Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2037: law

In her view, the improvement of cultivation is not important, and the improvement of mood is crucial. Now she has learned that if she wants to enter the level of Xianwang, she must construct the law. She does not expect to be able to construct the law during the nine-day Xuanxian period, and she can satisfy the construction of the law in the Xianjun period. However, she hopes that during the nine-day Xuanxian period, she will have some insight into the law, so that she will not be stuck on the threshold of the king.

Too many monks, moods and vitality have reached the peak of Xianjun, but they have been unable to capture the power of the law. Qin double hopes that he can have some insights into the law in the nine-day Xuan Xian period. When he reaches the peak of Xianjun, he will make a breakthrough.

Sitting cross-legged under a leafy peach tree, the piano doubled inside.

The second toe of the spirit has begun to solidify, like flesh and blood. Full of the power of mysterious power. Although the rest of the parts are not cured, they are also mysterious.

The four great gods and the sun god, only the heart of the piece is the power of mysterious, the rest of the place is still the power of the gods and the power of the soul. However, the Yuanshen and the Yangshen already possess the seeds of the mysterious power. Between the breath and the breath, the power of the gods and the power of the soul absorbed from the sea and the soul space slowly transform into a trace of mystery in the body. Force, the four great gods and the sun **** are slowly changing, changing in the direction of the power of Xuan.

Yangshen, Yuanshen and Ling are immersed in the understanding of Heaven under the impetus of Qinshuang. She hopes to perceive the power of a law.

Under the few peach trees around her, An Shicong, Wei Qingjue, Yu Guanting, Lei Xing, Chu Dali, and iron soft, the eyes of the cockroaches opened their eyes slightly, and they looked envious of the eyes of Qin Shuang. .

At the moment of the genius, in their perception, the piano double disappeared. However, when they opened their eyes and looked at the piano pair, the piano pair was clearly sitting under the peach tree.

Can not be perceived, but can be seen.

This is a good way!

This integration into the heavens is the most appropriate for the understanding of heaven.

One by one closed their eyes and entered the cultivation. Only An Shicong communicates with the prison:

"Sergeant senior, have you seen the piano double? Can you help me get into that state?"

"Do you think she was in the state that entered with the help of Weiyang?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not. If it is the state that Weiyang helped her to enter, I will definitely feel the atmosphere of Weiyang. But now there is no trace of the atmosphere of Weiyang, which makes me doubt whether Weiyang is in her body. Quite a lot, not just one."

An Shicong’s heart jumped: “Do you mean that she has completely entered into the realm of heaven and earth with her own savvy?”

"Not bad!" There is also a bit of annoyance in the tone of the prison: "It seems that it will be very difficult to kill the Weiyang in the future."

"Predecessors, I hope that you only target Weiyang, don't tie the piano pair."

"Impossible!" The prisoner yelled: "Since Weiyang is boarding in the body of Qinshuang, Qinqin is a disciple of Weiyang, and you are my disciple. You two are enemies. If you are dead, the piano will die." ”

An Shicong was silent, and the tone of the prisoner eased: "Shi Cong, you have to remember, you are my disciple, Qin double is a disciple of Weiyang, even if you don't kill the piano, the piano is also Will kill you. Don't you have to wait for her to kill you?"

"No! Qin double knows that you are in my body, knowing that I am your disciple, but I have never shown a hint of killing to me, which I can feel."

"You said it is good. She has not revealed a hint of killing to you now, and your relationship is still very good. But have you thought about it?"

The reason why Qinqin is so, must be still fighting Weiyang, Weiyang has not been able to control her, or her interests are not big enough, Qin double can withstand the temptation.

At that time, when a certain celestial double could not withstand the temptation of her, or she was slowly affected by the Weiyang, or even controlled, what would happen, have you thought about it? ”

An Shicong silently said: "Predecessors, will you control me in the end?"

"I don't want to control you, I just want to accept you as my disciple. Let my disciples kill the disciples of Weiyang. But if you violate my principles, at that time, I have to control you and look for it. A disciple."

An Shicong took a deep breath: "I understand, but you have to help me more. Although my cultivation is now higher than the piano, I can feel it, I am not a double." Opponent. Seniors, before I am not sure, I will not be double on the piano."

The prisoner was silent for a while: "I will help you, and you will work harder."

Qinshuang was immersed in the understanding of the heavens. Yangshen could not feel the power of the law in the avenue. The four gods could not feel it. The body of the spirit swayed in a circle, and her eyebrows gradually brightened. It is getting brighter and brighter, and gradually reveals a portal. There seems to be a world inside the door. In that world, there is a law that circling like a dragon. Although the door was still closed, Ling gradually felt the power of a law, but it was extremely vague, as if it were separated by a thick layer of yarn.

The hands of the spirit moved slightly, and the Confucian and Guqin in the left and right hands flew up and separated their hands. The hands of the spirit began to move, pulling out the blurry afterimage in front of the body, and the mysterious force in the body swarmed out from the fingers. With the flip of the two fingers, the mysterious force swarmed from the fingers of the fingers. The force begins to condense between the hands.

The power of a law consists of nine knots, like a chain. At this time, the spirit is constructing a section. This section is a fire attribute, and it is very slow to construct a hundred percent. It is only one percent of this, it exudes a huge power, and that section is crystal red.


The development that has just condensed a hundred percent has collapsed, the spirit is weak, and the sticky and mysterious power of the construction of the spirit has become diluted.

The piano opened his eyes, and there was no regret in his eyes. Instead, he jumped with joy. After all, the inspiration knows the power of the law and tries to formulate the rules.

Failure is inevitable, and Qin has not thought about the power of the first time to understand the law. Slightly narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, he knew that with the current realm of the spirit, it was impossible to compile the power of a rule. And the rules of preparation, the consumption of mysterious power is too great.

At the same time, Qin double also understands a truth. The reason why the spirit can vaguely feel the power of the law is that the whole of the spirit is the power of mystery, but the **** of the gods and the **** of the sun are not, so the power of the law is not felt.


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