Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2034: Painting tower

Several figures appeared in the Taolin. It was Yu Guanting, Wei Qingjue, Chu Dali, iron soft, waiting for the cockroaches, etc., one by one, lying down, or sitting, leaning on the trunk and closing their eyes.

Only An Shicong did not come to Taolin, but stayed in the lotus space. The piano double sensed the breath of several people, the eyelids moved slightly, did not feel the breath of An Shicong, could not help but sink the gods, communicate the Weiyang Road :

"Is the predecessor, the prisoner will paint?"

"Yes!" The voice of the hoarse voice came.

Qin double no longer speaks, knowing that An Shicong should be pointed by the prisoner, the mind is empty, gradually higher and farther into the world.

Three days later.

Tianziyuan’s assessment came to the eighth round.

Painting tower assessment.

Spiritual painting is also an unpopular in the spiritual world. If the cold door is ranked first, it is the book road, and the second is the painting road.

"It is estimated that today's assessment time will be very short!" Yu Guanting has resumed the self-channel: "The monks who are sent out will be like rain."

"Yes!" Wei Qingjue said: "I guess I will be sent out when I go in."

"This tower is a little short!"

"Yeah, how are there only six floors?"

On the side of An Shicong, I saw that the two goods were not so small, and I couldn’t help it.

"You two don't understand the painting, don't you know the realm of painting?"

"I don't know!" Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue shook their heads together.

"I have served you two!" An Shicong reluctantly explained: "There are only six levels of painting, which are realistic, entertaining, returning to the truth, singularity, injection and spirituality. So there are only six layers."

"Oh..." Yu Guanting and Wei Qingju nodded, but they didn't care.


Looking at the appearance of the two people, An Shicong had no choice but to scream.

Sure enough, today’s assessment is called a quick one. They have been sent out more than 10 million people without waiting for them to enter.

The piano double stepped into the first floor of the painting tower. Above the painting tower, the light curtain she is in is instantly enlarged.

In the light curtain.

The piano double stood in front of a table with a pen and ink basket on it, and the piano double was drawing the first layer of the tower.

This is not only a place for assessment, but also a place to learn to draw. There are many scrolls floating on this layer, and the piano double touches a scroll, and the scroll slowly opens. The above is the inheritance of the painting, there are words, there are pictures.

This layer of painting inheritance is the knowledge of realistic realm and the basis of painting. This makes the piano double happy, although the piano double has entered the realm of the sacred, but has been unable to enter the spirit of the spirit of the spirit, in the Qin double to think, it is their own foundation is not solid.

In fact, Qin double's painting and sanitation are similar, and have not experienced real system teaching. Nor has it been exposed to real system inheritance. It is the **** heritage, and there are very few records about the painting. Now that I have seen such a broad line of paintings, how can I not like it?

The sacred sacred sacred words are turned into thousands of sacs, and they are found on all the scrolls on the first floor. The scrolls are slowly unfolding in the air, and the foundations of various paintings are scanned from the gods of the piano, and the memories are constantly read in the mind.

The four major gods of the Qinshuang, Yangshen, and the spirits all started, and the inheritance of the readings was continuously sent to the old town of the town of Zhenling Town. The old town began to take out a jade slip and copy the contents.

The time flow rate in the town demon tower is different from the outside, so the speed of the old copy of the town is not fast, and it can keep up with the speed of the four great gods, the gods and the spirit.

Painting the tower outside.

The crowd stared blankly at the doubles in the light curtain.

"She is... want to learn first?"

"With so many reels, can she have time to learn?"

After two quarters of an hour, Qin double copied all the scrolls, and then she sat on the first floor of the tower and closed her eyes. Her four gods, Yangshen and Ling, then entered the town demon tower, and each of the gods picked up a jade slip to begin to comprehend.

There is a mysterious atmosphere between the four gods, the **** of the sun and the spirit. It is because they are both practicing and learning from each other. No matter who is comprehended, everyone will understand it.

The four great gods, the gods and the spirits cooperate, and this is only the basis of the painting, they understand very quickly. It was only in less than a month after the town’s demon tower, and the inheritance of more than 10,000 reels was fully realized and integrated.

Painting the tower outside.

Everyone looked at the piano double sitting on the knees, and an unbelievable thought in his heart emerged.

"Is it... she wants to learn painting in the painting tower first?"

"How long does she have to learn?"

“One year? Ten years? Or a hundred years?”

“Do we want to see you here for a hundred years? Should the assessment last for a hundred years?”

Haikuotian is also crying and laughing. In the past assessments, there was no such thing. It is impossible for any candidate to think of painting in the painting tower.


This Danfu instrumental epoch painting and calligraphy eight towers are temporarily moved here by Tianziyuan, just to show the assessment. When the assessment is over, it will be collected and put back to Tianziyuan. At that time, I would like to spend points if I want to enter again.

But how much can you earn now by making a profit?

May you let me stay in it endlessly?

This child...

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

For nearly three quarters of an hour, the unmoving piano double suddenly opened his eyes. Then stood up and picked up the pen.

“Is this going to be painted?” Everyone has a lot of attention.

There was a trace of tension in the eyes of Xu Luoxue. If Qin Double won the master's position this time, that is, the spirited painter, it is the seven masters, and he can be pressed under the piano.

Although I passed the words yesterday, I was forced to play with the piano. I didn’t let the name of my own messy spread the soil, so I escaped. However, if Qin double became the seven masters, he eventually fell to the bottom and lost a game.

At the moment when the light curtain started to move from the piano, the figure of the piano double disappeared. Turned into a scroll, the person watching, can only see the painting of the piano double from the light curtain, but can no longer see the figure of the double.

The assessment of the painting tower is different from other assessments. If you draw a painting on the first floor, you will be sent directly to the sixth floor.

Qin double suppresses the realm, is to draw a realistic map, because she wants to enter the second layer, to copy those inheritance.

Painting should have been a slow thing. When someone wants to draw a picture, they often have to paint for a few days. This is why so many of the appraisers are not able to draw, but it takes some time to be transmitted. That is, they need to draw, and the tower can be judged. Regardless of how they paint, these monks hope to draw better.

However, Qin Double is now a painter in the real world, and she has made the foundation very solid, so she painted very fast.


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