Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2032: Book tower

"The Snow Man is really kind!"

"Well and jade!"


One by one praised the sound and frequency of the sound, the piano double looks as usual, Ren Pingsheng also looks as usual. The two men even fell a little behind, giving the limelight completely to Xu Xuexue.

Qin Shuanghe and Ren Pingsheng saw each other almost at the same time, highlighting the Xu Xuexue, could not help but look at each other, the faces of both sides smiled, nodded to each other, but the heart raised the jealousy of the other side.

Above the clouds.

Ren Gao Lin smirked and laughed: "Xu brother, today's lang is a windy purple city! The future must be the human leader of the spiritual world!"

Xu Mowang looked at Xu Luoxue’s gaze with a hint of helplessness and a smile on his face:

"It’s just that young people are having trouble, who is not young?"

"Yeah!" Ren Gao Lin said with a smile: "Now I can still remember the grace of my brother when I was young! It is really a tiger father without a dog! Are you saying it?"

The surrounding patriarchs flashed a trace of unnaturalness in their eyes, and then they disappeared into the eye. They all laughed:

"Yeah yeah!"

On the other head of the cloud, Shen Chongguang looked at Zheng Lun and sighed in his heart. He said: "It seems to talk to Lun Er."

Zheng Lun is surrounded by a group of monks in the Blu-ray field. He is congratulating Zheng Lun on entering the top 5,000. However, Zheng Lun’s face was not a touch of joy, but it was a little gloomy. His eyes looked at the back of the piano pair, and the fists in the sleeves were tight.

“Why? Why are those Tianjiao in Tianzicheng accepting the piano pair?”

A banquet, the host and the host are happy.

For those who have the ability, Qin double is respectful. Not only for Xu Xuanxue, but also for Ren Pingsheng. The four masters are already very difficult. When three people are sitting together, they talk very smoothly. The people next to them can't keep up with the rhythm of these three people. I will talk about Dan for a while, chat for a while, talk about the piano for a while...

Jumping is great, but three people can understand the meaning of the other party and can accept the other party's words. The people around him gradually calmed down, looking at the eyes of three people like the elders, no longer looking to the eyes of their peers.

Have a good time!

Qin double feels that there are some improvements in his understanding of all aspects, and communication with the strong is always a shortcut to improvement. Otherwise, how can I have a companion?

With excitement, Qin double entered the town demon tower and started the refining.

She wants to refine a ring, a ring in which to engulf and return the array. In this way, the opponent's own attack can be swallowed into the array in the ring, and then released.

Even if Qinqin was a master in the road and the road, she failed seven times and finally refining the ring in the eighth time.

Put the ring in his hand, and when he came over and looked at it for a while, he called in the flower too.

Today's Huataixiang is already the ninth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. When he does not need to see Dongfu, he is in the town demon tower, enjoying a hundred times of aura concentration, constantly eating the drug, so that his strength is improved. It’s very fast.

"Too fragrant, attack me with your strongest power!" Qin looked at the flower and fragrant.

"it is good!"

Hua Taixiang is obedient, and a paw is shot toward the piano. The piano doubled to the flower and fragrant, and felt the great energy in the ring, then waved to the side.


Not far from her, the space suddenly ruptured, and there was a space crack of ten feet. In the place where the space crack appeared, the trees were torn and split into two halves, and the rumbling fell to the ground.

"Too incense, what is this supernatural power?" Qin double asked in surprise.

"Space tear!"

"Hey! Awesome magical powers."

The piano doubles and exclaimed, then the heart will be happy. It seems that his ring has been successful, and since then, there has been another life-saving card.


Have not experienced the test of Xianjun. Qin double thought about it, especially the test of Xianjun Peak. But where do you find a Xianjun peak to help you test?

And this is a secret card of his own, and can't be leaked casually!

"I hope to be able to devour the power of a fairy king!"

Qin double left Hua Taixiang to practice in the town demon tower, and she left the town demon tower. She feels that the seventh chapter of the time is not a retreat, it can be repeated, and it depends on things. Therefore, she did not want to be bored in the town demon tower. The real avenue is not comprehensible in the town demon tower, nor in the lotus space. After all, it is a space fairy with too many artificial traces.

Qin double walked out of the lotus space, walked into Taolin, strolled in the peach forest, and finally lay in the peach blossoms everywhere, closing his eyes.

The breeze kept wading, blowing up the petals, gradually covering up the body of the piano.

Three days later.

Several people came out of the lotus space and walked on the waves.

The blushing petals were all over, and the double figure of the piano floated up from the ground, and then stood up and stood on the ground, smiling and looking at Yu Guanting and others.

"Have you been here for a few days?" An Shicong asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "I feel the heavens, but still in the embrace of heaven."

An Shicong was slightly indulged and bowed to the piano double: "Teach!"

The double pendulum swings: "Go!"

central square.

Qin double and others looked at the light curtain over the tower, and could not help but shake his head slightly. In this book, there is really no such thing as a monk. This is the practice of Confucianism and Taoism. In the spiritual world, it is not only the mainstream, but also the unpopular. It is the Qin double. After studying Confucianism and Taoism from a young age, after joining the righteous gate, it has gained a lot of inheritance. Nowadays, it only understands the realm of the guru. If you want to pass the threshold of the Grand Master, you have not found a way.

This is also the change in the flow rate of the town demon tower. It has a rich heritage of righteousness, otherwise it will not reach the realm of today.

"It's us!" Qin double regained his gaze and stepped toward the book tower.

Among the crowds.

Ren Pingsheng looked at Xu Xuexue: "Luo Xuexiong, what do you think of the performance of Qin Double today?"

"It should not be bad. I talked to her yesterday, and I know that she is far worse than she knows."

"Do you think she will be the land of the master?"

"How is it possible?" Not yet waiting for Xu Xuexue to answer, Qing Honglou said: "Confucianism has not seen the master so far, I have never heard it before, have you heard it?"

Everyone shook their heads, and then they looked at Xu Xuexue. Xu Luo Xue indulged in a bit:

"The Confucianism and Taoism of Qinshuang is very strong, but I don't think she has a guru!"

Xu Kaiyun snorted and whispered in his heart: "A guy with a shallow eyelid, a piano pair is a right-hander!"

"Look, the light curtain of the piano is out!"


The book "Lingtai Xianyuan" rushed to 30, and there were still some distances from the top ten. The comrades went to help, no collection, collection, and vote.



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