Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2032: No secret

Also refining four arrays, two hidden arrays, two killing. Then Qinqin began to refine the town's old refining swords. These swords are the top swords of various attributes of the old town and the piano double refining during this period. If Qinshuang’s Yuanshen Yangshen wakes up, there are four great gods and yang gods. Qinqin can refine many fairy swords, but now there is only one spirit, and it is impossible for Qinqin to brand all the mysteries on the sword. However, if you do not leave a brand on the sword, it will not be included in the heart. At the end of the Qin double test, I refining the three hundred and sixty swords and collecting them in the heart of the Tao.

Qin double carefully checked himself.

Although there is a yin and moon in the sea, there are fifteen bracelets made of water and thunder beads on the wrist, but because it was refining by the Xuanwu Yuanshen, Qinqin can't use it now. There are ten swords under the boots, but they are refining and being used by the White Tigers. They are not used at all. The fire swords are refining and being used by the Fire and Phoenix gods. However, Muling can be used, and the original fire is not restricted by the Yuanshen and can be used. However, because the fire was still placed in the storage ring by the piano, I don’t know if it was the kind of fire that swallowed the phosphorus fire, or the phosphorus fire swallowed the fire, so it could not be used. Because of the sleep of the gods, Qinqin almost abolished most of the martial arts.

However, the refinement of the three hundred and sixty handles of the sword, the piano is not available without the Xianbing, she also has Confucianism, Guqin, a cloak, and also with the symbol, especially the blood refining. It is not to say that the power of the ordinary symbol is not as good as the blood. The ordinary symbols of the double refining of the piano also have the power of Xianjun. After all, Qin double is the emperor of the emperor.

However, the power is stronger, it is also a one-time consumable, and the blood refining symbol is different. Each symbol can use ten hours.

Of course, if you are attacked, the blood refining will also shorten the time. If you are attacked by a half-step fairy king, I am afraid that the slap will completely eliminate the blood.

Take off the clothes on the body, start to put on the refining cloak, and wear the cloak and the squad on the side of the front and the back. On the one hand, it can be used as a protective mirror, on the other hand, it can be sacrificed at any time. Out. Who is not allowed to bring space equipment now, some must be brought to the body, weight is not a problem, just do not affect the action.

Attached to the belt, and finally put on a red cloak on the outside, two sleeves with a symbol. Pick up the robes and belts prepared for Yu Guanting and walk out of the town demon tower.

After Qin doubled the cloak and belt and various functions to explain to Yu Guanting, Yu Guanting got up and said:

"Qin double, Da En does not say thank you."

"In the past ten days, don't delve into other things, and understand the way I am giving you. I hope we can all come back alive."

"Live back!"

Qin double returned to the town demon tower, and there are still ten days from the assessment. Qin double hopes to use the time flow rate of the town demon tower to wake up his own **** and Yang god, and hope to be able to take the one inside the one-legged person. The symbolism is realized.

However, the end result is disappointing. Neither the Yuanshen and the Yangs were awakened, nor did they realize that.

Qin double only sighed, in order to survive more confident in the empty space, she went to a dark space, recruited the mermaid, turned into a black bracelet, worn on the left wrist on. Today's mermaid is already a nine-day Xuanxian, although it is only the third floor, but the humanity's sound and magical powers can not be underestimated.

Finally, the medicine garden and the storage ring were put into the town demon tower, and the town demon tower was turned into a dust, hidden in the ice-filled array.

A star-studded flying boat vacated, and nearly 40 million monks rode in a starship and sailed in the air. This time, not only accompanied by Xianjun, the owner of the Qing family, half-step Xian Wangqing City laughs personally sitting in the town, leading the monks to the empty space, and Xu Mo and other half-step Xian Wang sit in the sky purple star, the past two demons attack.

茫茫 emptiness, sailing for ten days. I saw a number of interstellar voyages sailing in the distance, and finally parked in a void.


One monk flew out from a starship, and about 120 million monks stood in the void, forming three camps, staring at each other and killing the sky.

The piano looked at the camp of the Yaozu two-way, and she perceived the scent of Fengming.

Sure enough, a pair of eyes looked out from the demon camp, and when they both touched each other in the air, they each recovered their gaze.

The three figures flew toward a void, but it was the three-and-a-half-step king of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu. Three and a half steps, the king of the king, each reaching out a hand, grabbed the past with a void, and the piece of emptiness was killed by a huge mouth.

"Into!" Three and a half steps Xian Wang also shouted.


The tribes of the tribes rushed into the huge mouth and rushed in. Anyone knows that no one can make a battle in the first place, or they will fall into the trap.


In the empty space, a roar of robbers broke out in an instant, and the tribes who entered the empty space did not hesitate to fight.


It’s a fight!

The Terran and the Demon Fight, the Demon and the Devil Fight, the Devil and the Terran Fight...

After the tribe's monks entered the mouth, they poured into the ground like a waterfall. They also smashed in the air. The range of the battlefield began to expand with the number of monks pouring in. When the piano doubled into the import, the battlefield Has spread to the end of the end.


A long gun, such as a dragon, went out to the sea and stabbed her back behind the piano. The piano took a step and disappeared in place.

Step on the air!

Now Qin Qin's understanding of space is because of the spiritual reason, from the peak of the fur to the entry level, although the other side of the spur of the sudden, but still let the piano double hide, the backhand big sleeves, the right hand is like a piano.

Fu Qin refers to!


Behind the head of a Mozu monk, there were four holes on the head, and the body fell to the bottom. When the piano doubled, it caught the necklace on the neck of the Mozu monk and broke into the pocket of his arms.


Qinqin constantly moves in the air with divinity, relying on the flexibility of stepping on the air, and his hands keep hitting the big handprints, smashing the dragon's palm, stalking the Fengqi, and phasing the fingers...

At this time, Qinqin had no idea where to go, and the surrounding monks were killed, not to know An Shicong, Wei Qingjue and Yu Guanting.



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