Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2304: Force

Qin Qin is in a state of sorrow, at this time she knows what Xuanwu Yuanshen is craving.


This black liquid has leeches, and if the five elements are to be cultivated to the extreme, they need different treasures. The fire attribute requires fire, and the wood attribute requires wood spirit. Since the piano has obtained the fire and the wood spirit, the fire property and wood property of the piano double have undergone a qualitative change.

The speed of cultivation is faster than other attributes. For the fire attribute and the wood attribute, the path is also more close and fit. It is the release method, and it is stronger than other attributes. Nowadays, when the piano is practiced, it is consciously spending more time on the metallic and water properties, and reducing the cultivation time of the fire attribute and the wood attribute to avoid the imbalance of the attribute.

The otter is the treasure of the water property to the ultimate. But I didn't expect it to appear in front of me, but now there is no joy in the heart of the piano, but it gives birth to the ultimate danger, because the black liquid is swallowing her body. Every part of the package loses consciousness. Once she wraps her body, I am afraid that the piano double is the time of the fall.


The black liquid actually made a baby-like laugh, as if I got something I liked.

"Mu Ling!"

Qinqin couldn't be shouted by fear, and he saw the body of the piano double green, and the black liquid impacted. The two colors collided together, stopping the spread of black liquid and instantly seeing the green. Produced a dense line of tentacles, plunged into the black liquid, the piano double feels a trace of life is extracted by Mu Ling.


From the black liquid, the sound of the baby crying was heard, and then the black liquid quickly receded and disengaged from the arm of the piano. The "嗖" sound was suspended in the opposite side of the piano.


The black liquid began to swell up, instantly expanded into a person size, and then turned into the Mozu monk. The heart of Qin double raised a huge sense of danger, and there was no longer any hesitation, and the sword in the heart of the heart swarmed out.


Thirty-six-handed swords were set up in a small Zhoutian sword array. The reason why Qin double dared to enter the door, because she knew that this is definitely not a space fairy, but a boundary that can strip space and temporarily form an independent space. Since it is not the day after tomorrow, Qin double has the confidence to break. With the power of Xiao Zhoutianjian, tearing a space that is temporarily stripped, there is absolutely no problem.

On the opposite side of the Mozu monk, when he saw the piano double sacrificed a small Zhoutian sword array, the look was changed. When the figure was rippling, it disappeared on the opposite side of the piano pair, and the independent space disappeared. I remembered the fierce collision, the sound of screaming, the screams, and the scenes of the tribes killed by the tribes. At the same time, Qin double saw the figure of the demon monk.

"Where to go!"

Qin Shuang just wanted to chase after the attack, and he felt that a crisis was coming to him. At this time, her entire right arm is still unconscious. The left hand of the piano is like a sword, and it is a finger pointing, pointing in the direction of the crisis.


A grand sword, the newly-formed Xiao Zhou Tian Jian Jian gathered together, gathered into a brilliant sword, stabbed to the left side of the air.


A loud bang, a slap in the face and a smashing sword smashed together, the smashing giant sword instantly broken, the sword is cozy.


A fairy sword screams, and the Xiao Zhoutian sword formation built by the thirty-six-handed swords collapses under this axe. The formation of the hurricane wave hit the piano double, the piano double felt a huge impact like the tide of the tide hitting his body, the whole person instantly flew out, will be fighting behind the three The family monk did not know how much he flew, and every time he hit a monk, her injury increased.

not to mention……

Other monks saw her colliding and blocking with weapons, leaving countless scars on her body and deep visible bones.


Qinqin finally slammed into a large mountain cliff, hitting the mountain out of a hole, and bottomless, a large amount of gravel rolled down the mountain.

In the moment of flying backwards, Qin double saw that he was attacking him as a Mozu monk, holding a handle of a heavenly axe, floating on the body is the breath of the tenth layer of Xuantian, but the strength of that axe is Absolutely more than the sixth floor of Xianjun.

Before the piano double struggled to stand up, the outside Mozu monk raised his axe high and headed down to the mountain.


The mountain began to crack from top to bottom, and the huge axe rushed to the hole that the double knocked. At this time, the Qin double had just stood up in the hole and stood up. The mountain had been cracked, and the sun shone on the body of the piano. A dazzling giant axe was kneeling.

When the piano doubled up, he threw a **** sacred sacred sacred sacred to the giant axe.


A cow called, a fairy cow demon appeared in the air, and two horns ran over the huge axe.


A loud bang, the giant axe was blown out by the bulls, but the cow demon was even worse, the blood collapsed, the two horns broke, and the huge body slammed down.


The shape of the piano pair rushed to the crack and rushed away from the direction of the Mozu monk. At the same time, the cow demon rushed again and rushed toward the Mozu monk.


The Mozu monk once again fell axe, but this time the bull demon is no longer hard, but the body shape is a flash, avoiding the giant axe, rushing toward the Mozu monk, at the same time, the body Guanghua flicker.

The demon monk's face changed. The big feet were in the air, and the air gave birth to a sharp shackle. The Mozu monks quickly regressed.


The cow demon blew himself, but because the Mozu monk retreated in time, and did not suffer, the Mozu monk snorted and rushed toward the piano.

The double right arm of the piano hangs on the side of the body, still unconscious, and the left hand quickly takes a drop of long liquid from the necklace and feels that the body's injury is recovering quickly.


Thirty-six-handed swords flow like water, have gathered at the side of the piano double, hovering around the body, a small Zhoujian sword array has been generated, at the same time, Qin double took a sword from the heart of the heart, held in the left hand . At this time, the giant axe of the Mozu monk had already been cut down.

The giant axe like a mountain, the magic of the vertical and horizontal, people's mind will be affected.


I am very grateful to you for your ignorance (12000), rainy nights for snow (1000), seaphay (100), cloud dance and flying silk (100), earnestly study and study hard (100)!



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