Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2061: Tower

"Not necessarily!" Someone shook his head: "Dan Dao and Fu Dao have reached the guru's realm. It shows how much time and energy she has paid. Maybe other aspects are very bad. However, even so, there should be no problem in entering 30,000. ""

The piano double opened his eyes slowly, and the lines in his eyes flowed, gradually disappearing in the depths of his eyes. Qin Biaomei has a slight regret, and the rest time is still too short. Although there is an understanding of the great master's realm, it is not enough to break through. Even the half-step master has a distance, but only a glimmer of light is seen in the vague.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw Xu Kaitian, Xu Kaishan, Xu Kaiyun, Xu Qinglian, An Shicong, Wei Qingjue, Chu Dali, iron soft, Lei Xing and Houdi are facing themselves and encircling themselves in a circle .

"Thank you for helping me."

Several people turned to Huoran, Xu Kaiyun stepped forward to the front of Qin double, eagerly asked:

"Boss, did you break through the big master?"

Qin double crying and laughing: "Do you think the land of the great master is paper?"

"No breakthrough!" Xu Kaiyun said with a disappointment: "I still want you to make me a 10,000-year-old master, and I can walk in the spirit world."

"Too lazy to care about you!" Qin doubled a white eye, and then looked at the rankings.

First place: Qin double, Zhongxing domain, ink star.

Second place: Wen Yu, Inner Star, Tian Zi Xing.

Third place: Lang Yu floats, inner star field, sky purple star.

Fourth place: Wanjing, Inner Star, Tianyi Star.

Fifth place: Yu Guanting, Zhongxing domain, ink star.

Sixth place: An Shicong, Zhongxing domain, Tianpingxing.

Seventh place: Zheng Lun, Zhongxing domain, Blu-ray star.


Eighteenth place: Wei Qingjue, Zhongxingyu, Qingxuxing.

"Our performance is so good?" Qin double surprised.

"Qin double your two rounds have reached the level of the master, naturally the first." An Shicong explained: "I did not smash the eighth layer of the first round, but today this round has reached the level of the master. Today, it also reached the realm of the guru. Zheng Lun reached the realm of the guru yesterday. The celestial view of the celestial star is not in our star field, but it is also the land of the emperor. So, in these two rounds, one round reached The land of the guru can enter the top ten. Although the two rounds are not the land of the masters, but the masters are extremely excellent, so they ranked 18th.

However, this is only temporary. After three days, the fourth round is the tower, and my refining realm is very bad. ”

"I am also very bad!" Yu Guanting said with dismay.

"I am okay!" Wei Qingjue grinned and said: "Don't see that I don't have a guru, but I am also a master of refining."

"Oh..." Jade Crown Court licked the tooth flower: "I am just a refiner."

"Me too!" An Shicong said, seeing Qin double looking over, An Shicong shrugged, that means telling her that the prisoner is also general.

"Try to enter 10,000!" Qin doubled his fist and said: "We will succeed."

"Yes, it will succeed!" Yu Guanting bit his teeth: "Go, go back to the house. Qin double you and I will exchange the refiner with me."

"Well, I want to communicate too!" An Shicong nodded.

"Don't forget that there are Kaitian and Tianshan brothers here. Their two refiners are of extraordinary level. Let's go back and communicate."

"Happy to be!" Xu Kaitian and Xu Kaishan laughed.

Another three days.

Tianziyuan assessment entered the fourth round, the tower.

When Qinqin appeared, he found that almost all of his eyes came to her. There were audiences, and those who participated in the assessment of the monks and the inner stars.

A few people in the piano fell on the ground, and Qinqin took another look at the list:

"There have been seven masters now, I don't know if there will be another master of the Tao today?"

"Should be!" Wei Qingjue said: "The vast universe, there is always a certain talent in the birth of a certain star."

"However, double masters like Qinshuang are not common." Jade Crown Court.

The dark brother's eyes flashed through a fine mans, Qin double looked at An Shicong, then smiled:

"I won't let me always be beautiful in front of people!"

Above the clouds.

Shen Chongguang looked at Tang Qianshou: "How about Tang Daoyou and Qin Shuang's refining realm?"

Tang Qianshou: "When the piano is in the ink star, it shows that her alchemy and the standard of the game are very high. But I have never heard of her refining device."

"What about the road?" Shen Chongguang asked unwillingly.

"It shouldn't work. The squad of her martial art is laid out by the elders in the door."

Shen Chongguang’s eyes showed the color of disappointment. The look of Yuxi suddenly changed:

"The piano has a high level of piano."

Tang Qiang suddenly remembered that Qinshuang once made a breakthrough for countless monks, and immediately nodded:

"Yes, the piano is very high, and it feels like the master."

Shen Chongguang heard great joy: "So, even if she is ignorant of other aspects, she has the possibility of entering 10,000. As long as the other aspects are slightly comprehended, it will definitely enter 10,000."

"There is!" Tang Qianshou thought and said: "Qin Shuang is the main valve master, cultivation of Confucianism, the book should not be bad."

"Hey!" Shen Chongguang shot the thigh: "So, Qin double must enter Tianziyuan. Tang Daoyou..."

At this time, where did Shen Chongguang remember what he thought in his mind, and wanted to learn from Tang Qianshou and Yuxi, and reshuffle the family of the ink star? All faces are smiling:

"Your ink star has experienced the avenue of the avenue. This is a disaster and an opportunity. If we win the race, we will certainly create a group of talented seeds. The difference is the resource of cultivation. Qin double enters Tianziyuan, Terran The Alliance is bound to reward a lot of resources, and the ink star can be revived."

Tang Qiang smiled and couldn't close his mouth, and Yuxi smiled and his face was full of pleats. Ling Tianhua on the side is addictive:

“If the piano can get a good position, the ink star will get more resources.”

Tang Qianshou and Yuxi’s eyes are burning. They know that in the list of thousands of people, every time a place is raised, the resources that the monks belong to will be upgraded. And if you enter the thousand-person list, the resources you receive will be upgraded directly, and the total value will be twice that of one thousand and one. Each time a ranking is promoted, there will still be a bonus of resources. If you enter the 100-person list, you will get five times more resources than the one hundred and one. After each upgrade, there is still a bonus of resources. If you enter the tenth place, you will directly double the resources of the eleventh. And from the tenth place, it is not just an addition, but a doubling. For each upgrade, the resources double.

"The domain owner, Zheng Lun should also be able to enter the list of thousands of people." Ling Tianhua said with a smile.


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