Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2065: Grandmaster

"Little clever!" Fu Hongguang said faintly.

"Little smart is also smart!" Shen Chongguang also said faintly.

“Hey! What is the use of saving time and effort?” Fu Hongguang grinned: “The final is the grade, not the time!”

"Can't say that!" Shen Chongguang shook his head. "If the grades of the two monks refining the same are the same, it depends on the time."

Fu Hongguang’s glimpse, Shen Chongguang is right. If the quality of the refinery is the same, the quality is the same, then it depends on the time of completion. Qinqin can take the same quality of the monk with her time. A large piece.

This is definitely the best way to achieve relatively good results with a limited level of refining.

Too... oh!

"Look, Guan Ting, Wei Qingjue and An Shicong are also refining the dagger!"

"Oh..." Tang Qianshou couldn’t help but smile: "These four little guys have a good relationship. It seems to unify the mind. If Qinqin can refine the fairy of the fairy master... No!"

The face of Tang Qianshou suddenly showed the ecstasy color: "I remember that when Qin Double passed through the Scorpio, he once sacrificed a large number of swords. She would not be able to master the refiner?"

When I heard the words of Tang Qianshou, Shen Chongguang could not turn to Huo Ran. Looking at Tang Qianshou with gaze, the expectations in his eyes were aggressive. Yuxi said indefinitely:

"I don't know, we haven't asked her, I don't know if she bought it for the sake of passing through the sky."

The eyes of Tang Qianshou are becoming more and more bright: "I think she is likely to be proficient in refining."


The eyes of everyone looked at the light curtain of Qin Double, and the eyes were full of expectations.


When the hammer doubled and hammered, the hammer fell, and each hammer fell, changing the lines inside the dagger, and gradually appeared on the dagger.


After half an hour, the dagger released a glory.

The figure of Qin double disappeared on the second floor and entered the third floor. At this time, Lang Yu, who ranked first, was still on the third floor, but it has already been finished, and the beat has been carried out for more than half.


In less than a quarter of an hour, the piano doubled up a piece of ore and began to refine a dagger.

When Lang Yu floated into the fourth floor, when the three ore were finished, Qin double entered the third floor. When Lang Yu floated to start the fifth ore of the refining, Qin double had begun to beat the pattern.

"Lang Yu floats this stupid!" Lang Yumeng could not help but anger.

No one responded to Lang Yu Piao, but Xu Xuexue and others looked at the piano in the light curtain, and looked strange.

The fifth floor.

The sixth floor.

At this time, Qin double has been far ahead, and Shen Chongguang and other blue-field stars have been nervous. If Qin double is just a master of refining, after this round, Qin double will definitely fall out of 5,000. However, if the piano can refine a fairy, at least it can be guaranteed to stay within a thousand.


For Qinshuang to continue to only refine a piece of ore, everyone has no accidents, at this time everyone knows that Qin double is trying to carry the dagger to the end.


When the piano double began to beat the pattern, all the monks who paid attention to the piano doubles could not be looked at.

At this time, the double temperament of the piano is a change. It is no longer a master's temperament, but a full master's temperament, and the hammer method in the hand has also changed. The sound of knocking out is not pleasant, but intoxicating. .

The piano double finally made a heavenly hammer!


Shen Chongguang suddenly clenched his fist and shook the air in his hand. Huo Ran turned to look at Fu Hongguang on the side and laughed loudly:

"Ha ha ha..."

Fu Hongguang's face is blue, she also saw the performance of the piano in the light curtain, this kind of temperament, even if it is not a master of refining, it is also a master of refining. Of course, in his heart, he does not believe that Qin is a master of refining instruments. He has been in the position of three masters. He said to you, do you believe?

But even if it is only a master of fairy tales, before the double squad, the double masters grabbed the rankings. After this round of synthesis, the worst is also within 100. If the masters of the celestial masters of Qinshuang are better, they are not in the top ten. impossible. In this way, it is not impossible to drop the top 5,000 in the final evaluation results, but that is half-and-half, and half of the piano pair may enter the top 5,000.

Originally, it was thought that the piano might not have half of it, but now it is half-half. This can't help but make Fu Hongguang nervous.

"Qin double must be a master!" Tang Qian handed a thigh and said excitedly.

"you sure?"

Shen Chongguang suddenly turned back and stared at Tang Qianshou with a burning gaze.

This is too important!

If Qinqin is a fairy master, then it is not half-and-a-half that may enter the top 5,000. That is, 80% may enter the top 5,000, so Shen Chongguang’s gaze to Tang Qian’s eyes is full of expectation and tension. .

Tang Qianshou nodded his head and said: "I am sure! When you passed the Scorpio, did you not see the domain master? Qinqin constantly released the sword and built a small Zhoutian sword array. The sword that was just released is very ugly. , just the next product sword..."

Shen Chongguang recalled that the sword that was released by Qin double was really ugly. Shen Chongguang also laughed at his heart, but the quality of the sword that was released later became higher and higher. Later, there was already a high quality sword.

What does this mean?

This shows that those swords are all refining the piano, and only the piano double refining itself will have such a clear sense of quality.

"Great! Hahaha..."

Shen Chongguang couldn't help but laughed loudly. Tang Qianshou and Yuxi did not laugh at him. The two of them are really excited, what is the most lacking of the ink star now?

The most lacking is the resources. A avenue of avenue will consume the resources of the ink star, and if the piano can break into the top 5,000, the ink star will receive massive and high-quality resources. Strength will not stop because of resources, but there will be a take-off.

The pattern of the fairy is complicated and mysterious, and the time spent on the piano is much more. However, the monk who watched the piano double refiner was not impatient. Not to mention the immortals on the gimbal, they are the ordinary monks around, and they are all intoxicated at this time. In their view, watching the refiner is no longer a rude and boring scene, but a pleasure. Naqin's every move, full of rhythm, a rhythm of the coincidence of the avenue, it is this rhythm, let them indulge in it, and even have a hint of inspiration to them.

There was no cockroach on the square, and it gradually became silent, and even the breathing became extremely light.



I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (500), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100) reward!



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