Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2039: Arrogant Xiaoru

"Qin double, can you move?" Feng Ming was overjoyed. As long as the piano is active, what are the five Mozu monks? I screamed at the blood and reinvented it, killing it instantly.


The five Mozu monks surrounded Qinqin and Fengming, and a Mozu monk frowned:

"Do people and the demon team join hands?"

I haven't waited for Fengming's opening yet, and I saw the piano with both hands on the hips. I looked at the five demons with a gaze and looked at them. It was like a monk who was going to assess Tianziyuan. It was like a savage man. urchin:

"Ha ha ha... Xiaoye can finally be alone, hahahaha... look at the wise young man, how to talk and laugh and kill!"

Feng Ming’s face changed greatly, and Qin’s double is solidified, and it’s gone, it’s crazy...

"what should I do?"

The five Mozu monks looked a glimpse, and then they didn’t laugh too much. One of the Mozu monks pointed to the piano:

"The Terran is really declining, and a madman of this speciality can participate in the assessment. Hahaha..."

Qinqin walked toward the opposite Mozu monk with bare hands and a child-like smile on his face. In the eyes of the Mozu monks and Fengming, it was a smile of mental retardation. The smiling smile on the face of the Mozu monk converges and becomes a haze, looking at the piano that is close to the front:

"Since you are a madman, let me end your sad life."

The Mozu monk took a fist and bombarded the head of the piano pair. In his mind, he had imagined the scene of the splitting of the brain, and he could not help but lick his lips.


He found that his fist was caught, and then he felt an incomparable force pushing his fist and licking his head.


Brain pulp split!

The rest of the four Mozu monks looked a glimpse of the light, and they felt the light in front of them, and a jade book floated in the air, and it turned over.


A thunder fell from the sky and instantly bombarded the body of the four Mozu monks. The four Mozu monks retired, their bodies were shaken by electricity, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Mu Ling!"

The piano double shouted, and the thunder in the sky was bombarded again, causing the four Mozu monks to start shaking again, and the movement of the figure became sluggish.


A root Wool needle stabbed into the body of the four Mozu and rushed into the sea. When the four Mozu monks were less than three times, they fell to the ground dryly.

The piano double went out of the water of the demon soul, and under the drop of the clothes, Feng Ming looked nervously at the double, and sighed:

"You are not a double, who are you?"

Qin doubled his head and looked at Feng Ming. The evil spirit smiled and said: "You guess!"

"I guess?" Feng Ming squinted his eyes and licked the piano, then his face became gloomy and shouted:

"I don't care who you are, you immediately come out of the body of the piano."

"I won't come out, what are you?" Qin doubles his waist and rubs his head, looking at Fengming.

Feng Ming was so angry that she was all green, but there was no way. Suddenly, she felt the movement of the piano. She could enter the body of the piano and kill the **** who occupied the body of the piano.

Suddenly, Feng Ming’s figure of action was suddenly slammed, and he turned his head with Qinqin and looked to the left. I saw more than twenty black spots rushing over here.

"Devil monk!" Feng Ming exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha... watch me drop the demon!"

Qin double gave a burst of excitement, but before the twenty-some Mozu monks rushed over, she rushed over to the dozens of Mozu monks.

Although Feng Ming believes that the current Qin double is not a piano double, but the body is a double piano, can not let the Mozu ruined, while the Yuanshen who occupied the piano double hated his teeth, and rushed over with the piano. While rushing, while thinking quickly, my heart was somewhat suspicious, because she had seen the Confucianism of Qinshuang, but it was golden at the time, and now it is jade. And did not hear that the Confucian scholars of Qin Shuang had a sense of wisdom?


The two sides have not collided, and the four characters in the jade book have been rushed out:

Move the mountains to fill the sea!

In the sky, a large mountain was pressed against more than twenty Mozu monks, and the ground was tumbling with turbid waves, slamming the past to the dozens of Mozu monks.

"This is Confucianism!" Feng Ming, who is behind the piano, is not happy with the shock: "Is it that Confucianism can occupy the body of the piano?"


A series of giant mountains collided with more than twenty Mozu monks, and slammed down the waves, and smashed more than twenty Mozu monks.

"Where to go, I beat and beat..."

"Oh la la..."

The jade book turned pages and rushed out of four characters:

Gunling arrows rain!


The rain of guns and arrows that swayed the sky spurred toward the dozens of Mozu monks in the tumbling.

More than a dozen Mozu monks were shot into a sieve, and Feng Ming, who was behind him, was shocked. But there are still eight Devil monks left, but they are standing up, standing on the waves of the sky, making a sly laugh:

"Ha ha ha ... but it is the strength of a nine-day Xuan Xian peak."

Nowadays, it is Xiaoru who controls the double body of the piano. He is the tenth peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, but unfortunately, he can only play the strength of the tenth layer of the nine-day Xuanxian, and cannot be more like the Qinshuang. And fight.


The eight Mozu monks slammed toward the doubles. When they were not there, the magic was released, and the sky became dark and magical.

There are bells, there are tripods, there are knives, there are whip...

The complex patterns are intertwined. Although it is dark, it is beautiful, like a dark river, flowing the history of the ancient age of the Mozu.

Each of the eight magics made a different roar, and the power was filled with space, so that the phoenix of the ninth floor of Xuan Xian, nine days behind, felt that breathing became difficult.

"Ha ha ha..."

However, I heard the loud laughter in the mouth of the piano, and the big sleeves swelled, and dozens of characters were whistling away.



The roaring sound has not disappeared, and I saw the piano double jumped to the back of Feng Ming and shouted at her neck:


Feng Ming turned around and ran because she saw that although the eight Mozu monks had become gray, more monks were flying towards them.


Dozens of black smoke crossed the air, and a black smoke fell from the sky, and fell silently around Fengming. The black smoke showed the original shape of a Mozu monk, and killed it toward Fengming. .

"I beat and beat..."


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