Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2042: Virgin

To the arrogant Qinqin double in the Tianlinxing thing to say something, listening to Tang Hanmei flying dance, it is Tang Qian hand also appeared in the eyes of exclamation. I didn't think that Qinqin was just a monk who was soaring soon, and grew up in such a short time. At this time, his heart also believed in the arrogance, and said:

"To Xiaoyou, you come here, but what do you need to help the old man?"

"I have to go to the piano pair, but I have to pay for it. I want to borrow some from the seniors. I must, if I don't have the ability to see the piano, she will return."

Tang Qian hand looked at the arrogant: "Why are you so anxious to find the piano pair?"

"Because..." hesitated to the arrogance: "It is related to the life of the piano."

Tang Qianshou’s look changed: “What? Say clearly!”

Shaking his head to the arrogant: "Can't say!"

Tang Qianshou’s face sank and looked toward the arrogance. The pressure of Xianjun’s peak was arrogant toward the past.

"Tick and ticking..."

To the sweat on the forehead, the drops of large drops drip, and a layer of sweat soon accumulated on the ground. Just looking at the arrogant and reluctantly confronting Tang Qianshou, his eyes are not moving.


Give a sigh of relief to the arrogance, if Tang Qianshou does not regain the pressure, he will fall from the chair to the ground. There is a thought in my heart.

"Qin double said it was really good. I haven’t in vain my mood over the years."

"Shen Jing can give you, you don't need to." At this time, Tang Qian's face has been replaced with a gentle smile: "If you have the ability in the future, you still want to take care of Xiaohan."

I can't help but sigh. This is the heart and wisdom of the big family patriarch. If you are not out of the alien domain, you will have traveled for several years. Even if you are in the position of the owner of Tianlinxing, there will be no This power and wisdom.

I am out right now!

When I stood up, I bowed to Tang Qianshou: "The predecessors are polite. This younger generation will remember it, but there are pianos in the room. I am afraid I will not use the younger generation to take care of Xiaohan."

"Ha ha ha..." Tang Qiang laughed and said: "To Xiaoyou, I have an idea. Do you think about it for me? Is it feasible?"

"Predecessors please."

"I want to send people to Tianlinxing, and the disciples of Qinshuang and the people around them are invited to the ink star. You should also know that Qinshuang has a house in the ink star, and the resources they will cultivate in the future, the old husband bears, you See how?"

Thinking about it, I nodded and said, "I think it is feasible. I will tell Qin Bin about this."


In front of the Qinfu Gate, stood a young man on the stalwart. A dusty servant, with a tired color on his face, but the breath is exuding sputum, and at first glance he knows that he has gone through the killing.

When the door opened, a teenager came out and waved to the young man: "In the next Yuan Tong, is this Xiongtai?"

"Under the Golden Dragon!"

茫茫 茫茫 , , , , , , , , , , , 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔Looking at the starry sky.

"At the end of the day, I have to go to the middle star field. I can take the transmission line. I don't know if the person who attracted me is a piano pair, or is it arrogant? The little guy is good, even the magic is cultivated to the third floor, and I am swallowed up. There will be a leap in the recovery of repair, hehe..."

No empty secrets.

Qinqin was swarming away from the ice sheet under the crowd of the monks. Qin Shuang’s eyes swept over the surrounding Mozu monks from time to time. From time to time, he put out his tongue and licked his lips. As long as he killed these Mozu monks, he swallowed their magic, not only restored the previous consumption, but also the magic. Will go one step further.

It’s just that Qinqin is so weak now, how dare he do this for many of the Mozu?

"Little Confucianism, is there any strength to seal the magic heart?" Ling sent a voice to Xiaoru.

"Can seal one layer." Xiaoru replied.

"One layer is OK, plus my destructive chains and characters, it should be able to temporarily seal the magic for a while."

"But... you are not afraid to seal the magic, revealing the atmosphere of your humanity?"

"Not completely sealed, leaving a portal, let the magic flow out, I will converge, and should be able to be covered by magic. Hands-on!"


Xiaoru and the spirit work together, and a sacred atmosphere constitutes a seal, which goes to the seal of the magic. At the same time, the spirit also releases the chain of destruction and wraps around the magic.


The double mouth of the piano screamed screamingly, and the whole body was screaming.

"No! You dare!"


The body of the piano double stood there stiffly, and then resumed the activity again, his eyes sweeping through the demons, but the slender blood line in the pupils of the eyes slowly disappeared.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, the spirit finally regained control of the body, but did not completely seal the magic, or left a portal, let the magic flow continuously shed, covering the piano duo Breath.

"His Royal Highness, what happened to you?"

The demons looked at the piano and their eyes flashed differently. Every Demon monk is eager to get the true solution of the magic. But they know that they can't do the killing of the piano in the empty space. Because they know that even if they killed the piano pair, they swallowed the piano pair, got the memory of the piano double, got the real solution of the magic, and they could not live for a long time. As soon as you go out from the empty secret, you will be exposed immediately, and then you will be caught by Jurassic and swallowed yourself.

No one is willing to do such a thing to make a wedding dress.

They just want to be able to get a little bit of teaching in the darkness of the sky, even if it is only a little bit of the true solution of the magic, this is enough. As soon as I leave the no-empty secret, I will immediately report the matter of the piano pair to the 娑罗木. As for how the 娑罗木 will treat the piano double, whether it is engulfing the piano double or treating her as a magical sacred woman, it is not relevant. Their thing is over.


When the demons saw that the magic of the piano double shadows around the body was getting weaker, it was necessary to reveal the true face of the piano. One by one, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes and looked at the face of the piano pair.

The muscles of the double face of the piano squirmed quickly, and then the mask of the face's magic was dissipated, revealing a face of evil spirits, which was quite different from the original appearance of the piano pair.

"His Royal Highness!" A demon monk around him showed a smile on his face: "Can you teach us a magical solution? Just a little."

The piano doubles forward, the devils follow, and the demon monk again:

"His Highness, the Terran is too prosperous now, and the demon and the two are suppressed. Now, although the magic is great, our heritage has not caught up with the Terran. If His Royal Highness can pass the magical solution to me, the Magic Road must be in a short time. Daxing, I am willing to follow my Highness."

"I am willing to follow my Highness."


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