Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2043: Array

Qin Shuang’s heart is stunned. These Mozu monks are forcing themselves. If they don’t agree, they may have to take risks and want to devour their own Mozu monks.

The Mozu has always been a selfish race.

"Hey!" Qin double snorted, his heart turned, and the demons had already flown out of the ice, and they were in a plain. Qin doubled his body and said:

"It’s not impossible for me to teach you the magical truth, and I really need followers. But..." There is a sarcasm in the eyes of Qin Shuang:

"If you want to be my follower, always show me something to show it to me? Or call it a name."

The spirit of the demons spurred, and they sang together: "What should you do under the Highness?"

"I want you to inform the demons as much as possible and let them come here. At the same time, I need you to kill the demon in large numbers. I need the skin and blood of the demon."

"His Royal Highness, now the strongest is the Yaozu, we should go to kill the Terran."

Qin double said faintly: "I need the skin and blood of the Mozu to make a symbol, you go to a large number of killing monks, and then I use the devil's symbol to take you to kill the people. So, this three The first place to kill a family must be us."

"His Highness, will you make a plaque?" One of the demons stunned their eyes.

Qin double proudly said: "As long as you are satisfied with your Highness, I will pass it on to you. These magical roads are true."

"Good!" The demons were excited: "We will inform other friends and go to kill the demon. At the same time, you must leave some monks to protect you?"

Qin nodded, she knew that this is not the Mozu to protect her, but to monitor her, afraid that she ran.

Soon, ten monks were left, and the rest of the Mozu monks quickly left.

The piano doubled and sat down to explore the Yangshen and the Yuanshen. The heart could not help but sigh, and the Yangshen and the Yuanshen did not wake up. Turned to the Mozu monk sitting next to him and asked:

"How many half steps do we have in the Mozu?"

"There should be more than twenty." A monk monk.

"More than that, there should be a half-step Xian Wang has been traveling outside, or do not know where to retreat." Another monk monk said.

"How many people have a half-step fairy king?"

"I don't know, it should be more than the Mozu!"

"What about the Yaozu?"

"The demon should be less. But there is not much. If we get the first time this time, we can get a star from the Terran and the Demon, and we can invade them. Our Mozu will soon become the hegemon of the spiritual world, beyond the human race. ""

"It takes a long time, and where is the foundation so easy to become deep? It is very difficult to surpass the human race in a short time." Qin said faintly.

"Our Mozu has a magic palace. It is said that this magic palace was dropped from the fairyland about 100,000 years ago, but the magic palace can't get in. Now the Mozu is booming, maybe it can go in. Once you get the magic palace inside Inheritance, in a short time, our Mozu will definitely surpass the Terran. Become the hegemon of the spiritual world."

"Magic Palace!"

Qinqin is so excited that you know that Qinshuang is now a fellow practitioner of the Immortal, and the Magic Palace has an extraordinary appeal to her. The knocking of some of the demon's secrets, the piano doubled on the grounds of cultivation, closed his eyes.

She called Feng Ming in her heart and soon got Feng Ming's response. It turns out that Feng Min has been following her secretly, not far from her. Qin double immediately let Feng Ming stay away from this place, looking for a hidden place to hide, because the Mozu will start to kill a lot of monks.

In the days that followed, there were constant monks and monks gathered together, and they all carried the bodies of the demon, some more, some less.

Qin double commanded the Mozu to peel off the skin of the Yaozu, and the blood was collected. She made a pen with the hair of the Yaozu, and then selected some monks and monks, and began to teach them the basis of the bubble paper. method. Then the monks and monks began to make the demon's skin bubble into a paper, and the piano pair made the fuss day and night. After making a batch of Fushun, Qin Double will hit a Zhang Fuyu on the ground and tell the Mozu monk that she will set up a defensive array. When the defensive array is successfully set, she begins to teach. When the devils are true.

When the magical truth is taught, the demons are likely to enter the epiphany at any time. If there is no protection against the big array, once attacked by the Terran and the Yaozu, the enemies who enter the epiphany are the lambs to be slaughtered.

The demons heard, no one doubted the piano double. Because in their eyes, Qin double is a demon, it is impossible to murder them together with the Terran or the Yaozu. Therefore, they are more motivated to hunt the demon, and those who have made the paper are more convinced of the piano.

Qin double began to teach them the inheritance of making paper, what else is not credible?

Therefore, whenever the piano double began to play, they could not understand, but they also followed the piano double, admiring on the side, as if they could understand the general.

This has been more than a month, and the secret environment has been opened again, leaving thirty-six days.

This day.

A soil platform was built in the middle of the plain, and the piano stood on the platform. Standing around the earth terrace, there are densely-knit Monks.

After more than a month of strangling, the first is the chaos after entering the secret, and then the three tribes searched each other and killed each other. Later, the Mozu specialized in finding the demon slay, eventually leading to the demon and the demon. The family broke out with a grand war. Up to now, Qin double does not know how much the Yaozu still has, but nearly 40 million Mozu monks now have only more than 10 million, and they all gather here, surrounded by a large array of pianos.

Qin binoculars swept through the demons and said: "You friends, I will open the defensive array now, and then teach you the true solution."

"His Royal Highness!" The thousands of Demon monks shouted in unison.

"Break up!" Qin double arms extended to the sides.


Above the plains, Guanghua, a huge light curtain rises, and all the Mozu monks are excitedly looking at the light curtains around them, and they see the light curtain rising toward the air, and then at the highest point, gathering toward the middle.


Like a bell, the vastness, the light curtains gathered together, like a huge bowl of buckled on the plains, shrouded all the demons.

"His Royal Highness!" I don't know if the Mozu monk had stunned, and all the Mozu monks cheered.

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"


When the magical monks who cheered these arms turned and looked over the central earthen platform, they suddenly found that the double piano that stood on the earth platform disappeared.

Above the empty soil platform, where is there a figure?


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (1000), Julu tooth (100), serious study and study (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100), Zhao Yilin Zi (100), Yunwu flying silk silk fairy ( 100) reward!



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