Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2077: Grab people


The whole day purple city boiled.

"Five masters! Qin double!"

"Five masters! Qin double!"


The piano slammed into the ground and smiled at the surrounding.

The shocked Xu Luoxue and other 34 patriarchs suddenly felt that they were standing tall and hurriedly looked up and saw their patriarchs, looking at them sternly. They could not help but shake their hearts. There is bitterness in my heart.

"Can't drag on! And... It's not that they are recruiting the piano pair, and they have a chance for the piano. But the piano double picks their family!"

Regardless of the selection of the family by the piano, it will increase the strength of that family.

In the bitterness, the heart also raised a sense of urgency.

Can not let other families preempt.

Qing Honglou’s first reaction came over. At this time, he could not take care of his face. When I stepped down, I walked towards the piano.


All the little patriarchs look a glimpse, and they all take a step forward. This red building is going to be the first!


These people looked at each other and their faces were not red!

Who are they?

They are the Tianjiao of Tianzicheng, the top family patriarchs, let them go around together, in the eyes of countless people, under the crowd, go face and rush to invite someone...

This... can't do it!

These people stopped their steps, but then they felt sharp eyes on their bodies, looked up and saw that the sharp eyes were coming from their patriarchs.


There was a lament in my heart. At this time, their hearts could not help but have a thought of "I knew why, why should I be at the beginning". They walked towards the piano pair. Only this time is not as big as the reaction.

Calm and calm, chic and chic, do not go to the piano double. Xu Luoxue fell to the end, and looked at Ren Pingsheng, who also fell to the end. When two people looked at each other, they could not help but reveal a smile. They understood that the other party was not to recruit the piano, but to pay.

At this moment, there is a sense of sympathy in the hearts of two people. When they look at the other patriarchs in front, they have the meaning of contempt.

At this time, Qinghonglou had already talked with Qinshuang. It seemed that the look of Qinghonglou was very unpleasant. This made the people in the back feel happy. It seems that Qinshuang did not look at the Qing family, but he could not help but speed up the pace.

They are so moved and attract a lot of attention. These people in Tianzicheng, in addition to the top figures of the older generation, they are the most star-studded people, the future of the 34 family patriarchs, their usual every move will attract people's attention, let alone now in full view?

"What are they doing?" This is the thought of everyone at this moment.

On the top of the Yuntai, all the princes of the sages also looked at them, but their mood was heavy.

"Thirty-four families have to grab people again! Their strength will be stronger and stronger, we... oh..."

"President!" Ding Wei’s face was full of urgency and worry. The eyes of Haikuotian shuttled the space and landed on the body of the piano. The eyes showed a dignified color.

There are also a few tensions in the eyes of the 34 family patriarchs. This is not only a question of whether or not to get a piano pair, but also a competition for 34 families in the public. No matter which one you choose, the reputation of the family is bound to increase in Tianzicheng.

The addition of the five masters to the family will definitely give the family a richer heritage. It will be much easier to recruit other monks in the future. So in the last ten or twenty years, the family’s ranking in Tianzicheng should be improved.

This can not help but let these patriarchs also show the color of tension, not to mention the face of their faces!

"Qindaoyou, we met last time."

"Hui Yandao friends!" Qin two-way a tall woman arched hands, and then handed over to other monks who came over:

"Li Daoyou, Zheng Daoyou... Ren Daoyou, Xu Daoyou!"

Everyone also returned to the ceremony and saw the smile on the face of the piano. The attitude was gentle. The look on their faces was naturally a lot. Li did not stop laughing:

“Qindaoyou, I prepared a banquet at home, won five teachers’ congratulations for Daoyou, and asked my friends to show my face!”

There was a bitter smile on the face of Qin double, and then I looked at all the young chiefs to swear:

"You friends are also people who want to congratulate the piano?"

“Not bad!” The crowd nodded. “Qindaoyou won five masters, so congratulations!”

"Everyone knows that Qinshuang is still preparing for the assessment. The time is a bit tight. It is better to have a feast in the house by the piano pair, invite everyone to have a drink, how? Qin double is still a bit of something to enter everyone's mouth!"

The hearts of the people are helpless. They also know that this is the best solution for Qin Bian not to sin any of them. Although this result is a lot worse than what they want. But now on the gimbal, his patriarch stares at himself, who dares to disagree? Who dares to quit?

They nodded and said: "So good, then it is harassing!"

Qin double immediately commanded the cockroach, Chu Dali and iron softly go back to prepare, and she is standing here with the minority patriarchs to watch the piano tower assessment. The patriarchs also know that she is waiting for Yu Guanting, An Shicong and Wei Qingjue, and these three people, An Shicong is a double master of Fuzheng, Yu Guanting is a master of the Tao, and Wei Qingjue is a master level, and there are also The qualification for solicitation.

What's more, they have to continue to observe, and they must be aware of each and every outstanding person. This is a must-have quality for the young patriarchs.

It’s just that they often feel the eyes of Xu Kaiyun looking at them, and their hearts are not comfortable. Later, they simply did not want to open the cloud.

It was only at this time that they had envy of Xu Kaiyun in their hearts.

"I really don't know what Xu Kaiyun has gone for, and even got to know the Qins!"


Another monk was sent out, and the piano doubled up and greeted him: "An brother, it's too bad! This place doesn't know where it will fall."

It was An Shicong who was sent out, and An Shicong was barely able to reach the realm of Xianyin, and was transmitted. The reason why Qin double ridiculed him was because he knew that An Shicong was in Tibetan mastiff. An Shicong naturally does not get annoyed, said with a smile:

"You are another teacher?"


Above the clouds.

Fu Hongguang blinked in the eyes, he knows that if you kill the piano double before the next round, or re-create the piano double, as long as the piano can not participate in the following rounds of competition, it will definitely drop 5,000.


Thank you very much Liao Mubai (1000), rainy night looking forward to snow (1000), a gust of wind james (200), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100), Yunwu flying silk silk fairy (100), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100) hit reward!



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