Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2075: Qinta

"They can also get resources by completing the college mission! I think they still have no bones."

“Does the bones make the monks soar? If they work in the Tianzi Institute, they can complete the tasks and get the resources, and they are enough for them to cultivate. But which monk does not want to be quicker?

One step faster, step by step!

More resources, naturally it is faster than others! ”


In front of the Qinfu, the piano eyes were swept away, and the hearts were slightly sneer. These families undoubtedly wanted to recruit themselves, but they only sent a monk to give themselves invitations. The young chiefs did not show up, just waiting for themselves at home. Come on the door!

Great shelf!

A high threshold!

Qin Double put the invitation into the storage ring and handed it to thirty-four monks:

"Dear friends, Qin double value assessment, all the energy should be placed in the assessment, it is not convenient to go to the feast at this time, please also go back to explain to the young chiefs, Qin double sorry!"

Speaking of this, Qin double is a fist.

The monks outside the fence are all a glimpse.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You, you, what are you talking about?"

"You rejected my family and less?"


Immediately after that, it was a loss. The look on everyone's face is the same, and all of them are ashamed, as if they have suffered great humiliation.

Qin double shook his head slightly, these families have been in the high clouds for too long, and there is no more capacity. He arched his hand and turned to walk toward Taolin. As for An Shicong, Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue, they accepted the invitation. It was their own private affairs. Qinqin could not interfere and did not want to interfere.

An Shicong’s mouth snarled and turned away. Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue flashed a trace of disappointment to the 34 families. They also arched their hands and turned away. There was a boiling buzzing sound outside.

"Too much too much!" Yu Guanting said with hatred: "Only send a family monk, Qinqin is four masters, even if the patriarch does not personally come forward, the young patriarch should also visit in person?"

"Don't say this." Qin double pendulum swing: "During the assessment, do not divide the spirit."

Everyone nodded, these people are Junjie, and they are very clear in their hearts. Their destiny is in their own hands, not from others. Even if you join the family, you only have one more resource for cultivation, but you have one more bond. An Shicong looked across the head and looked at the piano:

"Qin double, will you join the family?"

"No!" Qin doubled his head and shook his head.


An Shicong’s laughter reveals the meaning of this.

The people returned to the lotus space and each entered their own cave house. Qin double entered the town demon tower again and began to comprehend the time. Since the refining of the voice, Qin double has a qualitative improvement in the understanding of the sound path, and the spirit has opened the door to the understanding of various attributes. Although this door is not big, it also makes Qin double understand the time. The speed has turned several times.

Three days later.

Qin Shuang and others once again came to the central square and just landed on the square. Several people in the piano felt that dozens of eyes were falling on their own bodies, and they looked at them with their eyes. Fourteen patriarchs have sharp eyes. And Xu Kaiyun's four brothers and sisters are coming to her.

"Boss, I heard that you rejected some people's invitations? Cool! Hahaha..."

Xu Kaitian’s face showed helplessness, as if the person who refused Qin’s family did not have a home. Qin double smiled calmly:

"Opening the cloud, I just don't want to divide my energy during the assessment process."

Above the clouds.

Haikuo Tian and Ding Hao exchanged their eyes, and Ding Wei passed into the secret road:

"President, do you think Qinqin really doesn't want to concentrate?"

"Oh... Excuse me, with the results of her four masters, has entered the Tianzi Institute steadily, do we need to be so nervous?"

"That..." Ding Yan's eyebrows picked up, and his face showed a happy color: "Does the piano double refuse to join the family?"

“It’s hard to say!” Haikuotian slightly frowned and said: “The identity of Qin’s four masters, she will not lack resources and inheritance in the future. Therefore, it depends on how much the family price is given!”

"You mean, Qin double is self-sustaining, sitting on the ground?"

"There is this possibility, but it is also possible that Qin double does not want to join the family."

Ding Yu’s brows were twisted into caterpillars and passed into the secret channel: “The dean, Qin Shuang’s qualifications, talent and understanding can be said to be the best since the establishment of Tianziyuan. Can we contact her in advance? , promise her some privileges?"

"There is no privilege in Tianziyuan! Everything in Tianziyuan needs every disciple to fight for it. This rule cannot be changed."

"You can accept her as a disciple!"

Haikuotian was silent for a moment, and could not help but move. But in the end, I still shook my head: "My disciple not only requires talent, qualifications and savvy, but also requires character. If she is only self-sustaining, sit on the ground, such disciples should not be worth mentioning."

"Oh..." Ding sighed.

"Okay! Let's take a look at the performance of the piano pair today."

Haikuotian stood up and announced that the piano tower examination began. The door of the tower was opened and the monk poured into the gate like a flood.

The piano double looked up at the tower, at which point the light curtain had risen and the number of light curtains increased at an extremely fast speed. Qin Double chose a light curtain to see, and saw a monk sitting on a gimbal at the knees. There was a guqin on the gimbal. Under the gimbal, a phoenix was lazy. .


The monk on the gimbal began to move the strings. The phoenix did not move, and even the head did not lift it. The sound of the piano continued to sound. After about ten minutes, the phoenix raised its head and looked at the gimbal. The monk above, after a while, stood up again and finally flew high and danced.

The monk was still playing the piano, and the gimbal underneath took off and rose to the second floor, where there were two phoenixes on the ground.

"Someone is already on the fourth floor!" Yu Guanting, who is next to him, whispers.

Qin doubled his eyes and swept in the air. He saw that many light curtains had risen to the third floor, and more than a dozen light curtains had risen to the fourth floor. An Shicong slammed it:

"Qindao is also an upset. It is much colder than the Danfu. I didn't expect that there will be so many monks who are proficient in the piano."

"The monks who came to participate in the examination of Tianziyuan were originally the arrogance of each star. Each star has billions or even billions of monks, but only two people participated in the assessment. It is not surprising that they are proficient in the piano. However, They are far from the realm of the guru." Qin said on the side of the countless gods to explore the light curtains and said.


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