair. Naturally everything was easy to talk about.

This is no homeopathy, creating a homeopathic! ”

The second day.

Tianzicheng, thirty-four families, each sent Xianjun, hidden in the Qinfu, not to be shackled, only to give a rescue hand at the time of the double crisis.

At the same time, the Qin double has four treasures and space fairy things, and in these families' help, quickly spread to the corner of the Purple City.

After a few days.

Iron soft still walked out of the big line in accordance with the usual practice, came to the edge of the fence, his eyes swept away, could not help but slightly frowned.

She found that the people who came to buy food today were all raw faces, and those familiar faces stood far away at this time, and some people had already left. Because they all know that Qinfu sells only one hundred boxes of food a day, and now there are more than two people lined up outside the fence.

These families have come to buy food, although the cultivation is not high, only some of the heavens, and even the fairy, but the eyes of the people from the big family are different. They can see that the people who line up today are very high-minded, and all of them exude a sly atmosphere. They can't see the specific cultivation of these monks, but they are already the iron of Ronaldinho, but the heart is a jump. The monk who can make her feel vague and can't see the cultivation is must be repaired higher than her. That is to say, more than 200 monks outside the fence, the minimum is nine days.

So many face-to-face faces come here, what do you want to do?

Her heart could not help but be careful, standing in the fence and looking at the monk who was ranked first:

"200,000 top grades!"

The monk smiled and took out a storage bag and handed it to the iron softly. The iron softly reached out and picked it up. At the moment when the two people touched each other, the monk suddenly grabbed it against the soft wrist of the iron. The momentum that erupted in an instant has reached the late nine-day Xuanxian.



The figure of the nine-day Xuanxian flew out, and the body was still in the air. It was already broken and fell to the ground. The monks outside the fence, the eyes are not shrinking. In their vision, they saw the house that they thought was only a white lion shape. Only then did they pick up their claws and a paw was shot in the nine-day Xuan. On the body of the immortal monk, then the body of the nine-day Xuan Xian exploded. At this time, the house of the white lion was going back and became a house.


The people looked at the other side and looked at the other side, like the crane that the sculpture did not move.

"This will not be a beggar?"

In the left neighboring house of Qinfu, a pair of eyes looked through the window. These people are the masters of Xianjun. They are from the immortals of the thirty-four families. At this time, their hearts are also moving.

"There is nothing wrong with it, and it is still the embarrassment of the Xianjun period. But it is only the first layer of Xianjun, not enough!"

Inside the fence, the iron softly grabbed the volley outside the fence, and the monk's storage ring was caught in her hand, and then looked at the monks lined up outside the fence. The turn of the monk hurriedly smiled and sent a storage bag. The iron was softly swept away, and then he handed out a jade box. The monk took the jade box and hurried away. In less than a quarter of an hour, a hundred boxes of food were sold out again, and the iron shouted softly:

"The food is sold out, please come early tomorrow."

When the words fell, the iron softly turned into the Taolin, and the monks outside the fence also left.

The iron softly entered the lotus space and went directly to the Dongfu of the Qinshuang. Hua Taixiang called the piano pair in consciousness.

Soon, the piano doubled out and pushed the door out. When I saw the iron soft, I asked:

"What happened?"

Iron softly said things again, Qin double thought about it: "Let the two cockroaches return to the big squad, every day when you sell food, let them go out of the big line and protect you. When you sell the food They also entered the big battle, in case they were broken up by people."

Iron soft face changed: "Do you mean there will be Xianjun coming?"

"There must be, there will be tonight."

"Is it Xianjun?"

"Yes, more than one."

"That... can you stop it?" The iron swallowed softly and hard.

"Don't worry, let's inform your friends, we will meet in Taolin tonight."


Tianzicheng entered the silence, and a new moon was hung in the middle of the sky. It was already midnight. Even the bustling Tianzicheng was full of silence.


By the pond, in the middle of the peach forest.

There was a table and several people sat around. Sitting in the middle is a beautiful woman with a complex skin, dressed in a red dress and a peach blossom. It is the Qin double, sitting next to it is Yu Guanting, Lei Xing, Bao Yi, Chu Dali, iron soft, waiting for the ground.

On the table are not only the sautéed corn rice, the fragrant meat, the bigmouth fish soup, but also the meat of some monsters and some vegetables. There are many kinds of monsters in the storage ring of Qin double, and the vegetables are grown in the town demon tower in these years. Coupled with monkey wine, several people are eating and enjoying themselves.

"Qin double, you said that someone will come tonight?" Bao Yi looked worried.

"Must be sure!" Qin doubled and nodded: "How? Fear?"

Bao Yi’s face showed a nervous color: “Xianjun! You are talking about Xianjun’s coming! Just rely on us?”

"Come on!" Qin double interrupted Baoyi's words.


A man fell outside the fence, and a black hair reflected a faint brilliance in the moonlight.

Standing in front of the fence door, his face always smiles with a slight smile, slightly tilting his head, and looked at the view inside the fence, then the figure floated up, floated over the fence, landed on the ground, and stepped toward the Taolin. Sell ​​it.


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