Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2059: Futa

The heart of the piano double jumped violently: "Old town, what do you mean... can it evolve into Xianbao?"

“Well!” the old man nodded. “It was not made of refining, but it was born out of nothing. It was born in your heart. It has unlimited possibilities. Can she evolve into Xianbao, depending on yours? The realm of Taoism cultivation depends on what realm you realize about the sound of the avenue. In the future, every insight into the sound of the avenue will have a slight improvement on this guqin.

However, you should now get the sound from this guqin. ”

"How to get?"

"Put your hand on that note."

The piano doubled out a hand and pressed it on the note in the center of the Guqin.


The sound of the sound of the sky echoes in the heart of the piano. The sound of the boulevard roars in the heart of the piano. The double is like a world of temperament.

Yuanshen, Yangshen and Ling instantly indulge in it.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.

The sea water under the double body of the piano began to hover, and each water droplet was transformed into a note shape, which formed a whirlpool of notes. The vortex gradually expanded, and the sound of the flowing water in the town demon tower sounded, but the sound of the water was hidden. The rhythm that makes everything intoxicated.

The big-mouthed fish in the sea jumped out of the sea and made a beautiful arc in the air, like a rainbow. The beasts in the forest danced, and the flowers and trees were also shaking.

The sound of running water gradually stopped, the bigmouthfish sneaked into the bottom of the sea, the tired beast fell into a deep sleep, the vegetation stopped shaking, and the silence in the town demon tower resumed, and the piano opened its eyes.

Standing up from the water and walking towards the shore, Guqin made a stream of light and entered the heart of the Tao.


The sound of the emptiness sounded, the piano doubled out and grabbed it, then spread out the palm of the hand in front of the body, lying in a dark corner of the palm of the hand, the face of the piano double opened a brilliant melt.

At this moment, the flowers in the town demon tower are blooming...

"Master, how?" Qin's feet fell on the shore, and the old man asked with a smile.

"Dream!" Qin said softly.


"Yeah!" Qin double whispered: "I realized a voice, a nightmare!"

The piano double eyes stunned, and it sounded everything that he had encountered in the big fish. He thought that it was the world of big fish cultivation, but now he knows that it is the nightmare sung by the big fish, letting himself fall into the nightmare. . If it is not a meritorious deed, he will become a stone in the nightmare and eventually die.

"Old town, did the otter come out?"

"Yeah!" The old man nodded, reaching out to the palm of his hand, with a drop of water in her palm.

The piano is looking down, although it is just a drop of water, it exudes awkward energy. The piano double reached out and took the drop of water, and suddenly felt heavy.


Knowing the sea, Xuanwu Yuanshen sent out the eagerness of the eagerness, and the piano double took out a jade box and put the otter into the jade box, whispering:

"Don't worry, I will refine before you finish the assessment. Otherwise you will fall asleep. I still need you in the assessment."

The piano doubled up the jade box, and thought of a move, leaving the town demon tower. Strolling through the peach forest, gradually relaxed my mood.

central square.

Once again, the intensive crowd gathered, and the name of Qin Double ranked first in the rankings. A Xianjun volley fell on the gimbal, and the fairy on the gimbal greeted the fairy.

"Ji Yan, how come you come? Danta's assessment is over."

Ji Yan said with a smile: "Some things have been delayed. Besides, this time the monks did not have my disciples. I just thought about it and suddenly wanted to see it."

The words fell, Ji Yan's gaze looked at the rankings, saw the name of the Qin double, a flash of light.

“The family elders told me that there was an alchemy genius in this assessment, calling for a double piano. I don’t know if it’s a young girl.”

"Yi, you don't hear the name of Qin double, want to recruit her?" A fairy said with a smile: "With her realm of alchemy, even if she wants to join the family, I am afraid to join the purple star thirty-four. One of the families, you have no chance!"

"Do not try and know how?" Ji Yan said with a smile, just looking at the name of the list on the list of the double double nostalgia, a trace of urgency.

"Checking the disciples is coming!"

The eyes of Zhongxianjun looked into the air, and they saw a monk who landed in the air and landed in front of the tower.

Today is the third round of the evaluation of Tianziyuan, Futa assessment. Under the command of the Dean of the Tianzi Academy, the monks began to flood into the gates of Futa.

The monks who are still in the inner star field are advanced first, and the piano pair and others stand in the ranks and look toward the Futa.


Only in an instant, a light curtain appeared one after another. The piano double arbitrarily explored the gods into a light curtain, and saw a monk standing on the first floor of the tower, looking up at the sky, at the monk’s Over the sky, a huge symbol appeared, covering the entire layer, and the huge symbol was rotated while slowly falling down. Then I saw the monk, and reached out and grabbed a pen that floated in front of him. Once in shape, he flew toward the huge symbol, then waved the pen and drew a pattern to the The huge symbol is printed in the past.


The huge sign stunned and then dissipated.


The figure of the young man appeared on the second floor of the tower, and a huge symbol began to spin down again.

On the highest platform, Lang Heng smiled at Wen Hualiang: "Wen brother, your home Wen Yu is estimated to be the first in the assessment."

The monk who observed the piano double is one of the two evaluation places of Tian Zixing. Wen Jia’s side branch took out his disciple Wen Yu. His speed is extremely fast. When the time is less than three, he will crack the second layer of the symbol and rush. The third layer, and then rushed to the fourth layer, the fifth layer, although there is a light curtain constantly chasing, followed by rising, but always worse him, let him lead.

"At this speed, I can't wait to wait for us to go in. The monks in the inner star field have completed the assessment of the tower." Yu Guanting whispered.

"Are you sure you are today?" Qin asked.

Yu Guanting’s mouth showed a confident smile: “This is still thanks to your help. Now I have entered the guru.”

On the side of An Shicong’s mouth, he also showed a confident smile. Wei Qingjue saw An Shicong’s confident smile and could not help but ask:

“Don't you step into the guru?”

Qin double looked at An Shicong, and for An Shicong to step into the realm of the master of the Tao, Qin double is not strange. In the prison is to cultivate the death of the righteousness, so the assessment of Danta is not the strength of the prisoner. An Shicong is the most terminated step on the eighth floor, and has not succeeded in refining the emperor. However, the quotation should be the strength of the prisoner.

"The eighth floor!"


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (1000), the cloud dance flying silk fairy (200), a gust of james (200), the bow moon king (100), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100) reward!



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