Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2040: Troll

Qin double slammed the shoulders of Feng Ming, jumped from the back of Feng Ming, hovered in the air like a crane dance, flying in large sleeves, throwing out the remaining dozens of ordinary symbols.


Surrounded by roaring, beautiful colors overflowed, and one of the Demon monks fell. When everything was quiet, the look of the piano became dignified. There are still nine Demon monks left, killing Qin Qin and Feng Ming.


Feng Ming took out the double knife and greeted the Mozu monk. The four Mozu monks surrounded Fengming, and the five Mozu monks surrounded the Qinshuang.

Can survive in the bombardment of Fuxi, these five monks are lucky on the one hand, let other monks block the Fuxi, on the other hand, the strength, these five Mozu monks are the late nine-day Xuanxian, surrounded by Qinshuang Around, an unbeatable attack was made.

The five great demon monks joined forces to jointly attack the piano pair. Knives, guns, shields, sticks, forks, and magic, while killing the piano.

The roaring sound is intense and the scene is extremely hot. Everyone is a nine-day Xuanxian. When they touch each other, a mushroom cloud bursts out, and the space appears dense and small cracks.

The jade book hovered around the body of the piano and kept releasing a Confucianism, but under the joint of the five Mozu monks, there was attack and defense, and the doubles were tightly bound in the middle.

On the other side, Feng Ming also played and rolled. At this time, Feng Ming had already appeared in the original shape of the phoenix, spit out a bonfire, two wings like a giant knife, and four monks.

The five Mozu monks who besieged the piano double were shocked, and under the attack of various magical powers, they did not attack the defense of the Qin double. However, they also saw that the Confucianism and Taoism power released by Qin double is weakening. Although there is only one trace, it is continuous. As long as the siege continues, Qin Qin is only a person and must be killed by them.

"No!" In the double mouth of the piano, he whispered in a low voice: "I can't do it, the arrogance will consume the light! You will give me the magic."

The little Confucianism in the Taoist heart grabbed the magical heart and cracked the Confucianism of the seal. Lost the seal of Confucianism, it is difficult to seal the magic ring.


The magic heart beats violently. One sound is stronger than one.


The destruction of the chain has collapsed.


A magic sound screamed out from the mouth of the piano. The eyebrows of the piano double appeared a **** month, and two pairs of pupils appeared two blood lines.

The sound of this magical sound shouted, so that the five demon monks swayed, and at the same time saw the body of the piano double magic, smashing their attacks outside the body.

A whirlwind composed of magical spirits rises around the body of the piano, and the magical magical powers released by the five Mozu monks fall on the magical cyclone and are swept away by the cyclone.

"What is this supernatural power?"

The five Mozu monks were shocked. This kind of magical power is obviously beyond their imagination, because the whirlwind is not like the wind attribute magic that they released. The black whirlwind is filled with dense and complex mysterious patterns. The complex mysterious patterns have made their attacks all absorbed, and they cannot threaten the piano.

"What is she really a man?"

The five Mozu monks are mad in their hearts. But at this time, no matter whether the piano is a man or a demon, it will be killed. The five Mozu monks circling around the black whirlwind, attacking, magic and magic as the rainstorms generally fall.

The six great monks smothered and moved on the ice sheet. When they passed, the ice plains swayed and moved thousands of miles, causing countless monks to watch. Whether it is the Terran, the Yaozu, or the Mozu, seeing the six great monks killing the sky, they are chasing curiosity, but no monk is involved.

Because it is so strange...

At this time, the piano double spirits enveloped the whole body. Although it was not clear to the face, even the body shape was not very clear, but at first glance it was a demon, so the five Mozu monks besieged a Mozu monk...

why like this?

The Mozu monk is not clear, naturally it will not easily intervene. The Terran and the Yaozu are also happy to see the Mozu monks kill each other.

not to mention……

Nowadays, there are quite a few Mozu monks trailing, and I want to see clearly why the six Mozu monks have been beaten up. At this time, the Terran or the demon monk dared to intervene, and it is bound to usher in the strong counterattack of the Mozu monks.

Therefore, on the ice sheet, there was a strange scene. The six great monks played and rolled, and the blood stained the ice sheet. Around the battlefields of the six great monks, there were countless tribes of monks, and they watched the battlefield.

The means of Qin double is endless, the magic control of the body of the piano double, the strength suddenly soared, reached the third floor of Xianjun, this is not the most important, the five Mozu monks are the late nine-day Xuan Xian, also both It is the Tianjiao of the Mozu, and it is higher than the piano. Even if it is not as big as the piano, it can be a few smaller steps, so at this time their strength is also on the second and third floors of Xianjun. Look like it. It stands to reason that the five Mozu monks were able to suppress the doubles and then kill them.


The magic released by the magic heart is too amazing, completely suppressing the magic of the five Mozu monks. The five Mozu monks are scarred, although not fatal, but the five Mozu repairs are besieged one, but each one is injured, which makes Their confidence has fallen, and they even began to wonder if they are arrogant?

The monks around were watching, especially the Mozu monks, and their eyes were gathered on the piano. Every magic released by the piano doubles makes them deeply enlightened, and the precision and power of the magic make them feel swayed.

"Weak! Too weak!"

In the mouth of the piano, a smirk of laughter was heard, and a pair of hands blasted a thousand layers of magic. The Fengming, which is mixed in the Yaozu group, looks at the piano doubles with anxiety. She and the piano are different, the piano double has been demonized, so I saw six demons fighting, no one came forward. However, when the demon monk saw the four Mozu monks slaying Fengming, they swarmed and killed the four Mozu monks and saved Fengming. At this time, Feng Ming followed the piano double, but did not dare to shoot.

"Who is this demon who occupies the double body of the piano?"

Feng Ming eyes locked the piano double, and his heart was shocked again and again. The hands of the piano pair, or the palm, or the fist, or the fingers, are ever-changing, and they have cracked the attack of the five Mozu monks. Although they can't see the face of the piano pair, they only move from the movement of the piano. It can be seen that the piano is calm and calm.

The five Mozu monks sang in a row, like a hurricane, hovering around the piano.


Qin double suddenly screamed, and actually stopped the dodging step, which originally surrounded her, the whirlwind filled with black plaids actually converge toward the body of the piano, and then turned into a trolled earth, on the body Flowing black plaids, the body exudes awesome power.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (1000), the cloud dance flying silk silk fairy (100), seriously studying and studying hard (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) reward!



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