Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2045: First generation of this generation

“Oh...” Gao Litian sneered: “Why isn’t our Yaozu getting the first?”

"Because nowadays is the world of the Mozu, the Mozu is a prosperous, and the king is in the world. As long as you are interested in the demon, we can accept you as a demon, and the Terran will become the ration of our Mozu. If you are not interested, Will become the ration of our Mozu."

Gao Litian’s face was apathetic: “Time is up, open the secret, let us see who is the ration?”

"Okay, let you die!"

Three and a half steps, the king of the king each extended a hand, grabbed it in the void, and tore a huge hole in the void.


The magic is soaring, and it comes out like a wolf in the mouth. One of the demon monks rushes out, and Luo Luomu laughs loudly:

"Ha ha ha... have you seen it? They are all demons, hahaha..."

The look of Qingcheng laughter and Gao Litian became ugly, and the eyebrows were full of worries. Watching nervously with the mouthless secrets, the Mozu monks rushed out from the secretive territory of the country like a black torrent.


Qingcheng laughed and Gao Litian looked awkward, and the laughter of Luo Luomu stopped. Because there are not many monks who have rushed out of the Mozu, only about half a million, and then the demon monks flocked out. Luo Luomu just stunned, and then resumed his smile. In his heart, this is only the first group of Mozu monks. After the Yaozu, there will definitely be a Mozu monk.


How are these Mozu Langs so embarrassed?

"Predecessors, we are finished..."

"We lost..."


Fifty thousand sects of the Mozu rushed to the front of the scorpion, and fell to the void, bursting into tears.

"Shut up!" Luo Luomu screamed and shouted like a cockroach. The uneasiness in his heart made him sink like water: "What happened, what about other children?"

"Dead, all dead..."


"It’s all dead, it’s left us..."

"How could this be? Say!" The sound of the angry voice of Luo Luomu trembled in the void, and the Mozu monk in front of him shook a large piece.

"Old ancestors..." At this time, a group of demon monks also flew to the front of Gao Litian, stumbled in the void, and cried:

"Old ancestors, dead, all dead, we are left... oh..."

"What happened?" Gao Litian looked angry and looked at the demon monk in front of himself. There were less than five million monks. You must know that there are more than 40 million people who went in. This is simply a broken one. Time.

of course……

The Mozu is broken more cleanly, leaving only a few hundred thousand.

"Old ancestors!" A demon monk cried: "The Mozu is in the secret territory, and it is specially for us to start with the demon. They don't care about the Terran. They just look around for our demon monks. In the secret, we and the Mozu There have been several wars, and both sides have died tens of millions. Later, we lost both sides and the Mozus withdrew. But the Terran took the opportunity to start killing us everywhere, hehe..."

"Good! Good! Good!" Gao Litian hurriedly turned his head and stared at Luo Luomu: "You are very good!"

At this time, Luo Luomu couldn’t take care of Gao Litian, but he was listening to the Mozu monks. At the same time, a large number of Terran monks began to fly from the secret exits. Every Terran monk was beaming, carrying his hands and holding various weapons of the Yao and Mozu. Although the weapon family of the Yaozu and the Mozu can not be used, but they can ask the refining room to extract some materials, which is also a very expensive resource. Therefore, every monk collected a lot, the piano held the magic door in his hands, and his body also symbolically carried a few magic soldiers, mixed in the flow of people, rushed out of the secret exit.

"What? The Virgin of the Devil? The Real Way of the Magic?"

"who is it?"

Luo Luomu turned to the head, his eyes burst into red blood, waiting for Gao Litian and Qingcheng to laugh, screamed:

"Who is it? Who pretends to be a demon, pit my demons? Come out..."

"Come out... come out... come..." The sound waves echoed in the air.

Luo Luomu was in a hurry. He understood it when he heard it. There was a demon or a human being posing as a demon sacred woman, and he killed the Mozu monk with a large crater.

There are only half a million monks left in the 40 million demons!

There are only half a million left!

The real family of the Mozu is broken, and it takes a lot of resources to make up this generation!

hateful! Can be annoying!

Just let him know who he is, he will strip his soul out, burn it with the magic fire day and night, let him survive, can not die!

At this time, Qingcheng laughter and Gao Litian also listened to the monks on their own side and said what happened. The two great monks looked first, and then Gao Litian’s face was gloomy. There is no doubt that the monk who pretended to be a magical saint must be a human being. Otherwise, the Mozu will not be specifically looking for the demon to kill, and finally cause several demons, leaving the demon to leave only five million monks, almost breaking the generation.

Therefore, Gao Litian also turned his angry eyes toward Qingcheng. Qingcheng laughed and laughed after a sigh of relief.

"Ha ha ha... good! Great! The demon is so stupid, let us play the Terran arrogance on the palm of the hand, hahaha..."

"Who is it?" Luo Luomu looked away from Qingcheng's laughing body and swept to the Qin and other human monks: "Dare to dare to stand up."

The Terran monks face each other, and each person's face is curious and admirable. They are also curious as to who is the demon and the demon, and they admire this person, so they also want to know who?

Qin double is also a face of curiosity and admiration, looking around.

"Qin double!" Yu Guanting and An Shicong saw the Qin double and flew over: "Is this really what our people do?"

"Should be!" Qin double face revered and nodded: "And this person is still my human woman, I really want to know who she is. She is really the pride of my people, the soul of my human race, the spiritual leader of my human race."

An Shicong and Yu Guanting nodded their heads: "Yes, she is the first person in our generation."

"Yes, it is the first person in our generation." Yu Guanting also nodded his face.

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded hard.

Everyone talked about it, but no one admitted to be himself. The faces of Luo Luomu and Gao Litian have become purple. However, the face of Qingcheng’s smile was gradually serious, and his eyes swept through the crowd:

"You really don't know?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Qingcheng’s face was even more ugly: “Did you have seen her?”

The crowd shook their heads again, and suddenly a male monk exclaimed in amazement: "Did she and the Mozu go with it?"


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